Sentences with phrase «of essential categories»

«The only possible argument for God must show that doubt of God is doubt of any and all truth, renunciation of the essential categories of thinking.
Every possible argument for God must show that doubt of God is doubt of any and all truth, renunciation of the essential categories of thinking.
The first step is to eliminate the optional uses, and the second step is to eliminate the wasteful elements of the essential category.

Not exact matches

The baby and maternity category is essential to capturing the next generation of shoppers, he says, and defines a group that visits Target stores most often.)
The increase was especially pronounced in two of the most essential categories, family medicine (+50 % to 29 days), and OBGYN (+53 % to 26.4 days), while another staple, cardiology, rose a significant 27 %.
The types of cookies used by us and our partners in connection with the Website can be classified into one of five categories, namely «essential Website cookies», «functionality cookies», «analytics and performance cookies», «advertising cookies», and» social media cookies».
For the most basic categories (food, housing, transportation, healthcare, insurance and personal care) identify the minimum annual amounts to maintain your required level of financial security as essential - level expenses.
These standards ensure that 10 categories of essential health benefits are part of the benchmark coverage for each market (Exhibit 5).11 But the benefits for newly eligible Medicaid enrollees exceed what is required in qualified marketplace plans.
Prescription: This situation calls for «a new trajectory of thinking -LSB-...] a deeper critical evaluation of the category of relation -LSB-... using] metaphysics and theology, -LSB-...] a metaphysical interpretation of the «humanum» in which relationality is an essential element» (n. 53 - 54, see also n. 9, 19, 31, 33, 43).
Let me rephrase this essential point in the language of the fourteenth category of explanation: A set of mutually contemporaneous actual entities does not have a «unity of the relatedness constituted by their prehensions [i.e., simple physical feelings] of each other» (Process 24).
Any mixture of categories of language can be dangerous, and yet some mixing is essential if one is to gain insight into religious meanings.
Whitehead is claiming here that by its very nature, the essential creativity of a living occasion is too evanescent to be subject to the Category of Transmutation.
Although Metz views the categories of narrative and memory as essential for Christian solidarity with the world, his categories refer primarily to the collective experience of the church universal expressed in theological terms (memory of the dead, apocalyptic hope, etc.).
This Jewish category of Messiahship was not primarily metaphysical; it did not so much concern the essential nature of the divine missioner as his vocation; it could be applied on different levels — to one conceived as a «son of David» specially anointed to fulfil the divine purpose, or to one conceived as a preexistent being, come at last to earth to achieve God's will.
For both Chomsky and Hitchens, the only categories that exist for understanding are the categories of contemporary political discourse - which leaves utterly unexplained both the blood spilled and the essential wrongness of its spilling.
In this regard we do need to return to the essential outlines of the Thomistic tradition while developing its specific arguments and detailed categories in the light of modern science.
Category Challenges & Innovations - Rum Essentials, Part VI just - drinks, in association with The IWSR, presents this six - part review of the global rum cCategory Challenges & Innovations - Rum Essentials, Part VI just - drinks, in association with The IWSR, presents this six - part review of the global rum categorycategory.
It is increasingly apparent that to achieve further reductions in fat, salt and sugar we need to re-invent our processes and view of food production and it essential that the visionaries and entrepreneurs within the food and drink category continue to challenge the scope and boundaries of the status quo.
I am going to bring up in this article a category wise complete list of baby essentials for your infant baby.
This category of items is mostly self - explanatory, as they are basic items that are essential to caring for a child.
Active pertussis toxin works by entering white blood cells and chemically modifying a category of G proteins, which are essential signaling molecules.
After analyzing the effectiveness of a variety of popular diet regimens from around the world and observing both the eating habits of my fellow Danes and what kept them both satisfied and lean, I was amazed to discover that the traditional Danish diet gets top marks in a number of categories essential for helping us to fight off those pounds that seem to creep up on us over the years.
Whey isolate, which falls into the dairy category, is heralded to be the superior option for gym - goers because it contains all the essential amino acids and contains the highest amount of protein per serving.
In addition to having eight essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium and iron, maca is also known as an «adaptogen,» which is a category of certain herbs and plants that help our bodies adapt during stressful situations.
Eating a varied diet full of fruits, vegetables, healthy proteins and fats, and whole grains is the best way to get enough of these six essential nutrients plus the important category of phytonutrients — the beneficial chemicals in colorful plants that prevent disease.
Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, bok choy, radish greens or beet greens are rich in all categories of Vitamin B, which are essential to your cell function and brain health.
Vitamin B isnâ $ ™ t just one vitamin, but a whole category of nutrients that are essential for giving you energy and helping your body function right.
Categories: Amino Acids, Amino Acids for Health Issues, Apartic Acid, Cancer, Essential Amino Acids, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Other Health Issues, Phenylalanine Tags: amino acid, amino acid information center, aspartame, cancer, cancer damage, cancer - causing, causes cancer, danger of cancer, dangers of, dangers of phenylalanine, does aspartame cause, formaldehyde, increase risk of, phenylalanine, zorilla marketing August 26, 2015 Author AAIADMIN
Categories / / Essential Oils Tags / / Antioxidant, benefits of essential oils, clean living, essential oils, health, Ningxia Red, supplements, wellness, Young Living EssenEssential Oils Tags / / Antioxidant, benefits of essential oils, clean living, essential oils, health, Ningxia Red, supplements, wellness, Young Living Essenessential oils, clean living, essential oils, health, Ningxia Red, supplements, wellness, Young Living Essenessential oils, health, Ningxia Red, supplements, wellness, Young Living EssentialEssential Oils
Categories: Amino Acids, Amino Acids for Health Issues, Cancer, Essential Amino Acids, Glutamine, Methionine, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine Tags: amino acid information center, amino acids, benefits of, cancer, cancer prevention, glutamine, health benefits, human study, in men, men's health, methionine, phenylalanine, prevent, prevent cancer, prevent prostate cancer, prevention, prostate cancer, prostate cancer prevention, Tyrosine, zorilla marketing August 27, 2015 Author AAIADMIN
Categories: Amino Acids, Amino Acids for Health Issues, Arginine, Cardiovascular Health, Energy and Vitality, Essential Amino Acids, Glycine, Lifestyle and Aging, Lysine, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Ornithine Tags: amino acid combination, amino acid information center, amino acid supplement, amino acids, Anti Aging, antiaging, avoid surgery, bio-molecules, cardiocascular health, cosmetic surgery, CT - atRA, Dr. Oz, fountain of youth, HGH, how to, human growth horomone, Intense pulsed light, IPL, live to be old, live to be very old, nature's fountain of youth, non-invasive, Nutritional therapy, old and youthful, skin treatment, skin wrinkles, statistically significant, stay young, stay youthful, supplements, YAG laser treatment, youthful old, zorilla marketing August 26, 2015 Author AAIADMIN
Categories: Amino Acids, Amino Acids for Health Issues, Apartic Acid, Cancer, Essential Amino Acids, Non-Essential Amino Acids, Other Health Issues, Phenylalanine Tags: amino acid, amino acid information center, aspartame, aspartame poisoning, aspartic acid, cancer, cancer from aspartam, cancer methanol, dangers of, methanol, methanol cancer, methanol poisoning, phenylalanine, truth about aspartame, wood alcohol, zorilla marketing August 27, 2015 Author AAIADMIN
The Eight Essentials ® consists of the eight most noted categories that will help pre-diabetic patients and diabetic patients move from victims to victors.
Each incomplete circle represents one of the 4 Energetic Health Primary Therapies (Organic Holistic Nutrition, Yoga, Release Point Therapy & Breathwork) as well as the 4 Energetic Health Therapy Categories for developing treatment plans (Primary Therapies, Complimentary Therapies, Fine - tuning Therapies, Essential Therapies).
These essential micronutrients are listed below, divided into their categories of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
Though categorization is a valuable, essential data management tool, one that helped propel us to the top of the food chain (grouping bits of data together into categories allows us to handle more mental «stuff» at once), we run the risk of forgetting that these groups are made up of individual, non-homogenous bits.
The teacher's work documents are stamped by a satisfied German clerk, placing him in the category of Blauschein - an «essential» worker with a «blue stamp» in a war - protected industry.
When working with the Common Core, we recommend that educators «unpack» them into four broad categories — 1) Long - term Transfer Goals, 2) Overarching Understandings, 3) Overarching Essential Questions, and 4) a set of recurring Cornerstone Tasks.
The second and third unpacking categories — Overarching Understandings and Essential Questions — are like two sides of a coin.
In this third of a five - part series, educators Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins suggest that that educators «unpack» the CCSS into four broad categories — 1) Long - term Transfer Goals, 2) Overarching Understandings, 3) Overarching Essential Questions, and 4) a set of recurring Cornerstone Tasks.
---- «a set of standards must embody the knowledge essential to each of the core subjects, and this can not be accomplished by trying to fit disciplinary knowledge into broad over-arching, non disciplinary categories such as «critical thinking» and «problem solving.»»
Drawing on a close reading of public polling research and empirical research on factors related to school quality, and engaging in conversations with teachers, students, families, principals, and district administrators, we have identified five categories — the first three being essential inputs and the last two being key outcomes — and over 30 unique measures to capture the nuances of schools:
Social and emotional skills make up one category of these essential skills, including attributes such as resiliency, stress management, empathy, social awareness, and self - confidence.
The breadth of ways attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder may be manifested makes its intersection with any of the disability categories under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act particularly circumspect and still often essential to providing a free appropriate public education.
The State Board of Education has approved three categories of assessments that students can use to meet the Essential Skills graduation requirements: the state test, other standardized tests, and work samples.
The basic technology is available with the designation «Basic»; it offers the essential functions of a monotube damper as well as standardized connection interfaces for various vehicle categories — among other also for small mid-size cars.
Category choice is an essential part of getting the bestseller status.
Recommended Reading and Self - Publishing Professionals directory of all the essential services searchable by category.
From the home screen, users can swipe their finger through thumbnails of currently running apps, cycle between app categories, and view all those essentials like time and battery life.
While this is essential operational data, it's also one of the most important pieces of marketing - related metadata: Category choices can have a big impact on sales, positively or negatively.
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