Sentences with phrase «of everything in existence»

If you knew the world was about to end, wouldn't you want to try to do something to halt the inevitable annihilation of everything in existence?
Atheism, self center ism is way of animals and hindrance negativity to truth absolute GOD, foundation of consti tution of USA and universe and source for existence of everything in existence, otherwise known as constant.

Not exact matches

A penchant for holding onto everything that might come in handy in the future, plus a generally nomadic existence (home to the midwest for the summers, back to New York for school semesters), meant that I lived in a semi-permanent state of bare - boned survival and clutter.
In fact, the Echo Spot does everything that the Echo Show can do, making Gizmodo's Alex Cranz question the existence of the Echo Show.
Because the indulgence of its aestheticism is in fact against the law, NAMBLA leads a shadowy existence and its membership tends to be secretive, although every once in a while it breaks into public view, causing consternation in the «mainline» gay movement that is bent upon assuring Americans that it wants nothing but tolerance while it is conducting a revolution that will change everything and everyone.
One is to blame everything on racism, to declare that the situation proves the continued existence of old - style American racial enmity, only now in a more subtle and modernized form.
(By the way, we believe in pre-mortal existence where we were born as spirit children, which we also believe in every living thing having a soul two but anyways thats not revelant...) Which was when they were at the «drawing board» of the plan of Earth and everything and how they were going to do everything i.e. who was going to be the savior (because every body needs an atonement so we can go back and repent).
In a world where sex permeates everything and where the dominant Reichian myth, preached with demonic plausibility by every movie, sitcom, and soap opera, is that sexual activity is what constitutes true existence, the place of single, celibate Christians is set to be a significant pastoral issue.
God created science - along with everything else in our plane of existence.
@Vic: «God Almighty, the Father, Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit, the Creator of everything, is not created but eternal in generation, metaphysical and outside the realm of this existence and its time and not subject to them.»
God Almighty, the Father, Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit, the Creator of everything, is not created but eternal in generation, metaphysical and outside the realm of this existence and its time and not subject to them.
Belief in the existence of God is the organizing principle of everything.
In the meantime, until Science explains where everything came from, it is clueless, and believers can not be expected to prove the existence of God empirically!
Without a belief in the existence of God, everything is simply random meaninglessness.
consciousness is present in all matter, just like gravity it is inherent and innate to everything produced after the big bang, only its level of existence varies with evolution, highest is that of living things, at the top is us humans because of the biological nature of our existence we evolve fastest and our brains has attained the highest level of complexity
You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame Him for all the «evils» in the world, all the natural disasters, and everything else under the sun that is wrong in modern society.
Even if you can't bring yourself to call it «God,» it is undeniable that the cause, whatever it is, must be transcendent and preexistent, as it had to have existed before everything else in order to have caused everything else; it must be immaterial, as its existence preceded the existence of matter; it must be intelligent, as evidenced by the complexity of the universe it caused; and it must itself be uncaused, existing necessarily rather than contingently.
«whatever it is, must be transcendent and preexistent, as it had to have existed before everything else in order to have caused everything else; it must be immaterial, as its existence preceded the existence of matter; it must be intelligent, as evidenced by the complexity of the universe it caused; and it must itself be uncaused, existing necessarily rather than contingently.»
(p. 99) «Nietzsche's atheism is thus a corollary of his basic commitment to question all premises and to reject them unless they are for some reason inescapable... To escape nihilism — which seems involved both in asserting the existence of God and thus robbing this world of ultimate significance, and also in denying God and thus robbing everything of meaning and value — that is Nietzsche's greatest and most persistent problem.»
In the progress of its philosophizing the human spirit is ever more inclined to regard the absolute which it contemplates as having been produced by itself, the spirit that thinks it: «Until, finally, all that is over against us, everything that accosts us and takes possession of us, all partnership of existence, is dissolved in free - floating subjectivity.&raquIn the progress of its philosophizing the human spirit is ever more inclined to regard the absolute which it contemplates as having been produced by itself, the spirit that thinks it: «Until, finally, all that is over against us, everything that accosts us and takes possession of us, all partnership of existence, is dissolved in free - floating subjectivity.&raquin free - floating subjectivity.»
In short, everything happens as though, in the course of its phyletic existence, every living form achieved (with more or less success) what may be called a period, or even a point, of socializatioIn short, everything happens as though, in the course of its phyletic existence, every living form achieved (with more or less success) what may be called a period, or even a point, of socializatioin the course of its phyletic existence, every living form achieved (with more or less success) what may be called a period, or even a point, of socialization.
Not only does His imagelessness not prevent Him from manifesting Himself in the visible world, but it is just this imagelessness which makes His manifestation possible: «He is the history God which He is, only when He is not localized in Nature; and precisely because He makes use of everything potentially visible in Nature, every kind of natural existence, for His manifestation.»
Even if at this point God in heaven and all his angels were to offer to help him out of it — no, now he doesn't want it, now it is too late, he once would have given everything to be rid of this torment but was made to wait, now that's all past, now he would rather rage against everything, he, the one man in the whole of existence who is the most unjustly treated, to whom it is especially important to have his torment at hand, important that no one should take it from him — for thus he can convince himself that he is in the right.
Everything that is actual participates in the same kind of existence, what might be called the essence or nature of actuality.
But as a result of its willingness to comply with any secular authority which would protect its own religious practice, Christianity ended by accommodating itself through history to everything wicked and degrading in the social existence of human beings.
Religion does not allow for nor can stand up to that level of scrutiny, how do you test for God, you can not get past the first part, let alone testing for the influence of a God (if you reverse the order, first test for test the influence then test for a God you will find your idea of a God in everything you test even before you test for the existence of a God).
They recovered the classical experience of reason as the potential infinity of human questions, showing how this dynamic «ratio» as a desire for understanding is healed and transformed by the paschal - metanoetic experience of faith in the Sophia - Cod of compassion and love.4 Aquinas, for example, understood God as «intimately present within everything that exists since God is existence» and that Cod's omnipotence — Aquinas wrote very little about it — regards not actualities but possibilities, and is best manifested in forgiveness and compassionate mercy.5
I do not believe it is merely by chance that all cultures assume the existence of something that might be called the «Memory of Being,» in which everything is constantly recorded, and that they assume the related existence of supra - personal authorities or principles that not only transcend man but to which he constantly relates, and which are the sole, final explanation of a phenomenon as particular as human responsibility.
Science and metaphysics too, providing the latter is viewed as a natural mode of cognition and is not unconsciously supplemented by theological knowledge about God's saving action in the history of redemption, can each from their own angle quite well think of God as the transcendent ground of all reality, of its existence and of its becoming, as the primordial reality comprising everything, supporting everything, but precisely for that reason can not regard him as a partial factor and component in the reality with which we are confronted, nor as a member of its causal series.
Many readers will be familiar with some of the traditional «arguments for the existence of God», such as that everything has a prior cause, but that the causal chain can not be continued back indefinitely, so that there must somewhere be a First Cause; or that since there are various degrees of perfection there must be a Perfect One by whom all lesser degrees are measured; or that all change in a thing is caused by something else which leads eventually to some Prime Mover.
Something has happened, something has taken place; the questionableness of everything human has been revealed and accentuated, and the riddle of existence cries out even more tragically for its ultimate solution in God.
In a Christian book of the second century, the Shepherd of Hermas, the first commandment is rendered: «First of all believe that God is one, who created and formed all things, who called everything from nothingness into existence, who, Himself incomprehensible, comprehends all in Himself.&raquIn a Christian book of the second century, the Shepherd of Hermas, the first commandment is rendered: «First of all believe that God is one, who created and formed all things, who called everything from nothingness into existence, who, Himself incomprehensible, comprehends all in Himself.&raquin Himself.»
Love is gratitude: it is thankfulness for the existence of the beloved; it is the happy acceptance of everything that he gives without the jealous feeling that the self ought to be able to do as much; it is a gratitude that does not seek equality; it is wonder over the other's gift of himself in companionship.
As in similar Native American traditions, «all these symbolic images and gestures are associated with the wind and with the breathing of the universe — the visible motion of the power that invests everything in existence» (Jamake Highwater in Ritual of the Wind) To exist in family is to experience an insistent Chinook wind, blowing warm in winter and cool in summer, lending a direction and center to all that one does.
The final clue in this epic journey is the word Tolkien invented to describe what he saw as a good quality in a fairy - story — and that word was eucatastrophe, this being the notion that there is a «sudden joyous «turn»» in the story, where everything is going well, «giving a fleeting glimpse of Joy», whilst not denying the «existence of dyscatastrophe — of sorrow and failure».
The book starts out saying God created everything in a week earth time and is only relevant to a specific time period in a very very very long existence of the universe.
Understanding how evolution works has nothing to do with the existence of God, * unless * you believe that everything currently on earth was placed there in it's current form by God 6,000 years ago.
Scientists do not have clear, provable theories to describe the evolution of all species in existence, and everything about the earth (if you think I'm wrong on this point, you either live in a box or you're delusional), but we do not throw out evolutionary theory merely because it is incomplete.
We shall perceive the eternal justice of things; for we shall recognise that the world is itself the Last Judgment on it, and we shall begin to understand why it is that everything that lives must pay the penalty of its existence, first in living and then in dying.
It appears to involve believing in the existence of an invisible super-person, who made everything and who keeps an eye on everything.
For everything that we know as consciousness and experience is grounded in repression, and to broaden or deepen our consciousness is to recognize the power of repression, a power creating all those dualistic oppositions or antinomies which split human existence asunder, dividing and isolating the shrunken energy of life.
It means that all that I have lived, experienced, and done «in my body» — and that is everything I do, experience, and live — is so much a part of my total self that in the re-creation of that self by God there is some continuing instrument or organ of experience which makes possible for me both personal existence and also participation with other men and life in a world which is more than just personality.
(When you state that «Therefore, in this moment everything, including the thoughts in your head and the things that you do must necessarily be completely outside of your control and completely predetermined by the pedantic and purposeless meandering of existence.».
Everything works together to lead «the called - one» to this understanding: earthly and heavenly powers, the natural and physical modes of existence, the driving psychical powers, the inner impulse and outer guidance, the perception of the world and its experiences, the secret revelation which lies in the consciousness of his own being.
The largest Nation in existence at its time Rome, the very same that put him to the cross later Bowed to him... Thousands witnessed his Miracles and converted on the spot... and this is all recorded historically... unlike many religions around the globe, this was witnessed and recorded... yet you refuse to believe it... But you are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and believe what a scientist postulated... a theory that requires as much if not more faith to believe in than Any religion... A theory that if you believe... you must throw out the natural laws of Physics...... But you call me stupid for believing in God... Wow... My bad i guess i should believe in Magical particles that always existed that randomly exploded and caused everything to exist....
In this magnificent poem everything that is decisive for the existence of a master becomes clear to us: the knowledge about the suffering of the world, the recognition of the calling, the «Yes» to it, the «Yes» to destiny, the thought of sacrifice, the temptation, the anxiety and hesitation before the final decision.
It may start from the existence of the world which requires an explanation, or it may start from the fact that everything in the world has a cause, therefore the world itself must have a cause.
It's not fun when someone does that to you, like how big of a moron you must be for believing in a Magical Bang that thrust everything into existence... Especially when Basic Physics disproves that theory and nobody is even close to coming up with an answer for «what would cause such a thing» they've just conceptualized an answer to make idiots like you believe in a Man as if he has all the answers....
«In the indeterminate and apparent freedom of an existence in which everything was possible but nothing made sense, he was enslaved by an illusory image of freedom: banished from his true self and unfree in an utter lack of relationship that was founded on being distanced from his own self, on separation from the truth of his own self.&raquIn the indeterminate and apparent freedom of an existence in which everything was possible but nothing made sense, he was enslaved by an illusory image of freedom: banished from his true self and unfree in an utter lack of relationship that was founded on being distanced from his own self, on separation from the truth of his own self.&raquin which everything was possible but nothing made sense, he was enslaved by an illusory image of freedom: banished from his true self and unfree in an utter lack of relationship that was founded on being distanced from his own self, on separation from the truth of his own self.&raquin an utter lack of relationship that was founded on being distanced from his own self, on separation from the truth of his own self.»
Specifically, when Mark (4:34) writes that Jesus explained everything privately to his disciples, he implies the existence of a community in which the explanations are available; when he writes, as he often does, that the disciples did not understand the meaning of what Jesus said he implies that such understanding is now present.
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