Sentences with phrase «of equality laws»

Women's pay still lags behind men's despite 30 years of equality laws.
The Christian Institute's spokesman, Simon Calvert, said: «We welcome the finding that the saying of prayers isn't discriminatory, or a breach of equality laws, or human rights laws.
The purpose of equality law should be to protect the oppressed, yet this consultation appears intended to hand over the decision about who should be protected into a contest between the oppressed and their oppressors.
Teachers from minority ethnic backgrounds were more likely to have been denied progression than other teachers, and over half of women teachers absent on maternity leave during the year who were eligible for progression had been turned down, showing that many decisions are in clear contravention of equalities law.
«This is likely to be a landmark case determining the future direction of equality law in the UK, and potentially also in Europe.»
Join us for Scotland's equality law and housing conference on 21st May to understand the impact of equality law on homelessness, evictions and housing allocations in Scotland.
This site is for advocates, academics and practitioners involved in equality rights, to monitor and advance the development of equality law in Canada.

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The legal notion of equality before the law reflects this ideal.
Maya Raghu, director of workplace equality at the National Women's Law Center, says this is not mere «locker room talk.»
And what happens to individual freedom and equality — and to our very conception of law itself — when the criminal code comes to cover so many facets of daily life that prosecutors can almost choose their targets with impunity?»
Despite the demonstrable negative consequences in states that have passed laws that undermine LGBTQ equality, the coming months will indicate whether the ascent of Donald Trump to the White House is emboldening religious conservatives to press for more such bills after a series of gains for gay and transgender people at the federal level under the Obama administration.
For instance, Chinese firms have to be aware of roles of trade unions and labour laws that differ from those in China; be respectful to the diversity and equality that are the reality of Canadian culture and society; and be environment friendly that reflects Canadians value.
Emancipation might have been delayed for decades if a minority of diehard idealists had not made such a fuss insisting on a philosophically consistent application of the ideals of liberty and equality under the law.
I agree with you on some ideas you have, but disagree with most of your assessments regarding my motives, tactics, strategy, and application of my personal viewpoints on equality under the law.
Can you see why equality under the law and equal rights for everyone means throwing out the bias of religion, as none of them agree with the others on anything.
I was talking about the rule of law and equality under the law.
The core assumption of Virtually Normal» and a compelling one, too» is that the absence of public laws granting homosexuals full equality has helped create a culture in which homosexuality is considered dirty or sinful, and in which homosexuals are deemed incapable of loving each other with dignity and commitment.
but now, he want's to condem a group of people and say that they can have equality under the law... that is the epitome of hypocracy!
Every encroachment and violation of the First Amendment by religious groups violates my rights to religious freedom and violates my equal rights to equality under the law.
In an attempt to calm the passions of «Black Tuesday,» as the riot came to be known, the government last July replaced the makeshift grave with a marble sarcophagus, even as it declared that it would uphold the new constitution» which guarantees the equality of all religions before the law.
Ted when you state equality of the law I return to the statement that many people bring their life's experiences to the table.
Civilized society requires that all men and women have equal rights before the law, but that equality should not extend to equality of condition: that is, society is a great partnership, in which all have equal rights — but not to equal things.
With a majority of 5 - 4, judges held that the 14th Amendment in the US Constitution, which regards equality before the law, enshrines the right of all to marry regardless of their sexuality.
We are deeply concerned that this discriminatory law runs counter to our guiding principles of equality and mutual respect and do not yet know what impact it will have on our ability to successfully host the 2017 All - Star Game in Charlotte.
This would assume an «imaginative,» not a historical, disposition: a divine intent in history, God - gifted immutable laws of morality, to which man has a duty to conform; order as a first requirement of good governance, achieved best by a restraint and respect for custom and tradition; variety as more desirable than systematic uniformity and liberty more desirable than equality; the honor and duty of a good life in a good community as taking precedence over individual desire; an embrace of a skepticism toward reason and abstract principle.
You say «progressive Christians believe that heaven is a place of equality, tolerance, and harmony and want to pass laws to make the here and now in heaven's image».
Christian bakers found to have breached equality laws by refusing to make a pro-gay marriage cake have lost their case at the Belfast Court of Appeal.
Well now if you had a majority group trying to use their beliefs in the making of laws that pertain to equality, you'd be taking a stand also.
The notion that constitutional - moral ideals, like equality and liberty, are ones that reason can analyze and apply comports with the notion of a natural law that is accessible to all people of good will («written on the heart,» in Paul's words).
In particular, the declaration references the charter's «principles of constitutional contractual citizenship» and «freedom of movement, property ownership, mutual solidarity and defense, as well as principles of justice and equality before the law,» in regards to Muslims and non-Muslims.
The liberal elite who occupy the positions of influence in deciding cases under human rights or equality laws tend to use them as a tool to achieve the results that conform to the fashionable values they have absorbed or which prevail in the social environments in which they live, are educated and work.
We've had full equality here in Canada since 2005 and most legal benefits through the extension of our «common - law» status to same - sex couples from 1999.
Here's the confusion: Arkes proposes and defends the notion that natural law best accounts for our intuitions of equality and justice; Prof. Smolin responds by pointing out that people have believed evil things in the name of natural law.
Laws that at one time helped accomplish equality and peace, at later times and in other cultures, become tools of hatred, greed, division, and strife.
What we have had in British political life under British common law is a procrustean class system, one of the most fixed in the world, confirming aristocratic and plutocratic class rule, rigidly preventing the overwhelming numbers of the lower class from gaining equality, representation in government, decent working conditions, the right to union organization, suffrage, and acceptable living standards until the end of the nineteenth century.
She said: «I think this private member's bill follows a trend we've seen in America with the introduction of state legislation to undermine LGBT and other equality laws with an increase of so - called conscientious objection exemptions for public employees providing public services.»
DO maintain equality of treatment for different Christian religions within the law as a core element of the Theocratic state.
If the framers of the Constitution had been more morally courageous in identifying slavery as an evil, or if the later compensatory amendment had rooted liberty in a common human nature rather than on weaker procedural grounds of equality under the law, then perhaps the expansion of protected classes and arbitrary rights would not have advanced so stridently.
The Guardian: Female bishops: EU anti-discrimination law may be the CoE's salvation While the Church of England's legalism has halted progress on equality issues by voting against the ordination of female bishops this week, EU anti-discrimination law may prove its salvation.
Though he has pledged his commitment to make Mozilla «a place of equality and welcome for all,» those calling for his resignation contend that Eich's support of the 2008 law disqualifies him for the position.
However, people originally funded by Atlantic Philanthropies in various projects had moved on to being active in the machinery of Government at various levels, especially the quangoes concerned with equality and law - reform, and the Government did not do so.
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
In its ideological foundations political democracy is derived both from the Stoic conception of a natural law of human equality and the Christian idea of the worth and dignity of all men in the sight of God.
Moreover equality before the law is a necessary adjunct to the competitive nature of capitalism: the end result can not be equality, but from start to finish the rules must apply equally to all.
And the religious denominational plurality along with strong middle class and later working class groups committed to atheism destroyed any possibility of return to Christendom, and the only option for national unity was to secularize the state with equality under law for all religious and secular thought and groups.
Sign of hinduism racism hurts every one including foundation of American con sti tui ion, human equality, hindu racist sign of hinduism, racism cross along with Swastika must be eliminated to up hold law of USA.
Liberalism's defenders fear that any compromise of liberal principles will result in the resurgence of religious warfare, the re-enslavement of various populations, the loss of the independence of women, and the abandonment of rights and equality under law.
The conception of inviolable human dignity, of constitutional limits upon central power, of equality under law, and of the free exchange of goods and services in markets is, again, part of a preliberal legacy.
The dark irony of American constitutional democracy is that our judges» whose special responsibility it is to preserve the core democratic principle of equality before the law» are the ones whose edicts have betrayed this principle.
For example, the Law at times seems to set out as its standard a basic notion of equality.
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