Sentences with phrase «of fact checkers»

You apparently also missed the failure of the «layers and layers of fact checkers» in some of the recent plagiarism scandals, too.
A key issue in the Will case was the apparent failure of fact checkers and editors to catch what should have been obvious errors.
CLIMATE scepticism is on the rise, boosted in large part by the hacked emails originating from the «climategate» scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK, and by the carelessness of fact checkers for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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Previously, Brennan was a regular guest on a variety of networks discussing business and economic stories and also interned at Newsweek International, where she was a fact - checker and contributing writer.
For example, the plague of fake news and abusive social media posts has spawned a new role: the social media news fact checker.
Washington Post fact - checker Glenn Kessler notes that a lot of this debate appears to be interagency squabbling.
On Thursday, Facebook announced a plan to deal with the proliferation of fake news: Third - party fact - checkers will flag what they think are false stories, and then Facebook will decide whether or not to demote them in people's News Feeds.
Our goal is to reduce these hoaxes just like we fight other scams on our platform, but I want us to be especially careful about never being arbiters of truth ourselves — which is why we're working with third - party fact - checkers.
Some have raised questions about whether the fact - checkers themselves may let their bias get the best of them.
This «fantasy speech» by Joe Oliver and the high likelihood that all political leaders will indulge themselves in a bit of «fact fantasy» suggests to us that there is a need for an «official fact checker» to keep a little bit of honesty in the political debate.
One of my personal heroes in the media industry, Nancy Gibbs, began at TIME magazine as a part - time fact checker in 1985.
It tells good stories at a fast clip in limpid prose, with input from a dream team of fact - checkers including Yale law scholar Akhil Amar and Princeton historian James McPherson.
That «silence» and «was understood» are both wrong and wrong to the point of being lies, but they survived the supposedly rigorous fact checkers because everyone in the New Yorker knows that Pius was one of the bad guys.
The book first appeared as a series of articles in the New Yorker and years later, writes Ben Yagoda in Slate, the fact checker reported that «he had never seen such an accurate account and that whatever the fiction veneer, In Cold Blood was a scrupulous non-fiction report.»
Please, realists, fact checkers and people concerned with truth: Stop spewing all of your hate on these fine folks whoare reeady to facilitate the end times for you unsuspecting sweet realistic humans.
Many in media love to use «fact - checkers» in articles.Unless of course the result contradicts their narrative.
From there, a group of fact - checkers — from groups like Snopes, ABC News, the Poynter Institute — will determine if the story is, in - fact, untrue.
The army of copy editors and fact - checkers suggests that magazines believe the print version is more important by far: What appears on the blogs doesn't count, unless it is so egregious that even the subscribers of the print magazine and the advertisers start complaining.
Pam Shime is an excellent researcher and fact - checker, as well as an all - around innovative thinker, and I benefited greatly from her insights into how to distribute this work in all of its incarnations.
Given raw material, I can do a lot of writing and editing, but I need a qualified reviewer and fact checker.
Washington Post fact - checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines.
But in a society in which many of us get our news from blatantly partisan outlets (if not Jon Stewart's comedic rendition on The Daily Show), these web - based fact checkers — however critically acclaimed — offer limited recourse.
The plan would also require digital platforms to maintain a public file of political ads in order to make sure fact - checkers have access to them and make reasonable efforts to ensure foreign entities aren't purchasing the ads.
President Donald Trump's weekend allegations of a «Nixon / Watergate» plot to wiretap his 2016 campaign confused intelligence analysts, befuddled members of Congress and created fresh work for fact - checkers.
Not to say that Hein has anything to hide, but Faso and his fact - checkers will dredge the swamp for hints of contradiction, misstatements or failed initiatives.
It is no coincidence that fact - checkers became a central part of the political conversation in this last election.
Almost all of the errors identified were minor, and although our fact - checkers found an average of about four generally trivial errors per Wikipedia entry, they identified about three in the Encyclopaedia Britannica versions.
Linking tools like these to human fact - checkers and social media platforms could make it easier to minimize duplication of efforts and support each other.
A: I have five people working with me — none of them full - time — a writer, an intern, an editor, an animator, and a fact checker.
The creators of award winning web series Fact Checkers Unit talk partnering with NBC, MTV, Samsung and a whole host of celebrities to produce an unusual production.
When Northup's book was first published, its credibility was attacked by the usual suspects of the day, but it apparently stood up pretty well to the fact - checkers — here's an account that says it's much better than Taratino's Django Unchained, according to historian Henry Louis Gates.
June 27, 2016 • In the campaign leading up to the Brexit vote, economist Tim Harford played the role of independent fact checker.
The Washington Post's Fact Checker says it's withholding opinion on the veracity of the claim.
Honestly, we're not entirely sure about the logic on this one, aside from the fact that Spot — the sunglasses - wearing mascot of 7 Up fame — was basically an anthropomorphic Checkers piece.
Even one fact - checking activity could be an important first step toward empowering students to start seeing the web from a fact - checker's point of view.
In an effort to help reporters and others debunk many of the myths about the Common Core, the Collaborative for Student Success maintains a Fact Checker website.
In fact, it's essential that you are not seen as the keeper or checker of meaning.
Before speaking about education when he took the podium in the school's cafeteria, Trump took sharp aim at Democratic rival Hillary Clinton on foreign policy and defended his repeated assertion that he was opponent of the Iraq War from the start, a claim that has been debunked by fact checkers.
And a fact - checker to tell you how the «Published Authors Network» is NOT an independent organization, but a sub-group of RWA.
Another new feature that should appeal to the fact - checker in all of us is the Inline Footnotes tool.
This development followed just two months after, a fact - checker website, uncovered a student «loan cancellation» scam in November of 2016.
There's more on the many iterations of Gingrich's climate stance from Glenn Kessler on the Fact Checker blog of the Washington Post (seen via Climate Progress).
Sneering at, or ignoring, your earnest high - minded mandarin gatekeepers — «we're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact - checkers,» as one Romney aide put it — is another part of closing the deal.
In almost every campaign coverage, media claims a role as fact checker of campaign claims and attack ads.
Before heading out to one of our recent forays, I caught up on the news on the well known climate blog, «Watts Up With That» and read the 10/39/17 article, How Google and MSM Use «Fact Checkers» to Flood Us with Fake Claims by Leo Goldstein.
Fact checkers the Carbon Brief, fact check another Rose's about a principal scientist at NOAA being whisteblower, without being able to actually give the name of the «whistle bloFact checkers the Carbon Brief, fact check another Rose's about a principal scientist at NOAA being whisteblower, without being able to actually give the name of the «whistle blofact check another Rose's about a principal scientist at NOAA being whisteblower, without being able to actually give the name of the «whistle blower!
The Washington Post Fact Checker gave the Chamber's dire prediction that the Clean Power Plan would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars Four Pinocchios, the rating received for only the most egregious whoppers., confirming its transformation from debunker of urban myths to just another political hack «fact checker,» cites some speculative comments made in 1930 by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius to conclude, «In essence, the relationship between carbon dioxide and climate had already been firmly established by the early 20th century.»
And in case you are of a generous nature and inclined to forgive previous false alarms, it's worth noting that the National Mining Association campaign earned the maximum four Pinocchios from the Washington Post fact - checker — meaning, it's a pack of lies.
Snopes who advertises itself as a fact - checker of truth, rated Nicklin's starving bear video as «TRUE».
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