Sentences with phrase «of example videos»

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«For example, if advertisers are paying an average of $ 20 per 1,000 ad impressions, the videos where those ads are being shown may only generate $ 2 or $ 3 per 1,000 views.»
By way of example, this is the text of a Nov. 5 post from Ending the Fed's Facebook page: «Why Donald J. Trump exposes Hillary's felonies in THIS brutal video.
At the beginning of last year, for example, Facebook officials revealed a useful fact: Users spend, on average, seven seconds watching the videos on their Facebook feeds, and two - thirds don't bother turning on the sound.
For example, entrepreneur and marketing consultant Marcus Sheridan wrote a thoughtful piece on his blog ( about the implications of live - streaming video — in particular, how transparency will transform business.
You can also upload image, video, audio, document and presentation files to your LinkedIn Experience sections to further showcase examples of your work.
Just as Snapchat has what it calls «filters» that users can add to their photos and videos — making themselves look like cartoon animals, for example, or producing virtual rainbows that pour out of a person's mouth — Facebook's Camera also has filters, or «lenses.»
For example, all of the major wireless carriers downgrade the quality of video streaming on some plans.
Beyonce's self - titled album and complementary set of music videos is an example, and even the White House got in the game with its candid photo galleries.
For example, if you're at work, replenishing your energy might mean going for a walk, taking a break, watching a funny YouTube video, looking at pictures of your loved ones, meditating, or engaging in a random act of kindness for a colleague.»
For example, he assisted in diagnosing and addressing the source of a runner's calf pain by requesting and examining an uploaded photo of the bottoms of the runner's shoes, then responding with video suggestions.
Also banned: instructions on «on how to make or use weapons if the goal is to injure or kill people,» unless there is «clear context that the content is for an alternative purpose (for example, shared as part of recreational self - defense activities, training by a country's military, commercial video games, or news coverage).»
Yet, videos have the potential to engage an audience in new and exciting ways — just look at BuzzFeed Tasty for an example of the power of video!
For example, marketers in the study are now setting aside more than a quarter (28 percent) of their budget for video marketing.
Music lovers, for example, might see a pair of high - end headphones in their particular video ad.
The authors used the example of the NBA and the Golden State Warriors, which partnered with NextVR to broadcast the team's season opener in full 360 - degree video (viewers needed a specific Samsung headset to watch).
Have you seen other great examples of brand storytelling via online video?
I was in that frame of mind a few months back when I wrote about how video game consoles were just one example of technological regression.
Some cuts are relatively minor: Employees are encouraged to use video conferencing instead of traveling to meetings, for example.
Take for example Linda Sobeh Ali, the former Palestinian envoy to Canada, who was relieved of her duties after retweeting a link to a YouTube video that was racially offensive.
Here are three examples I recently recorded that illustrate how an informal live video can get thousands of views:
The authors of the study wrote of their findings that they had «obvious industrial applications where an objective assessment of audiovisual material is sought from groups of people, for example, in advertising, video game design or in filmmaking.»
An example is Air New Zealand and «Lord of the Rings and «The Hobbit» movies, which have showcase not only creative and fantastic liveries and safety videos, but also stimulated tourism in New Zealand and raised their brand awareness.
Let's use the opportunity in video as an example — one of the fastest - changing sectors of the cultural economy.
As an example of success, Davis held up Vevo, the Hulu - like music video site owned by Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Abu Dhabi Media Company and served by YouTube.
For example, when Donald Trump became the top media story, I was creating videos, writing articles and blogs and doing stunts to take advantage of the buzz.
The Sandy Bridge chip architecture, for example, was created in 2005 — before YouTube — in anticipation of the explosion of online video.
One feature the company is touting, for example, will park the car for you at the press of a button — «like magic,» says a test driver in Ford's promotional video.
In the latest example of this continuing trend, the social networking giant is said to be working on something similar to Snapchat Discover, the feature through which media partners such as CNN (twx) and BuzzFeed post their articles and videos for Snapchat users to browse.
The store, for example, boasts a «town square,» where seminars are supposed to be held, but the area in question consists of nothing more than two chairs in front of a video screen.
New search tools will let you limit results to certain type of content — only videos or message boards for example — or restrict results to Yahoo partners or other sources you know and trust.
The vast majority of respondents also emphasized the value of recording live videos for subsequent viewing on demand, so that, for example, team members won't miss important information while traveling.
In this free video, marketing expert John Gerzema discusses four cultural shifts that are influencing consumer behavior, while also providing examples of businesses that are taking advantage of these trends.
For example, he says, Facebook Live video can work as well as an expensive TV spot — with the added bonus of feeling «authentic.»
Bennett posted the exchange on Reddit, and the story spread online with cat - video - like quickness, covered by news outlets around the world as a prime example of corporate social - media marketing done right.
In the latest example of Toronto's burgeoning start - up community, last week video - based social networking platform Keek received $ 5.5 million in financing from a consortium of investors led by AlphaNorth Asset Management and Plazacorp Ventures.
One of the most popular examples is Microsoft's Internet Explorer video, dubbed «Child of the 90s.»
Another example: The fastest - growing category of toys sold so far this year was games and puzzles, a grouping that doesn't include video games.
«The many benefits this offers are evident: For example, it could fetch a bouquet of flowers the driver ordered online and even deliver it directly to the lucky recipient,» Rinderknecht said in the company statement, adding that it can also take video of the driving experience.
When neural networks discerned the existence of cats from YouTube videos, for example, «I was very upset,» said Schmidt.
Take, for example, the «Kony 2012» viral video campaign calling for the arrest of indicted war criminal Joseph Kony.
For example, when Chris Basile of SubSonic Recording Academy in New York came up with a new way to stream educational audio and video education tutorials from his newly deployed media - rich website, traffic increased by 400 percent within 60 days.
For example, when you use Google AdWords, Google AdWords for Video or similar services offered by Yahoo!, Bing and Facebook, you can create short ads that include a direct link to one of your videos or your YouTube channel page.
As just one example of eSports meteoric growth, IEM's first season topped out at around 500,000 video sessions.
For example, if you find that the majority of viewers discover a video by searching on YouTube, you know you need to optimize future videos for search.
She's a great example of someone who used a skill to build a following on YouTube, and was able to make the shift to live video which, she has said, generates far more comments.
They also point out that screencasting — where you record video and audio of what you're doing on your computer so that someone else can play it back later — is a fabulous way share a new feature you're working on, for example.
Silva, who is also the creator of the wildly popular YouTube series Shots of Awe, says the video is a great example of the kind of awe he wants everyone to seek out in life.
video series is one of the great examples of viral sharing and marketing success in the era of social media.
It will then show different News Feed stories — for example, favoring status updates and links versus videos and photos on a super-slow connection — and prioritize loading things that the user is looking at versus partially loading a dozen pieces of content at once.
For example, they can show a particular Cheetos ad only to single men aged 17 to 41 who live in New York, are Yankee fans and enjoy the «World of Warcraft» video game.
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