Sentences with phrase «of excavation site»

-- This one can be found in the middle of the excavation site once you've cleared it out enemies in the The City of the Sun quest.
The studio has become a kind of excavation site for me.
A visitors» trail signposted in three languages, which was completed in 2013, leads to central areas of the excavation site.
The exhibition also features related materials including maps tracing Albers's travels, letters and journals, images of the excavation sites, films, and undeveloped contact sheets drawn from the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation archives.

Not exact matches

This scene of the two visiting an excavation site with Elio's father was shot in Sirmione, a town on the coast of Lake Garda.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
Afterwards, test your dinosaur and dragon knowledge by trying to answer questions from the «Games of Bones» or pretend to be a paleontologist and dig through the excavation site.
Trustees unanimously approved to award J.S. Riemer Inc. of Elgin $ 326,800 for site excavation services.
The Village earmarked $ 800,000 for use at the golf course for flood control, and took care of the excavation and grading of the site.
1975: Archaeologist Charles Garrad confirms the location of the villages of Ekarenniondi at the Scenic Caves site with a number of excavations, beginning this year.
A construction - company owner was indicted in the death of a worker at an excavation site in 2015, the Brooklyn district attorney's office said.
The site, pictured below, is divided into specific areas of excavation.
But the site currently hosts the Dome of the Rock and the Al - Aqsa Mosque, two of the most sacred places of Muslim prayer, making excavation tantamount to an act of war.
Aerial laser maps, excavations and stone - slab hieroglyphics indicate that La Corona, a largely rural settlement, became a key part of a far - ranging Classic - era Maya kingdom that incorporated sites from southern Mexico to Central America, researchers reported on April 15 at...
Aerial laser maps, excavations and stone - slab hieroglyphics indicate that La Corona, a largely rural settlement, became a key part of a far - ranging Classic - era Maya kingdom that incorporated sites from southern Mexico to Central America, researchers reported on April 15 at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
Now, the SCA conducts its own excavations and approves and supervises foreign archaeological missions, as well as conserving and managing the country's wealth of antiquities and archaeological sites.
Beach excavations on Canada's Calvert Island revealed 29 distinct human footprints (dark brown in this illustration of one excavation site) from around 13,000 years ago.
On the final day, the field team, along with excited members of the National Park Service and other spectators, nervously watched as the helicopter gently lifted the plaster jackets — some weighing a half of a ton or more — from the excavation site.
Recent excavations led by University of Sheffield archaeologist Mike Parker Pearson have led him to suggest the two sites were built as a single complex of complementary stone and wood circles linked by a river route.
«They have evidence that hominids in Africa had already been impacting the size distribution of mammals on that continent before Homo sapiens evolved,» says paleoecologist Emily Lindsey, assistant curator and excavation site director of the La Brea Tar Pits Museum in Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study.
When excavations began in 2012, the research team examining the site was surprised to find a large number of quintessential Chinese goods inside.
But the fossils from the Cerutti Mastodon site (as the site was named in recognition of field paleontologist Richard Cerutti who discovered the site and led the excavation), were found embedded in fine - grained sediments that had been deposited much earlier, during a period long before humans were thought to have arrived on the continent.
Articulated skeleton of Ophthalmosaurid ichthyosaur at the excavation site south of Lodai village, situated 30 km northeast of Bhuj town, the headquarters of Ka - chchh District in Gujarat state, western India.
The evidence we found at this site indicates that some hominin species was living in North America 115,000 years earlier than previously thought,» said Judy Gradwohl, president and CEO of the San Diego Natural History Museum, whose paleontology team discovered the fossils, managed the excavation, and incorporated the specimens into the Museum's research collection.
Though the cave is littered with active excavation sites, it is open to public tours of some of its main passageways.
The walls of such excavation sites are so thick with fossils that they protrude in an almost comical abundance.
A substantial number of Olorgesailie's Middle Stone Age tools are made from obsidian that came from at least 25 to 50 kilometers away from the excavation sites.
Excavation of an ancient battlefield in northern Germany revealed signs of a great battle, such as closely packed bones, as seen in this 2013 photo of the site.
Lee Berger stands above the Malapa excavation site, in The Cradle of Humankind, from a viewing platform.
Barely 2 weeks after completing an excavation of the 6 - hectare site, ASI reported uncovering evidence of 50 pillar bases characteristic of those found at remains of Hindu temples in north India.
But Swarajya Prakash Gupta, chair of the Indian Archaeological Society and veteran of previous excavations at Ayodhya, believes that «the report provides clinching evidence that a temple existed at the site
The next step is likely to be able to put on a pair of 3D - glasses and virtually walk into an excavation site, although that may be a few years in coming.
Excavation of the mastodon site occurred in 1992 and 1993 following its partial exposure during a construction project.
«In three new excavation sites, we found Neanderthal artefacts dated to thousands of years later than anywhere else in Western Europe.
Together with precise measurements of the excavation, photogrammetry can create a complete detailed map of an archaeological excavation site.
For example, you could make a model using photos from previous excavations of Viking graves, and use this to explore how an excavation site changes over time.
In an old excavation report Boyd read that archaeologists had discovered remnants of peyote cacti from a site near White Shaman.
In order to make the excavation site near the ancient town of Doliche accessible to a broad public, an archaeological park is being developed.
Other co-authors are Spanish researchers José María Bermúdez de Castro, Juan - Luis Arsuaga and Eudald Carbonell, co-directors of the excavations at Atapuerca sites.
Later, after the fall of the Soviet Union, when some of the sites became more accessible for excavation, the pace of Scythian - related discoveries picked up.
In addition to straight - forward archaeological research, the excavation is being used as a field school for the instruction of UNC Charlotte students in archaeology, especially since the site is remarkable in the way it exhibits the complexity of the urban history of Jerusalem.
The Palaeo - Anthropological Scientific Trust (PAST), launched with donations from mining giants Anglo American and De Beers, among others, hopes to attract regular funds from big business to support a range of activities, from excavations and exploration to the training of palaeo - anthropologists and encouragement of «archaeo - tourism» to South Africa's spectacular cave sites.
These objects are painting vivid pictures of life at the site now known as the Bathonea excavations, from the earliest days of the Lower Paleolithic era to the bustle of a busy trading port during the Byzantine Empire.
Excavations of a Srubnaya cemetery at the Russian site produced bones of two men, two women, an adult of undetermined sex and 22 children, most between ages 1 and 7.
His excavations in the Missouri Breaks — the site of the renowned T. rex burial ground in Hell Creek — yielded not only Tyrannosaurus but also the bizarre Pachycephalosaurus, whose head was topped with a 10 - inch - thick crown of solid bone, and the best - known horned dinosaur, Triceratops.
Continued excavation at the site — with picks and shovels supplementing our whisk brooms — yielded the bones and teeth of at least three other dinosaur species.
Prior to their removal, Bird documented the original site with photos and maps, but since excavation portions of the tracks have been lost.
At one of the site's two excavations, the broken bits stick out from the earthen walls of a large square pit.
The late archaeologist Peter Beaumont of the McGregor Museum in Kimberley, South Africa, who did many excavations at the site between 1978 and 1996, had claimed there was evidence for fire in various spots, in 1.6 - to 1.7 - million - year - old layers.
It includes data from the team's ongoing excavations at the sites of two ancient communities in the lower Yellow River flood plain of China's Henan province.
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