Sentences with phrase «of energy reserves»

If you choose to skip your breakfast, there are lots of energy reserves in your body to keep it running smoothly.
They are high because they have a sufficient supply of energy reserves.
The world has plenty of energy reserves to meet its needs for the next twenty years and for decades beyond.
On one hand, the damaged muscle loses the ability to produce strength, which is related to the «wall» - faintness after the depletion of energy reserves - which support runners when they have completed 35 km of the race.
To really work the science, add a subsequent anaerobic session — weights or other — to tap into the dearth of energy reserves needed for glycolysis and force the body to burn fat.
The last thing your body wants to do when it's chronically inflamed is let go of its energy reserves (stored fat).
Be mindful of your energy reserves and if you are just beginning a health recovery program, fatigued, or recovering from an illness or surgery, do NOT push yourself to work out.
This means that when taken as a part of a regular diet, it can increasestamina by regulating the biochemical pathways that produce energy, which in effect streamlines the saving of energy reserves in the body.
«New Zealand is energy rich but in the present climate of man - made global warming hysteria this may sound like heresy, as much of our energy reserves are fossil fuel ones.»
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