Sentences with phrase «of eternal security»

We POINT men SPECIFICALLY to FAITH in Christ in His PROMISE, which is a guarantee of eternal security to all who merely take Him at His word for it.
If we were to take the time to study the entire book, as I hope to do someday, we would discover that the book of Hebrews teaches the doctrine of eternal security more than many other books of the Bible!
Quite to the contrary, there are numerous reasons to believe and teach the biblical truth of eternal security, all of which I cover in my online course.
But I noticed they take the Free Grace view of eternal security, and so I was quite impressed with them.
And I understand why they want to do this — for the sake of the unity of the church — but I think that if we lose or sidestep the truths of eternal security and assurance of salvation, then we have pretty much lost most of the gospel — we have pretty much lost the battle for the truth of the Gospel.
Pentecostals, being rooted or influenced from a Wesleyan / Holiness background, also tend to reject the doctrine of eternal security, a doctrine central to many Mainline and Evangelical denominations.
It is a tragic paradox, and indeed a travesty, of Christianity that it has so often been proclaimed to men as a way to save themselves and to reach a haven of eternal security.
They are far too late to the party to play the role of an onramp to the chain of eternal security given that foreknowledge and predestination long precede it, being before the foundation of the world.
The logical extension of eternal security is that people who give themselves over to evil must be accepted into heaven.
Because of all of this, it has been argued, and I would agree, that the issue of eternal security may well be the most hotly debated and theologically divisive issue in the church today.
In other words, a lack of eternal security leads to legalism.
Music styles might possibly be in first place, but if so, the issue of eternal security is not far behind.
The foundation of eternal security is an understanding of the matchless grace of God.
Read my responses to Craig above and I hope you will at least caution yourself and others to not place blind faith in the doctrine of eternal security.

Not exact matches

I do believe in eternal security, so I would say that although we are citizens of the Kingdom of God through faith in Jesus, we can still live according to some of the rules (and consequences) of the Kingdom of Darkness.
We can hold to eternal security while still affirming that most verses that talk about «salvation» affirm a conditional deliverance from some sort of temporal and physical calamity.
When you are offered the choice of either being Arminian (Lose your salvation) or Calvinist (Sovereignty of God and Eternal Security) it is a no - brainer.
But a strong, Biblical understanding of God's grace, a grace that gives us everything for free, a grace that is not earned, not worked for, and can not be lost or destroyed, a grace that covers over all our sins, this kind of grace leads to one thing — eternal security.
Quite the contrary, I am convinced that when Scripture is studied in its various contexts, eternal security is the clear teaching of the Bible.
One of the basic things we must understand is that eternal security does not depend on us, but on God.
Many don't really care what kind of preaching a pastor does, they only care whether he teaches eternal security or not.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: Acts 16:31, eternal life, eternal security, everlasting life, rewards, salvation, saved, Theology of Salvation
And it is my conviction, it is my observation that those who believe in eternal security move a lot faster down the road of discipleship than those who are constantly afraid of making mistakes.
I think that much of the confusion about the security of eternal life comes from this simple misunderstanding.
After I tell some Christians that I believe that God foreknows those whom He can convince / persuade to make a free will decision to accept Christ as their savior and that I believe in eternal security of the believer, they say that God can only eternally secure a believer if God removes the person's free will capacity to accept or reject Christ after the person accepts Christ as his savior.
Much of what the west has long taken for granted is now disappearing: the security provided by Christendom; the Christian way of interpreting reality; the confidence that the Christian path leads to eternal salvation; and the belief that Christian doctrine embodies the essential and unchangeable truths by which to live.
Eternal security (the belief that a person can not lose his or her salvation) is rejected, since Mormon salvation is based in large part on acts of obedience after an initial faith experience.
Some of you will hit me with a bunch of scripture later about apostasy and scripture that is against eternal security.
He saved me from my sins... gave me peace, joy and security of Eternal life.
I divorced and remarried then both me and my husband became Christians, I was fine with this as we were not Christians before we got remarried, but i commited adultery with my exhusband and although i know God has forgiven me and my husband has forgiven me it has has an effect on my spirit, i don't feel the same since i commted adultery, i feel unclean and my 100 % security of eternal salvation isn't there now.
You need to understand the fact that the fear of having committed the unpardonable sin is the manifestation of your concern about your salvation, about your eternal security, about eternal life.
1) that eternal life given on the basis of faith alone, in Christ alone, apart from works; 2) that eternal security is part of the gift of eternal life; 3) that assurance of salvation is through faith in Christ's promise of eternal life, and not by looking at one's own works 4) Christians can apostatize in this life, and are still eternally secure 5) eternal rewards are earned by faithful works, and lost by unfaithfulness 6) unlimited atonement 7) free - will to respond to God's drawing or not
God is One Verse, Redeeming Scripture, Redeeming Theology, z Bible & Theology Topics: book of life, book of the living, eternal life, eternal security, gospel, gospel dictionary, Lambs book of life, revelation 3:5
A fervently religious child, with a pension for impromptu lectures to classmates about substitutionary atonement and eternal security, this news came as a bit of blow, but I supposed I could find my calling elsewhere.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: Books by Jeremy Myers, Calvinism, eternal security, James 2, Once Saved Always Saved, salvation, saved, Theology of Salvation
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: assurance, Bible and Theology Questions, eternal life, eternal security, kingdom of god, lose salvation, Theology of Salvation
«Eternal security,» the claim «once saved, always saved,» does not involve the loss of ability to sin.
Eternal security is the confidence that, no matter how much the waves of earthly temptation toss our bark, we shall reach the harbor.
... love places the eternal security and permanent welfare of the object of love above any transitory or temporary comfort or present pleasure down her upon this earth.
Being complete with historically accurate facts, a fundamentalist friendly framework, tongue - in - cheek humor, and many twists of irony, this small set of condensed Biblically faith - based narratives is sure to warm your heart and give you the eternal security for which you have always longed but did not know it yet because you are blinded by Satan.
Yet of two things the Christian can be confident: that the way of brotherhood and mutual understanding is God's way, which if followed leads to justice, security, and peace; and that if man does end his collective life upon earth, God will still reign in his eternal Kingdom.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: assurance, Bible Study, book of life, book of the living, eternal security, revelation 3:5, Theology of Salvation, Theology of the End Times
This sort of oversight is present in the chapters on the providence of God, salvation, eternal security, and hell, just to name a few.
In our day and age, the question about eternal security and the assurance of salvation is sometimes seen as a divisive issue.
Just because I believe in the eternal security of the believer doesn't make me a Calvinist and just because I don't believe God chose or elected who would be saved doesn't make me an Arminian or any combo of the two.
I am absolutely confident in my eternal security because of what Jesus did for me on the cross.
Since many Christians think that these two terms are synonymous, they don't really see much of a difference between eternal security and «once saved, always saved.»
One's eternal security is tied to caring for «the least of these,» whoever they are.
I've read books on eternal security, I'm not talking about that, but rather, I'm talking about your definition of «saved» as deliverance.
I have my own thoughts about the subject which I believe is the only way to conjoin the free Gift of God, eternal security, works, obedience, faith, etc..
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