Sentences with phrase «of equatorial currents»

Features of the model described here include the following: (1) tripolar grid to resolve the Arctic Ocean without polar filtering, (2) partial bottom step representation of topography to better represent topographically influenced advective and wave processes, (3) more accurate equation of state, (4) three - dimensional flux limited tracer advection to reduce overshoots and undershoots, (5) incorporation of regional climatological variability in shortwave penetration, (6) neutral physics parameterization for representation of the pathways of tracer transport, (7) staggered time stepping for tracer conservation and numerical efficiency, (8) anisotropic horizontal viscosities for representation of equatorial currents, (9) parameterization of exchange with marginal seas, (10) incorporation of a free surface that accommodates a dynamic ice model and wave propagation, (11) transport of water across the ocean free surface to eliminate unphysical «virtual tracer flux» methods, (12) parameterization of tidal mixing on continental shelves.
What makes ENSO possible is the blockage of the equatorial currents in the Western Pacific that allows the Indo - Pacific Warm Pool to form that is the source of the El Nino wave.
This has been going on as long as the present configuration of equatorial currents has existed which is to say since the Panamanian Seaway closed.
I see that this might increase the flow through the Gulf of Mexico, which brings up the idea of using turbines in the Antilles passages tocreate some back pressure that diverts some of the Equatorial current water around the Caribbean Sea and directly into the Gulf Stream.

Not exact matches

What they've found is a country with pretty colonial towns and cities, miles of golden - sand beaches, an equatorial climate tempered by offshore ocean currents and the mountain terrain to make it spring - like year - round, and an incredibly low cost of living.
But our moon's rotational bulge — an equatorial diameter that would be, on average, about 200 meters longer than its diameter through the poles if the moon weren't so cratered with huge basins — is about 20 times larger than expected, based on its current once - per - month rate of rotation.
Somewhere off the coast of Mexico it most likely meets the North Equatorial Current, which flows toward Asia.
The current generation of satellites was built by Rockwell International and Lockheed Martin, and each one orbits the planet in about 12 hours, cutting across the equatorial plane at an angle of roughly 55 degrees.
First - order models predicted that solar wind compression regions would induce an increase in the angular velocity of the equatorial plasma and decrease the currents related to the lag from corotation, thus resulting in a dimmer aurora (e.g. Southwood & Kivelson 2001).
Hotspots of high intensity occurred in regions of large SST variability including the five western boundary current extension regions (+2 — 5 °C), the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean (+1 — 4 °C) and eastern boundary current regions (+1 — 3 °C).
While waters the islands to the south are generally cool, Darwin and Wolf are influenced by the warmer waters of the Panama Current and the North Equatorial Countercurrent.
The South Equatorial Current joins forces with the colder water of the Humboldt Current.
At the crossroads of the Equatorial Countercurrent and the colder Humboldt Current, the nutrient - waters of the Galapagos Islands attract everything from whales and whale sharks to pods of dolphins and large schools of hammerhead and silky sharks.
For instance, the book discusses the (essentially non-existent) effect of El Nino Southern Oscillation on the Gulf stream; it is possible that the authors actually had the ocean currents off the Peruvian and Equatorial coasts in mind.
An unprecedented strengthening of Pacific trade winds since the late 1990s has caused widespread climate perturbations, including rapid sea - level rise in the western tropical Pacific, strengthening of Indo - Pacific ocean currents, and an increased uptake of heat in the equatorial Pacific thermocline.
The rise of CO2 from 270ppm to now over 400ppm, the extent of equatorial and sub tropical deforestation, the soot deposits on the polar ice caps, the increase in atmospheric water vapour due to a corresponding increase in ocean temps and changes in ocean currents, the extreme ice albedo currently happening in the arctic etc, etc are all conspiring in tandem to alter the climate as we know it.
Those areas are the ENSO, the Kuroshio, the Gulf - Stream equivalent area of the Kuroshio, the Equatorial Atlantic (which has some type of oscillation like the ENSO)(and these two replace the AMO), the Agulhus current off South Africa, the Brazil - Malvinus Confluence closer to Antarctica.
'' This offers supporting evidence that the earth's spin rate is currently increasing, in agreement with Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum due to a reduction in the earth's spin axis Moment of Inertia, that in turn suggests there is a mechanism in the current part of the Donn and Ewing climate cycle that is transferring equatorial ocean water to ice in polar regions.....
1) It appears AGW that melts arctic freshwater also results in a negative feedback that acts against runaway warming; more warm Gulf Stream volume eventually results in less cool volume from Antarctic subpolar current to North equatorial at the base of Cuba.
The current flow in the atmosphere changes the amount of low level cloud in the high latitude regions and changes the optical properties and lifetime of clouds in the equatorial region (is the primary reason for El Niño events).
El Ni o an irregular variation of ocean current that, from January to February, flows off the west coast of South America, carrying warm, low - salinity, nutrient - poor water to the south; does not usually extend farther than a few degrees south of the Equator, but occasionally it does penetrate beyond 12 S, displacing the relatively cold Peruvian current; usually short - lived effects, but sometimes last more than a year, raising sea - surface temperatures along the coast of Peru and in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean, having disastrous effects on marine life and fishing
Equatorial Countercurrent — between the westward warm equatorial currents of the Atlantic, Pacific, and IndiEquatorial Countercurrent — between the westward warm equatorial currents of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indiequatorial currents of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
The East Australian Current (EAC) is the southward western boundary current that is formed from the South Equatorial Current (SEC) crossing the Coral Sea and reaching the eastern coast of AusCurrent (EAC) is the southward western boundary current that is formed from the South Equatorial Current (SEC) crossing the Coral Sea and reaching the eastern coast of Auscurrent that is formed from the South Equatorial Current (SEC) crossing the Coral Sea and reaching the eastern coast of AusCurrent (SEC) crossing the Coral Sea and reaching the eastern coast of Australia.
However, I am not a «warmista» by any means — we do not know how to properly quantify the albedo of aerosols, including clouds, with their consequent negative feedback effects in any of the climate sensitivity models as yet — and all models in the ensemble used by the «warmistas» are indicating the sensitivities (to atmospheric CO2 increase) are too high, by factors ranging from 2 to 4: which could indicate that climate sensitivity to a doubling of current CO2 concentrations will be of the order of 1 degree C or less outside the equatorial regions (none or very little in the equatorial regions)- i.e. an outcome which will likely be beneficial to all of us.
Inasmuch as both of these currents circulate primarily North Atlantic water in a narrow equatorial loop, this scarcely qualifies as the great conveyor of heat from SH to NH that you seem to suggest.
The circulation to the south on the southern rim of the subtropical gyre is completed by the westward - flowing North Equatorial Current, part of which flows into the Gulf of Mexico; the remaining part flows northward as the Antilles Current.
Discovery, with rocket - borne magnetometer, of equatorial electrojet current in the ionosphere (1949).
Such things as the closing of the isthmus of Panama, and the thrusting of the Himalyas 10 km into the equatorial atmospheric winds, seem to have been what initiated the onset of the current cycles of ice ages, while when the Panama gap was open and warm currents could flow round the world, the earth was warmer than today.
I prepared a video of the changes in the equatorial Pacific current flows before, during, and after the 1997/98 El Nino.
Bill Illis: I've been looking (with no success) for data on the flow rates and reversals of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent and the Pacific Equatorial Intermediate Current.
Any temperature rise that would occur due the slowing of the Northern and Southern Pacific equatorial currents («gets heated day after day by the equatorial Sun») would be countered by the increase in cloud amount, which would reduce downward shortwave radiation.
Maybe an East - West temperature oscillation is a natural feature of any body of water with enough East - West equatorial size for it, and it just happens that under the current continental configuration only the Pacific is large enough.
A powerful pulse of heat that will reinforce the current weak, mid-ocean El Nino, lend energy to ridiculously warm Pacific Ocean sea surface states, and pave the way for a long - duration equatorial heat spike.
Then, as the La Nina of 1998/99/00 / 01 progressed, the trade winds, Pacific Equatorial Currents, and a phenomenon known as a Rossby wave returned the remaining surface and subsurface warm water to the western Pacific.
One of Phil's most successful uses of ship drift data was to study seasonal variability in the equatorial currents in the Atlantic Ocean.
ENSO is an actual physical oscillation of ocean water involving equatorial currents in a large bowl called the Pacific Ocean.
It is also known that geothermal energy particularly warms the pacific waters around its rim (the ring of fire)-- perhaps not a large factor but, it, too, would be gathered and moved to the equatorial zone by the currents.
6 flow in opposite direction of wind - related currents return water taken away from one side of the ocean basin to the opposite side EX: Equatorial Countercurrents
In the North Atlantic and the North Pacific heat transport is regulated by conflict of warm and cold currents: North Atlantic Drift and East Greenland Currents (NA) as drivers of the AMO, Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents (NP) driving the PDO, while in Central Pacific the South Equatorial Current is the key oscillator, the source of tcurrents: North Atlantic Drift and East Greenland Currents (NA) as drivers of the AMO, Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents (NP) driving the PDO, while in Central Pacific the South Equatorial Current is the key oscillator, the source of tCurrents (NA) as drivers of the AMO, Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents (NP) driving the PDO, while in Central Pacific the South Equatorial Current is the key oscillator, the source of tCurrents (NP) driving the PDO, while in Central Pacific the South Equatorial Current is the key oscillator, the source of the ENSO.
With no (or weak) westward equatorial current, the sea surface warms in the tropical Sun and cools evaporatively, adding vast amounts of moisture to the atmosphere.
Or exactly how much heating of the equatorial ocean gets transported to the poles by ocean currents.
For 3,500 billion years the equatorial oceans have been absorbing 80 to 90 % of the solar radiation applied to them, this energy is distributed round the planet via the ocean currents.
For example, while SST decreased overall since 1958 in many parts of the California Current, SST increased in the easternmost southern subtropical gyre and equatorial Pacific [40].
In addition, the turbine arrays can provide sufficient back pressure to cause some of the North and South Equatorial Current water to flow around the Antilles chain instead of entering the Caribbean Sea and passing through the Gulf of Mexico.
It is refilled by the coldness of the poles, and artificial pumping, which will increase poleward warm currents (by mechanical pushing), will warm the arctic by pushing more warm equatorial water towards the poles.
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