Sentences with phrase «of evil governments»

The popular Hunger Games trilogy, the Divergent series, and others built a fictional world in which the citizens were virtual prisoners of an evil government.

Not exact matches

I said nothing of the sort, I only pointed out that census data was misused by Nazis for their own evil purposes, as it was misused by the American government (and possibly the Canadian government) for the purposes of interning their citizens of Japanese descent (which, to the credit of the US Census bureau, it has apologized for).
Despite all their boasting about being good fiscal managers and the evils of accumulating debt, the Conservative government doesn't seem to really care that much about reducing debt.
As the Supreme Court of Canada has confirmed, a law aimed at suppressing or reducing an «evil» or addressing a public concern relating to peace, order, security, morality, health, or some other similar purpose is a valid exercise of the federal government's criminal law power.
Wake up and break from the evil government chains of doom!
I believe (hope) that everyone, including those evil atheists, will support your right to propose a change, although I suspect (and hope) that any attempt to increase the role of religion in government will fail miserably.
So as a member of the most oppressed minority group in the history of time, religion is the cause of 95 % of the evil in this world and I don't need it in my government.
>> > «For all their bellowing about how evil «Big Government» is and how it wants to tyrannize us, the conservatives are always at the forefront of telling everyone how they must behave.»
May it continue to guide the actions of America's citizens and government both at home and abroad in the face of evil and injustice.
Georgetown Law Professor Michael Seidman says in the New York Times that we should conclude, «the American system of government is broken» not because of political divisions, but because of the Constitution «with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions.»
Fine if you want to do it, but I wish y» all could keep it to yourselves and knock off the «Climate Change is a Hoax», «Gay is a Choice, and a Sin», «Condoms are Evil», «Government is the Devil», «America is a Christian Nation» nonsense that affects the rest of our daily lives.
Peace based on a desire for mere survival can be idolatrous, can be unjust in our acceptance of some lesser evil — the enslavement of Eastern Europe, a totalitarian government, a monolithic defense establishment — in the name of security and order.
«Practitioners of Falun Gong, as well as other Buddhist, folk religionist, and Protestant groups deemed «superstitious» or «evil cults» face long jail terms, forced denunciations of faith and torture in detention, and the government has not sufficiently answered accusations of psychiatric experimentation and organ harvesting.»
The war between right and wrong, good and evil, the old self and new self in Christ rages on, and so to look for instructions and fulfillment on how to live better lives is like looking to a country in the midst of civil war for instructions on how to set up a functioning government.
We observe that evil has no boundaries — the very existence of torture, and the fact that human rights organisations believe that over 80 % of the world's governments practice some form of it, shows that humans are not just content to be a little bit evil, but are most willing to be CREATIVELY evil, concocting new ways to inflict pain and suffering onto others.
Government is evil because it restricts the freedom of these actors, and it is the business sector that is to provide for our real, i.e., economic, needs.
I have done both and conclude that evil is HIDING in my church, that they are not capable of expelling it and that members of the judicial branch have made a coup on, not only the rest of government, but the church as well.
Evil governments are a tool, God can an will use the devil as a tool, for those who exalt themselves above God in the pride of life.
Some of us look forward with great eagerness and expectation for when Jesus will come again to throw off the evil governments and set up His own righteous rule, but not before He slays our enemies, kills the wicked, bathes the world in bloodshed, burns away all those who did not follow Him, and banishes the unrighteous into pits of never - ending fire to suffer and burn for all eternity.
NO this is not the teachings of God the Almighty of the Old and New Testament this is evil and perverted and all Christians must take notice and action to keep their children safe from being converted to this false religion that is nothing more then a totalitarian system of government.
Personally, I believe the position all Christians of today should be to obey Romans 13 but also believe the lesson taught in Romans 13, that the ministers of God (government) have the right to built an army from among its citizenry to defend our nation against the forces of evil.
This refuge once known will produce reaction on the happiness even of those who remain there, by warning their task - masters that when the evils of Egyptian oppression became heavier than those of the abandonment of country, another Canaan is open where their subjects will be received as brothers and secured against like oppression by a participation in the right of self - government.
«Our country should be preserved from the dreadful evil of becoming enemies to the religion of the Gospel, which I have no doubt, but would be the introduction of the dissolution of government and the bonds of civil society.»
Maybe the RM Catholic Holy Father will need to start giving away the vast untold riches of the church to government authorities as an example for those evil corporations that he lectures.
We ought to be praying for wisdom for governments, for the forces of evil to be brought into the light, darkness dispelled and for churches to rise up in strength and stature.
I imagine the crowd wanted Jesus to teach about the evils of the Roman government, the wasteful ways they spent their money on luxury and wars, and how Jewish tax - collectors were traitors of the Jews, traitors of God, and condemned to suffer for eternity in hell.
It is always a temptation for individuals, rulers, and governments to think that they can defeat evil with violence, but here, in three of the opening chapters of the Bible, we are told that violence and destruction does not and can not eradicated evil.
A party that calls for government funding of abortion does not merely disagree with pro-life Americans, but wants to implicate them through their government of supporting what they believe is a moral evil.
It is the same theme of cults and evil governments.
He is violently opposed to concepts of God derived from autocratic forms of government, at whose word everything began, whose rule is by divine fiat, and who is ultimately responsible for all evil and suffering.
leave it to a non religious person to judge churches and pastors as evil when they know NOTHING of the GOOD a church does for the people... it's kind of like saying ALL government is corrupt when that isn't true either!!
Of all the ways to criticize the Bush government's response to 9/11, refusing to agree with him that the attacks were evil was the most self - defeating.
Your husband will answer to God, and you must answer to God for how you respond to your husband, even when he causes you to suffer.Just as we are to obey government in every ordinance, and servants are to obey their masters, even the ones who are abusive and surly, «likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands»... You can freely call your husband «lord» when you know that you are addressing the one who put him in charge and asked you to suffer at your husband's hands just as our Lord suffered at the hands of unjust authorities... When you endure evil and railing without returning it, you receive a blessing, not just as a martyr, but as one who worships God.»
There still is freedom of speech and it is «OK» to dislike, question «ALL» authority, never ever trust the police they are not your friend, and the government is the axis of «EVIL» it has become a tyranny!!!!
The very search for a solution to life's problem was to the writer only «a striving after wind,» (Ecclesiastes 1:13 - 14) and in the end, seeing wickedness in the place of justice and evil men where the righteous should have been, (Ecclesiastes 3:16) he «hated life,» (Ecclesiastes 2:17) denied all moral government in the world, and concluded that although a man, in the intensity of his search, «see no sleep with his eyes day or night,» he will never understand what life is all about.
Wackos like him are why religion is suspect, why it is full of evil and why the crazy wing of the Christian faith feels they have a right to control our government.
I know the American people are much attached to their government; I know they would suffer much for its sake; I know they would endure evils long and patiently before they would ever think of exchanging it for another.
What he does to bring harm to another might just come back to his children and he will pay for the evil bile he is foisting upon all of us citizens, disgracing our country for his dreamed of chance for be elected again and to again live off the government's payroll.
The strategy of withdrawal (# 1 above) maintains in a dramatic form the prophetic witness against social evils; under a totalitarian government it may be the only way in which the church can exist at all.
Wake up, folks, and break from the evil government chains of doom!
The Christian call to peacemaking has been co-opted, the group said, when «a «theology of war» is emanating from the highest circles of American government; the language of «righteous empire» is employed... [and] the roles of God, church and nation are confused by talk of an American «mission» and «divine appointment» to «rid the world of evil.»»
Believe it or not, our laws and our governments do a pretty good job of restricting wickedness and keeping evil people off of the streets and out of our neighborhoods.
The whole history of constitutional government is a commentary on the excellence of resisting evil, and when one cheek is smitten, of smiting back and not turning the other cheek also.
science and math are evil in the minds of the powers that be, and churches are full of government employees seeking salvation from their daily human rights abuses, you can be a parishioner but you really aren't if you do nt fit the category of government employee or super gossiper.
Either way, it wasn't Christians that stopped Hitler, but the united power of three secular governments, including one every bit as evil as Hitler.
Government is the root of all evil, although a necessary evil.
don't forget the absolute evil perpetrated by those who so resolutely looked to push all religion our of their societies... the Nazi's, the Soviets, the Chinese Communists... I'm not really one to toss out numbers w / o some good backing, but I would venture a guess that those 3 20th century areligious governments killed way more than the Catholics and Crusaders did.
The Eternal God, so they maintain, coming in weakness in Christ so provoked the evil in man that the official representatives of as high a religion and of as good a government as the world had known committed the greatest crime in history, the crucifixion of the Son of God.
The Soviet «evil empire» has certainly not come into the kingdom, but the Christian presence in Russia and in China, the example of Billy Graham, the late moves of their hero Ronald Reagan in the age of glasnost, the prospect of government dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization (Israel being a favorite of this camp), will surely alter the evangelicals» public stance.
Burger further maintains that although vigorous and partisan political debate is usually a normal and healthy manifestation of our democratic system of government, political division along religious lines is one of the principal evils against which the First Amendment was intended to protect.
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