Sentences with phrase «of ethical terms»

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The ethical problems are obvious: You're changing the terms of discourse without the other person agreeing to do that.
For more about millennials» opinions of employee loyalty and long - term goals, as well as the importance of health care and working for an ethical company, check out the infographic below and Bentley University's study.
It's easy to sketch a very rough kind of ethical justification of that business model, cast in terms of a commercial transaction between consenting adults, etc..
Luckily, friends of mine in Ukraine and Ukrainian - Americans are sponsoring students at the school to help fund ethical development of business — «clean,» to use their terms.
I used to know a nurse (the most trusted professional in terms of honesty and ethical standards) who consistently made me giggle by inserting unexpected F - bombs into her discourse.
But before we think about taxing robots and AI, we need to get the basics of the self - learning technology right, and develop comprehensive ethical standards that hold up for the long term.
The group behind the «ethical oil» play can't really expect the rest of us to start using the term to differentiate Canadian from other oil.
But it's worth noting that many ethical issues in business simply can't straightforwardly be cast in terms of social obligations.
Terms like «socially responsible investing», or «ethical investing» are falling out of favour because they have moral overtones, leftover from the days when investors chose stocks based on religious or ethical criteria, for example.
We are committed to maintaining a strong ethical culture and robust governance practices that benefit the long - term interests of our stockholders.
As with most changes it takes a while for people to approve of a new norm and while it may make things difficult / uncomfortable for soldiers in the near term it will create a better, more ethical government organization in the long run.
varying only in terms of the moral quality of their ethical practices, in the rabbinic view the non-Jewish world was now rent in two: one part idolatrous; the other part monotheistic.
Giving ontological status to the term «life» or «will - to - live,» the phrase «reverence for life» becomes a capsulized expression for Schweitzer's «mysticism of reality» or «ethical pantheism.»
4 I use the term «matter of preference» to mean a situation of human choice in which there is finally no rational basis for an ethical distinction between the alternatives.
Junior staff and nurses are also vulnerable in terms of their careers and may find it more difficult to voice ethical concerns they feel.
Many of them said, «I've never thought about contraception in theological terms,» or, «I've tried to avoid thinking about the ethical implications of this topic.»
Instead of allowing any unethical substitutes for spiritual fellowship with God, God was so conceived in terms of goodness that there could be no companionship with him without ethical likeness to him.
Though it is probable that the positive indications will have the greater long - term significance for American life, the negative side of the report is so disturbing that it's not easy to see through the immediate ethical dislocations to the longer view.
But he never used ethical terms around that issue of sex.
But the meta - ethical character of moral discourse can not itself be the criterion in terms of which sound and unsound moral arguments can be distinguished in or through discourse.
According to Leopold, ethical progress occurs when beings once regarded in merely utilitarian terms — that is, as property — come to be regarded as appropriate subjects of moral regard, and codes of conduct follow.
He does not view it in terms of an ethical community, as does much of 19th - century theology, but in accordance with the exe2etical discoveries of the 20th century, which find the source of this term in the apocalyptic movement and the teachings of Jesus.
The problem with such theological functionalism is that the ethical goal seems a given, in terms of which we interpret and evaluate the theological symbols.
Mission Study or Missiology (as we interchangeably use the two terms) as an academic discipline is closely related to the study of (other) living religions, and the discipline itself by definition is incomplete without its biblical - theological, historical, and practical - ethical dimensions and foundations.
Thirty years later — after Mary Ann Evans had come to London and become Marian Evans, then (in her mind, though not in English law, since the man with whom she lived was married to another) Marian Lewes, and ultimately the great and famous novelist George Eliot» she wrote in very similar terms to Harriet Beecher Stowe: for the good of humankind, orthodox Christianity must be replaced by an ethical religion that would instill in us «a more deeply awing sense of responsibility to man, springing from sympathy with the difficulty of the human lot.»
In Kierkegaardian terms, Karl Marx is a classic example of the ethical sphere of existence.
cit., pp. 110 - 116) Another result is the tendency to place the ethical choice in terms of the choice between one's own interest and that of others.
In Kierkegaardian terms this is a struggle between the aesthetic and the ethical spheres of existence.
My response to this is that despite the immense influence of Hellenistic culture on Christianity, the fundamental institutional, liturgical, and ethical patterns that won out in the struggle within the church are better understood in terms of their Hebraic background than in terms of their Hellenistic background.
But we can also speak in ethical terms and emphasize its character of obedience, of listening.
Such a study of the past could lead contextually to the situation today, in terms of any key social or ethical problems.
There were three main limitations on early Hebrew morals: the field of ethical obligation was tribally constricted; within the tribal circle certain classes were denied full personal rights; and the nature of moral conduct was interpreted in such external terms of custom and ritual as to make small demand on internal insight and quality.
If nature - in the words of Hans Kelsen - is viewed as «an aggregate of objective data linked together in terms of cause and effect», then indeed no ethical indication of any kind can be derived from it.
The term natural law is used to mean a body of ethical imperatives supposedly inherent in human beings and discovered by human reason.
Ten Thousand Villages is ethical at every step — providing a fair price, long - term partnerships, good working conditions, design collaboration, eco-conscious commitments, and with a strong track record of empowering women and children in particular.
King closes his essay with a discussion of what he terms «ethical indirection,» claiming that neither Zen nor my own work has any clear ethical direction to present.
This is not only the crux of the teaching of Jesus about forgiveness; it is also the key to understanding the «ethical» teaching of Jesus altogether: as men learn to live their lives in the context of their experience of the divine activity, so they must learn to live them in terms of the appropriate response to that activity.
Therefore, Peter will always stress the responsibility and the ethical obligation of Christianity, and will always see in Jesus Christ an example, however much more he sees, while Paul will always think in terms of inner communion and unity with Jesus Christ.
It would be better to come to ethical terms with the forces of nature in history, and try to use ethically directed coercion in order that violence may be avoided....
«Values education» thus becomes a way of presenting a Christian ethical universalism in nondogmatic terms.
Instead of approaching ethical questions in terms of specifiable rules or in terms of the consequences of one's actions, virtue ethics asks which virtues one ought to possess.
Because he wrote from the standpoint of the tribe of Ephraim and used the generic term El or Elohim for God, we call him «E.» The ethical sense of the «E» writer, or writers, seems more developed; the conception of God is more spiritual and less anthropomorphic.
Obviously he does: justice and righteousness belong to the Holiness of Yahweh (so 5:16, quoted above) But for Isaiah the term embraces vastly more than Yahweh's ethical attributes.
The century opened with the older generation still following the Ritschlian approach to God in terms of ethical idealism,» and to Jesus as the historical fact exemplifying that ideal.
19, often referred to as the highest development of ethics in the Old Testament, begins: «You shall be holy, for I, Yahweh your God am holy»; and for the most part throughout the chapter the terms of holiness are moral and ethical.
Having advanced the ideal of ecological justice based on the ethical implications of the Christian tradition, the statement concludes with a challenge to the churches — one that is appropriately set in visionary terms.
Seldom are the complexities of energy issues seen in moral terms, and seldom does energy appear high on the church's ethical agenda, especially within the local congregation.
But sooner than we might think, the term «quality of life» will be cropping up in popular medical / ethical articles about people who are not dying but who have either been born with severe physical birth defects or have sustained severely debilitating injuries, such as quadraplegia.
Although «secular humanism» is a term used most frequently by Protestant Fundamentalists, it was Justice Hugo Black» in delivering the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in a 1961 case, Torcaso v. Watkins» who distinguished between «religions based on a belief in the existence of God» and «religions founded on different beliefs,» such as «Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others.»
The former (characterized also by the terms «God - mysticism,» «passive» or «supra - ethical» mysticism) ends in world denial, affirms that Ultimate Reality is knowable, and asserts that one can, by means of special mental and spiritual powers, attain union with the Infinite.
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