Sentences with phrase «of existing facilities»

Because of the stiff regulations involved, it takes a significant modification of existing facilities to be up to code.
The upgraded service rolling out through 2017 includes remodeling, expansion of existing facilities and construction of new spaces.
Perform reviews of existing facilities to propose upgrades and replacements, and present findings and recommendations to clients and peers.
The new site is almost double the size of its existing facilities which will combine into one, purpose - built premises spanning approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of office and laboratory space.
He / she is equally expected to properly monitor, detect and report any flaw that may disrupt the smooth functioning of existing facilities.
Some will be completely new centers, others will be expansions of existing facilities.
It consists of renovation and expansion of the existing facility as we are always full.»
ExED helped finance construction of a striking new building, along with renovations of an existing facility, to serve 360 elementary students.
Since this referendum is for maintenance of existing facilities and not new construction, non-passage would result in sweeping cutbacks to services and operations, thus reducing the level of excellence to which residents have become accustomed.
«I appreciate Governor Cuomo's attention to health care in Brooklyn, though I will need to examine the specific concept of building a new hospital when so many of our existing facilities need support, on top of our having just closed Long Island College Hospital,» he said.
It does, however, make several changes to the existing program by requiring, among other things, that as a condition of receiving funding school districts commit to upkeep of their buildings by developing a long - range facilities master plan and that they conduct an inventory of existing facilities.
Building LNG in B.C. is expensive — more expensive than on the U.S. Gulf Coast — because of a lack of existing facilities to retrofit, a need to construct infrastructure across the mountains to the coast, and due to building in smaller communities with smaller labour markets than we see on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
The value of housing loan approvals and movements in housing credit outstanding track one another closely (Graph C1), although the value of approvals is typically at least double the dollar value of the movement in credit, due to repayments of principal and drawdowns of existing facilities.
Aerobic activated sludge type polishing treatment of the anaerobic reactor effluent (upgrade of existing facilities)
A 110,000 square foot addition east of the existing facility was the new Polar Ware home.
«In addition to taking a thorough inventory and analysis of existing facilities that will contribute to the plan, we will engage residents and other stakeholders to actively participate in developing the vision,» Lakota Group principal Scott Freres wrote in its proposal.
It would also support the rehabilitation and expansion of existing facilities of low - performing SHSs and provide scholarship to students from low - income families, especially girls.
It allows institutions to make the most of their existing facilities, which means that they don't have to subsidize them as much.
After receiving the good news that he had been hired, Gratzer was in a better position to budget and prioritize his objectives because he knew «what equipment I could use via collaborations or as part of the existing facilities
Tim Murphy, head of environmental appraisal at the EBRD, says the reactors should be brought up to the safety standards that would be applied in the West «for the backfitting of existing facilities
Through the careful study of these factors LEAs attain a comprehensive understanding of districtwide capacity, enrollment trends, and the alignment of existing facilities to the educational program being offered in each school.
Capacity of existing facilities and staff as well as the time and financial commitment required to provide treatment for a given disease must all be evaluated.
using appropriate advanced integrated gasification combined cycle technology, including repowering of existing facilities.
Assisted distribution center manager in the relocation of existing facility by educating the work force in the physical layout and stocking.
Redesign Do's * Do take advantage of the existing facility as a learning tool by visiting the location together; * Validate expectations for the project against the real world.
It may slow down sales of existing facilities, but the sector as a whole will continue to be strong,» he says.
«A longer - term benefit to owners of existing facilities may come in the form of development properties being delayed or canceled altogether,» according to Green Street.
These include: real estate purchases and improvements, including existing buildings, grading, street improvements, parking lots and landscaping, and utilities; long - term machinery and equipment; renovation of existing facilities; and building construction.
In researching for this article to look at the government's standpoint I could not find any definitive policy with much of the funding strategy being focused on the building of new schools and maintenance of existing facilities.
Doing nothing will see costs of $ 37.3 million in 2016 - 17 increase to $ 113.4 million by 2026 - 27 with the main driver being ongoing use of existing facilities
At a special Park Board meeting last week, Larry Kmiecik, senior associate architect for Wheaton - based Williams Architects, gave board members a master plan and review of existing facilities.
The bill would also make several changes to the existing School Facility Program by requiring, among other things, that as a condition of receiving funding school districts commit to upkeep of their buildings by developing long - range facilities master plans and that they conduct an inventory of existing facilities.
These plans correspond with power - generation and district heating investments in new plants or expansion of existing facilities.
Whether or not the Empire State Building's R.E.C. outlay will prompt NRG to build new wind farms — or will help shore up one of its existing facilities — is unclear.
Building owners, architects, builders and contractors for the design and construction of new facilities or the modification of existing facilities must understand the upcoming changes and know how to make premises accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities, including physical, sensory, learning, developmental and mental health.
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