Sentences with phrase «of equilibirum»

It will take some time for this response to occur, and the value of equilibirum sensitivity is all about how much warming you get if you wait long enough; not about how quickly the warming occurs.
The press coverage of the paper mostly picked up on the very high end sensitivities (up to 11ºC) and often confused the notion of an equilibirum sensitivity with an actual prediction for 2100 and this lead to some pretty way - out headlines.
This includes understanding and implementing the classical practices, understanding chakras and working on breath yoga as well as simplified 12 basic asanas that help the body and mind and help us balance the sun and moon energy (left and right side of the brain) and bring this energy in the center in a state of equilibirum that helps us achieve more in meditation.

Not exact matches

For instance, this allows us to compare the global effects of very different forcings in a consistent manner, without having to run the model to equilibirum every time.
[Response: You are correct in that you would expect a lag, however, the response to an increase to a steady level of forcing is a lagged increase in temperature and then a asymptotic relaxation to the eventual equilibirum.
It is often stated and seems to be accepted that there is a lag of temperature with the increase of CO2 until new radiative equilibirum is achieved.
The value of about 3 for the standard «Charney» equilibirum sensitivity is also unexceptional; it's just background to the discussion, referring to the current best available rough estimate.
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