Sentences with phrase «of everyone in society»

Comparatively little attention has been paid to overcoming the biases that psychologists have identified, except insofar as this might serve the national security objective of discouraging extremism through the introduction of measures to combat effects such as confirmation bias.15 It is still possible to envisage behavioral science playing a part in the great social experiment of providing the kind of public education that nurtures the critical faculties of everyone in our society.
Opponents to the policy and proposed legislation, both in the federal and provincial realm, believe that they go against, in Ontario attorney general Madeleine Meilleur's words, «deeply held views on equality and tolerance for the religious beliefs of everyone in our society,» and are «inconsistent with Canadian values of inclusion and diversity.»
Well, the purpose of this last dose of medicine I am giving with regard to minority issues is designed to alleviate your concerns once and for all and to let you know that what you do today really matters and is critical in terms of the well being and prosperity of everyone in society.
We want to increase the participation of everyone in our society.

Not exact matches

Society still hasn't come to grips with the possibilities of having a high - definition camera and television studio in everyone's pocket.
At the core of this new entrepreneurial path is an understanding that in today's world of commerce, good business is relating to customers as humans, creating wealth in a manner that supports everyone winning, for the betterment of individuals and society.
If we add in reductions of inequality, doing things like guaranteeing everyone in society (like the young) some base level of health insurance — am against single - payer FTR — along with other basic things, we can easily hit an economy of ~ $ 50 trillion.
You get to practice your silly religion all you like, it's just when you attempt to inject that into my school, my courthouse or my government that I will stand up and shout in your face, so don't act all surprised when it happens like «Oh, well, we just didn't know, we thought everyone wanted us to force our religion on the rest of society...»
When asked his opinion of Taunton before a public debate, Hitchens said, «If everyone in the United States had the same qualities of loyalty and care and concern for others that Larry Taunton had, we'd be living in a much better society than we do.»
This is just another classic case of religious temper tantrums when their privileged status in society is restricted, and they're forced to abide by the same rules everyone else is... I note that no other clubs are complaining about allowing those who fund them to participate.
In sum, although a few apologists such as Stephanie Coontz still insist otherwise, just about everyone else in possession of the evidence acknowledges that the sexual revolution has weakened family ties, and that family ties (the presence of a biologically related mother and father in the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for societIn sum, although a few apologists such as Stephanie Coontz still insist otherwise, just about everyone else in possession of the evidence acknowledges that the sexual revolution has weakened family ties, and that family ties (the presence of a biologically related mother and father in the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for societin possession of the evidence acknowledges that the sexual revolution has weakened family ties, and that family ties (the presence of a biologically related mother and father in the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for societin the home) have turned out to be important indicators of child well - being — and more, that the broken home is not just a problem for individuals but also for society.
What an accurate reflection of the self - centered society we live in, everyone believing their main goal in life is their own personal happiness.
We ran into one cyclical recession in the» 70's, and the Republicans seized on it as an excuse to rig government and society for the benefit of people who are already rich, while taking away opportunities from everyone else... then they crushed the unions so that workers would never be able to get back better pay and better job security, while investors make more and more and pay less and less in taxes.
And it teaches unbelievers that they are the misfits and outcasts of society, completely out of step with what «everyone» else believes in.
It happens in every under developed society because of old traditional rules and customs and everyone knows that, no need to further argue on that.
He continued: «When society is organized in such a way that not everyone has the opportunity to work, to be anointed with the dignity of work, then there is something wrong with that society: it is not right!
Instead, society tries to protect what is in everyone's best real interests — protecting the sacred interplay, upholding the inherent linkage of the procreative and the unitive, is in everyone's best interests.
In a pluralistic society, while there must be certain standards by which everyone is regulated, there is no inclusive pattern of life for the society as a whole.
Everyone participates in some way in the political, economic, and familial systems of society and is called upon to contribute to each of them in the service of others.
It's because, if we didn't have the «Good Samaritan» genes already built in, it would be harder for us as a species to build cooperative societies that serve the well - being of everyone, ourselves included.
She is a productive citizen of society, works, is monogamous in her relationship, is raising a adorable boy, is kind to everyone she meets and yet you have straight people out murdering, raping, living on welfare, and yet they should live more than a gay person.
Thus, modern inventions have reinforced the democratization of society by obliterating the duality of manual labor and intellectual labor and by making it possible — even necessary for the sake of efficiency — for everyone to engage in the kinds of work reserved in aristocratic societies for gentlemen.
Morality is incredibly subjective, and the only way to objectively determine the merits of a moral standpoint is to see how it would affect not only the person, but also everyone else in the society.
The theory that human beings in pursuit of their own interests will automatically establish a harmonious society, provided everyone has an equal voice in political affairs, is no more true than the corresponding thesis in economic affairs.
In a universe where everything is interrelated and interdependent, my fulfillment can not be separated from the fulfillment of everyone and everything else, societies to which I belong, including as they do other people, the land, other living beings.
You used to run into people in the bake shop, the butchers, the candle - stick maker, the church narthex and the women's relief society... So there were plenty of opportunities to discuss all manner of things and to share life, seasons, festivals, deaths... Modern life, suburbia, commuting, everyone working at all hours... has killed much of this face to face life and contact in so many spheres, depending on where you live.
For example, Dasgupta and Ehrlich say that, in traditionalist societies, households perpetuate traditions out of an overriding desire to conform («conformism»), including the desire to have just as many children as everyone else — which leads to the society as a whole having more children than anyone really wants.
they are simply reaching out to those individuals within a religious society that feel they are being forced into a belief because of others, & that is simply not right in the same way it would not be right for you to eat fast food when you did nt want to & everyone around you is telling you to.
In this context, the Congress called everyone to encourage and assist in the organization of evangelical fellowships among churches and missionary societies at national, regional and international levelIn this context, the Congress called everyone to encourage and assist in the organization of evangelical fellowships among churches and missionary societies at national, regional and international levelin the organization of evangelical fellowships among churches and missionary societies at national, regional and international levels.
This sense of power is widely shared, for everyone in the new industrial society participates in the domination of nature.
(2) A plurality of responsible views are held in our society about the morality of abortion, and the state should not force everyone to live by the standards of one segment of society.
While money is considered to be one of the most important elements in society, the accumulation of which concerns almost everyone who participates in transactions with others, its position is secondary to the real purpose of human existence, the worship of Allah.
Evangelical Christianity in America has become the «civil» religion of America and has been so watered - down and conformed to society to become «relevant» that it has become «irrelevant» to everyone — it is salt that has lost it's saltiness.
We live in a society that wants to value everyones opinion right up until that person starts claiming any sort of exclusivity about their opinion.
This assumption glosses over the fact that in the reality of unequal societies this freedom does not exist for everyone.
And there is a sense too of the sheer historical sense of it all — the links going back back, linking to the Greek and so on... a reminder to everyone of the central place of religion in society.
It is an accursed freedom, which tells everyone in this society, rich and poor, plumber and professor, that he or she must validate the self in order to win the respect of others and of oneself.
In the religiously plural society of the United States sectarian faith is optional for citizens, as everyone knows.
I happen to think this is of great benefit to everyone in a society.
Christine July 12, 2010 3:51 pm No concern for the sense of fear and hatred that would be fostered in an entire society if everyone could post their «in» and «out» list in their shop windows.
But let's just think for a minute... what if everyone in our society followed the true teaching of the new testament about sex... there would be no unwanted babbies, no abortions, no STDs, no rapes...
Today the young left cherish their local chapters, communes, or particular factions, in which everyone has a voice and criticism is valued, like early Lenin's love for the soviets and Robespierre's exaltation of the local societies of French towns and cities.
Here is the culmination of Israel's thought about natural law: a glorious day should dawn when man's jungle impulses would atrophy, when right would triumph deep in human nature, and society would pursue its happy course in a state of «anarchy,» of «no law,» because everyone would do the high and noble thing through his love for it, in obedience to the unwritten law inscribed on his heart!
Here is my evil plan — Create a fictional character, have him born into poverty in a part of the world full of strife with no recorded history, cast some doubts on his conception (that will keep them guessing), leave a decade or so gap in his life story, re-introduce him in the middle of nowhere and tell everyone he has all these amazing powers, he confounds and confuses all his followers and tells them not to tell anyone about what he does or where he is going and Oh yeah, they are all prostiitutes and tax cheats and lepers and the really lowlifes of society, deny them the chance to follow him, set him at odds with both the government and the church powers of his time, cast doubts on his seexuality and intelligence, make it so he refuses anyone to come to his aid and kill him in the most horrible way imaginable, then hide his body, make it so nothing he does can be historically proven.
While in New York with Mary Jane, I gave an address about the new book to the Horticultural Society of New York and autographed some copies while everyone was eating spicy burritos.
The automatic registration of mothers and the conditional registration of fathers (conditional on either the mother's consent or by a court on child welfare grounds) are factors in communicating to everyone the low expectations by society of fathers» involvement with their children compared to expectations on mothers.
Everyone looks good in green and to celebrate Gilt Groupe will be offering a unique Earth Day celebration sale today at 12 pm EST with a portion of proceeds benefiting the National Audubon Society and The Nature Conservancy.
In today's urban lifestyle everyone is going techno friendly or what to upgrade their self with latest technology to enhance the standard of living in society, so why not you can give a hi - tech stroller to your babIn today's urban lifestyle everyone is going techno friendly or what to upgrade their self with latest technology to enhance the standard of living in society, so why not you can give a hi - tech stroller to your babin society, so why not you can give a hi - tech stroller to your baby?
I feel as a society in general, we are out of touch with our feelings, and are more in touch with societal norms, and doing what everyone else is doing.
And a child who learns how to listen to that part of them that sometimes just knows will also be more confident in making friends and moving in society as they won't see everyone as a potential threat.
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