Sentences with phrase «of existing infrastructure»

But there is one «common sense» solution that would keep our homes warm and hot water running - whilst making use of our existing infrastructure.
It doesn't release carbon when burned, is relatively easy to store and transport, and could take advantage of an existing infrastructure of storage tanks, transport ships and pipelines.
Power plants are designed to last for decades, and much of our existing infrastructure will continue operating for years.
This is a viable future, building off of the existing infrastructure and systems, combined with American and Japanese ingenuity, to guarantee our energy security.
A future where personal computing isn't wearable, but spatial — it takes advantage of the existing infrastructure of a building, like your Wi - Fi router.
She has achieved this by undertaking stakeholder consultations, evaluation of existing infrastructure and clinical service delivery, and development of recommendations for a quality framework.
The reliance on coal power for electricity generation, where fuel choice is a function of existing infrastructure, has large impacts on residential emissions.
It is supposed to function in various climate conditions, independent of the existing infrastructure, as a self - sufficient system.
Established companies have a head start in acquiring the essential ingredients for success in the enterprise blockchain space: capital and some kind of partnership with regulators or players of the existing infrastructure.
The transition of coal to geothermal takes advantage of existing infrastructure, means zero emissions with very low cost to operate, and saves jobs in moving to a more sustainable future.
Commonwealth / State funding rules allow replacement of existing infrastructure but not innovation.
In the U.S. generating electricity or putting the natural gas into a pipeline often makes sense because of existing infrastructure.
But their high ranking is also a product of the vulnerability of the population and the inadequacies of existing infrastructure to adapt to or tackle climate change challenges because of weak economies, governance, education and health care.
Leapfrogging bypasses the lack of existing infrastructure by skipping stages in development, often with the help of smartphones.
The cheques do not have to be tied in the public's mind to the GST credit; call it the Canada Food Inflation Rebate (CFIR), but piggyback it off of the existing infrastructure provided by the GST credit program.
Public cloud solutions will likely come to dominate the market over the next decade, but business constraints, such as security concerns and the limitations of existing infrastructure, make it difficult for companies to fully adopt the public cloud right now.
How Micro Focus Helps Enterprises Boost the Value of Existing Infrastructure With Modern Solutions That Drive Innovation
«Indoor agriculture will enhance it; we don't want to get rid of the existing infrastructure,» Griffin says.
The dairy giant said it has devoted the maximum possible volume of its 22 billion litres of milk to production of milk powders to capitalise on the stronger prices but has been unable to shift more than 70 per cent of production to powders because of the nature of its existing infrastructure.
Earlier this year, it hired consultant SmithGroupJJR for $ 45,000 to perform an analysis of the existing infrastructure.
Cuomo initially resisted the former President Barack Obama's push to have New York kick in funds for the modernization of the existing infrastructure, which suffered flooding during 2012's Hurricane Sandy, and for the creation of a new sister passage.
«I think there's a realization of the need to take advantage of all existing infrastructure out there today to transition to a new fuel.»
But given the upwards trend in fossil fuel CO2 emissions, the long lifetimes of existing infrastructure and the social and political systems in place, it is «unlikely» that China's relative contribution to global greenhouse gas warming will come down any time soon, say the authors in the paper.
Such investments, however, are made by school districts characterized by a wide distribution of credit profiles and quality of existing infrastructure, attributes that vary widely by district urbanicity and student socioeconomic traits.
The resemblance with the LCD processes and the re-use of the existing infrastructure will be a big help to achieve this.
The constraints of existing infrastructure, limited deployment of many clean technologies, and the legitimate aspirations for economic growth around the world all tend to slow the deviation from established trends in greenhouse gas emissions.
«The greater the accuracy, the better the grid can operate, and the more efficiently we can make use of the existing infrastructure on the grid as solar becomes an increasingly large fraction of generation,» he said.
Coordination of existing infrastructure (observatories and technologies) to leverage its elements for multi-parameter observing across dimensions and disciplines
Methane cracking could be a game changer for clean ammonia because it keeps most of the existing infrastructure.
A lot of the existing infrastructure that enables users to interact with Ethereum is designed primarily for developers and those with a fairly advanced technical skillset.
The award presented to Orlando Regional REALTOR ® Foundation falls under the program's «Infill or Redevelopment» category, which is for those projects that demonstrate a «recycling» of land within the boundaries of existing infrastructure systems.
ExxonMobil's attempted venture into the use of algal biofuels would allow the company — if successful — to continue to use much of its existing infrastructure.
Doing so in the natural course of life (ie, through replacement of existing infrastructure) would take generations.
But it was also a consequence of the vulnerability of the population, and the inadequacies of existing infrastructure to adapt to or tackle the problem, due to weak economies, governance, education and healthcare.
«We are making PET from a renewable resource so there's a lower carbon footprint, and we can take advantage of existing infrastructure to recycle it,» Huang explains.
The proposed Onondaga County Sustainable Development Plan outlines a framework of policies, projects and practices that would conserve rural landscapes, strengthen Syracuse as the region's center of commerce and culture, and maximize the use of existing infrastructure to provide fiscally responsible public services.
The institute will make use of existing infrastructures and will focus on staff and student exchanges, joint research and education projects, and adapting MIT's business programs to the United Kingdom.
The institute will not be built of bricks and mortar, but will make use of existing infrastructures.
An accurate cost - benefit analysis would show that imported hydro has much higher transmission costs than offshore wind because resources developed off Connecticut's coast «could take advantage of existing infrastructure,» she added.
The transition of coal to geothermal takes advantage of existing infrastructure, and saves jobs in moving to a more sustainable future.
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