Sentences with phrase «of excessive sebum»

Over-active sebaceous glands due to hormonal imbalances or stress result in production of excessive sebum.

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When it's too dry, it'll also overcompensate by producing excessive amounts of sebum.
Over washing, or excessive scrubbing can make acne worse by over stimulating the sebaceous glands, causing them to produce excessive amounts of sebum.
The whole process of sebum production and dead skin shedding are normal, but excessive production of sebum is what can trigger their formation.
Major causes of acne are hormonal changes, bacterial imbalances, excessive sebum or oil production and the over production of follicular cells in the skin (5).
Antibiotics do not treat the root causes of acne such as chronic inflammation and excessive sebum production, antibiotics have far too many side effects, and antibiotics give birth to more acne in the long run by virtually carpet bombing your healthy gut flora.
Having excessive levels of the wrong sort can dramatically increase your sebum production and make it far more likely that your skin pores will get blocked.
Oily skin is caused by over-active sebaceous glands that produce excessive amounts of skin oil, called «sebum
Oily skin is characterized by excessive sebum secretion, the formation of keratin blockages in pores and bacterial proliferation that lead to the development of localized imperfections.
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