Sentences with phrase «of exorphin»

Incomplete digestion of gluten and casein may result in the production of exorphin (exogenous opiate - like) polypeptides that have the capacity to cause or potentiate adverse neurological symptoms.
Dr Davis also notes: «It might be due to the lack of exorphins, reduction of the insulin - glucose cycle that triggers hunger, or some other factor, but elimination of wheat reduces daily calorie intake by 350 to 400 calories — with no further restrictions on calories, fats, carbohydrates, or portion sizes.

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The molecules produced during gluten digestion include exorphins, which have also been found in the spinal fluid of people with schizophrenia and autism, and are thought to worsen the symptoms of these neurological diseases.
The new research reveals that two of these molecules — called exorphins A5 and C5 — are released during digestion of real bread and pasta, and that they can survive digestion and pass through an in vitro model of the intestinal lining.
The gliadin protein in wheat exerts this effect on the human brain because it is degraded to a group of compounds called exorphins, or exogenous morphine - like compounds; these effects that can be blocked with administration of opiate - blocking drugs.
The gliadin of wheat is converted to exorphins, morphine - like compounds that can be blocked with opiate - blocking drugs.
When wheat is digested in the body, certain compounds known as gluten exorphins (sometimes called gluteomorphins) are produced; interestingly, dairy products under certain conditions can also lead to the production of similar compounds known as casein exorphins.
The DDP - IV activity present in the protease / peptidase provides for complete digestion of proline - rich proteins and efficient breakdown of dietary exorphins.
Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP - IV) activity supports optimal cleaving of casein and gluten and their exorphin peptides (casomorphin and gluteomorphin)
These polypeptides have been labeled exorphins (exogenous morphine - like compounds) by National Institutes of Health researchers.
Allergies vs. sensitivities vs. intolerances; gluten, dairy, and soy, lectins in grains, wheat proteins and exorphins, wheat germ agglutinin, zonulin, celiac and non-celiac gluten intolerance, autoimmune cross reactivity, symptoms and conditions of gluten intolerance, elimination diets / rotation diets are investigated in depth.
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