Sentences with phrase «of everything you claim»

If human population dynamics is essentially common to the propulation dynamics of other species and, consequently, if food supply is the independent not the dependent variable in the relationship between food and population, then a lot of what has been reported could be distractions that serve to dismiss rather than disclose vital but unwelcome science of what could somehow be real regarding the human population and, more importantly, why our behavior is so utterly destructive of everything we claim to be protecting and preserving.
Make sure you provide evidence in support of everything you claim.

Not exact matches

Advocates of homeopathy — which involves diluting an active ingredient until there's no measurable quantity left — claim that the treatments can do everything from relieve colds to calm anxious pets.
In August, Moore made a similar argument on mass shootings in the US, claiming America «asked for it,» because it has «taken God out of everything
At the best of times, everything a CMO does is a gamble with ephemeral and uncertain results; that's a hundred times truer now, with marketing tools multiplying faster than anyone could truthfully claim to keep up with.
That's why our approach to how we work and everything is «no B.S.» That just became a kind of a quirky master claim essentially.
Don't let the illusion of perceived influence fool you into trusting a leader who isn't exactly everything she claims to be, and don't fall into the same trap yourself.
If you're one of those people who has to have everything, White Girl's Babe wine hits all the hipster check marks: It's pink, sparkling, and has a cheeky name and um, a claim to fame as «The Fat Jew» of Instagram's wine brand.
However, there are really simple — and inexpensive — ways to get your cold brew done at home, and you'll find five of the best options below, with everything from the $ 19 Takeya pitcher to the new and exciting Dash Rapid Cold Brew System, which claims to be the world's first rapid system.
When DDI surveyed more than 500 employees and 500 business leaders, they found a high percentage of bosses claimed they do everything in their power to encourage their team to come up with creative solutions.
The cynic in me, of course, doesn't believe Freddy's claim that under the Cooperative, everything will be better.
Nix claimed a variety of sources were being used to glean this data — everything from Facebook data to phone surveys and voting history.
The online giant's move to slash prices on everything from organic baby kale to fair - trade bananas on the same day its $ 13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods Market Inc. closes showed the «high - velocity decision making» Amazon founder Jeff Bezos claims as his hallmark, and sent shares of Kroger Co., Costco Wholesale Corp. and Wal - Mart Stores Inc. reeling Thursday.
Apple disagreed, saying the firm was trying to claim ownership of everything from emoji to calendar invitations.
Lynn said she is somewhat suspicious of startups that claim «AI can solve everything
Every time a new technology emerges, we see a bubble of hype around it and claims are made that it will solve everything.
In the case that you pass, the policy beneficiaries should file a claim with the insurer, after which point the circumstances of your death will be reviewed and receive the payout (also called a death benefit or the face value of the policy) so long as everything is in order.
Kim Jong Un now claims that he can reach any part of the United States, Trump says everything is under control and he's handling it.
«either way, such demythologizing claims * everything * is a myth» -------------- We are no closer to answering the great philosophical questions of existence (like «why are we here?»)
Like everything in this modern world the burden of proof is upon the one making the claim.
Its all nice and fun to pretend that perhaps a meteor strike caused life to begin but you still fail to tell me who created that meteor, who created everything that was needed for life to exist... really... that had to of been a start to it all somewhere and I would love to see an atheist stumble on explaining only «what they claim to know» while refusing to believe what they don't know and can't see.
This is bible speak for reminding people that dad, while and absent and neglecting father will come back one day and claim all of the glory and take credit for everything that was done without his help.
Finally, I don't think I need to offer statistics to address such claims as women are «taking control of everything» and «starting to dominate» among «doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants.»
But I trust that our countrymen will not be softened to that kind of crimes and criminals; for if we should, our hearts will be hardened to everything which has a claim on our benevolence.
You are everything you accuse your opponents of being, and you stand for all the evil things that you claim they champion.
I am a believer who does not claim affiliation to any sect because they all add their own prejudiced dogma most of which is that you have to believe that everything in the bible is beyond refute.
In a time that promises the reconcilation of happiness and productivity through chemical mood control, we can claim a right to our «natural moods» only if we can show that they aren't — like everything else in the cosmos — finally random collections chemicals or just tools for species survival but are natural gifts or indispensable clues to the truth about who we are.
The bible claim that God knows everything is not dis - proven by sheer rejection of the theology (where we just choose not to believe) nor can it be rationally rejected just because we do not know (we'd be displacing rational approaches with our own theology).
Its easier to related to Muhammad than to Jesus or Buddha because he never claimed that he was of divine origin, he was as shocked at his revelation as anybody else, he frequently said many times «I'm a man amongst men,» he frequently said «all the good that happens comes from Allah and everything that is not good is my fault,» he's very human and that is what makes him relatable.
and it's the religious that claim to have divine knowledge of everything and can never change their answer.
To say that God is «the Maker of heaven and earth» is to claim that God antedates everything that exists outside of himself.
Just like everything else in the world, there are those that claim to be something but do not follow the actual teachings of that religion.
But the message of divine acceptance is sometimes presented as an ultimately sentimental underwriting of every sort of self - indulgence, disregard of the claims of others, cruelty and self - deception, as if everything, but everything, was for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
They also become rivals when religion claims it's denomination to be the highest form of wisdom to the denial of everything else simply based on dogma.
They spent most of Monday doing their darndest to make everything worse, from defending manhandling a customer («We followed the right procedures») to blaming the passenger himself (claiming he was «disruptive») to coining a laughably bad neologism to describe their treatment of him («re-accommodated»).
The peace that Jesus promised abounds in the Jerusalem church, both in their common faith — «They were of one heart and soul» — and their common life — «No one claimed private ownership but everything was held in common.
Surely you are aware that many have claimed they figured out the day Christ will return, and convinced their families and friends and sometimes others to sell everything (and interestingly this often involves giving the proceeds to the «prophet» who claims to have figured out the date of Jesus» return).
Why are you claiming that prior to the initial expansion of the singularity, everything came from nothing?
Indeed, he might well claim the realization of Francis Cornish as his personal testimony: «Somehow I've drifted into a world where religion, but not orthodoxy, is the fountain of everything that makes sense» (p. 378).
Second, Jewett adopts whole - cloth the latest fad in New Testament scholarship, which broadly terms itself as postcolonial, and reads virtually everything in the New Testament as a coded critique of the Roman Empire and especially of its claims of cultural superiority elaborated in the civic cult of the early empire.
It was claiming, in principle, that human beings are part of the mechanical world system, that they can be explained like everything else in terms of matter in motion.
Second, I have never claimed that as a human I will have the answer for everything, but the one answer I will never use is «if I can't understand it, it must the doing of a supernatural being».
You have got it all wrong, but may I ask that what poof do you have about what you claim, Allah is the almighty and is not a deceiver, Allah in the Qur» an in referred as the most merciful, all forgiving, creater of everything and self subsistence he does not require anyone to support him and Allah is having no son neither wife, and tell me how can a almighty supreme being have sexual relations?
This is certainly not different from William James's claim that determinism implies the static «block universe» nor from Bergsons's identical claim that in the universe of Spinoza and Laplace «everything is given» («tout est donné»).
I'm not aware of any atheist who claims to have created everything.
Can we reconceive theological education in such a way that (1) it clearly pertains to the totality of human life, in the public sphere as well as the private, because it bears on all of our powers; (2) it is adequate to genuine pluralism, both of the «Christian thing» and of the worlds in which the «Christian thing» is lived, by avoiding naiveté about historical and cultural conditioning without lapsing into relativism; (3) it can be the unifying overarching goal of theological education without requiring the tacit assumption that there is a universal structure or essence to education in general, or theological inquiry in particular, which inescapably denies genuine pluralism by claiming to be the universal common denominator to which everything may be reduced as variations on a theme; and (4) it can retrieve the strengths of both the «Athens» and the «Berlin» types of excellent schooling, without unintentionally subordinating one to the other?
Well Lawrence you can't dig yourself out of the hole you made when you claimed that everything has to be created.
Even if you would know everything there is to know about Shinto, that does not give you the right to claim that god (or gods) is protecting a specific building from a tsunami, on the top of a hill, no less.
For those of you who are interested in reading the arch of a sad, sad bitter life, crusie through the remarks by «the son a Piper man» aka Tom Tom, Stands for nothing, hates everything, curses when left with nothing to say, then hysterically claims victory for hurting someone's feelings, and stands for nothing, but will gladly point out your poor syntax, grammar and spelling errors like a weary retired 3rd grade teacher.
Scientism claims that the natural world is all there is, that supernatural explanations of the world are irrational, that everything can be reduced to physical causes, and that the only things we can know as true are those which Science reveals — supported by evidence, submitted to experimentation, and reviewed by peers.
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