Sentences with phrase «of failing states»

Our future depends on reversing both the spread of hunger and the growing number of failing states, but this will not happen if we continue with business as usual.
Rather, they were successful at raising the performance of students who were otherwise at risk of failing the state test without sacrificing the performance of lower - and higher - performing students.
The politics of the future is hard to know under the best of circumstances; the future politics of a failed state in the midst of civil war is almost entirely speculative.
Each year the list of failing states grows longer, leaving us with a disturbing question: How many failing states before our global civilization begins to unravel?
These are lines we can not cross if we want to hold on to a functioning human civilization — not a collection of failed states, desperate environmental refugees and collapsing food systems.
They are victims of failed states — a reminder of the importance of well - governed societies for any global system of justice.
I am not convinced that the number of failing states is growing.
The relaxing music, vibrant visuals and the lack of a fail state lull you into a relaxed state where hours can pass by unnoticed.
Six field goals allowed is a different sort of fail state, but also one that should be able to be overcome on a balanced team.
As Roger Short of the University of Melbourne writes in the introduction, «The inexorable increase in human numbers is exhausting conventional energy supplies, accelerating environmental pollution and global warming, and providing an increasing number of failed states where civil unrest prevails,» among other faults.
Staffers also conduct summer, fall, and spring home visits between and during the sophomore and junior years to students who are at risk of not graduating because of deficiencies in course credits, the possibility of failing the state high school exit exam (a condition of graduation), or poor grades.
21st Century Community Learning Centers Designed to provide support for after - school and summer school programs for students who are at risk of failing state assessments, as well as to provide enrichment instructional programs aligned to state standards.
But there's a lot of failed states out there that went bankrupt from their PMC habits... And they owe a shit load of money.
Events this summer have shown how little time we have to implement the solutions and build a viable global civilization before we're overwhelmed with the costs of responding to emergencies and contending with an ever - increasing number and proximity of failed states.
At the Earth Policy Institute, we watch a number of indicators, including global food prices, hunger rates, and the number of failing states around the world, to get a sense of how close to the edge our civilization might be.
Indeed, the inability to do so is one of the hallmarks of a failing state.
Ultimately, this makes for a much more relaxed affair than most games and when coupled with the lack of fail state in the game, Fragments of Him just over two hour duration makes it an easily digestible prospect if not one that represents especially good value for money.
The countries at the top of the lengthening list of failing states are not particularly surprising.
«NCLB asked states and districts to focus their efforts on interventions for students in Title I schools that were failing or at risk of failing the state's academic achievement standards, as measured by annual assessments.
So in the May issue, Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute, he writes an essay in which he raises sort of the specter that potentially, in the decades to come, that if we are not careful, that these problems with maintaining a sufficient food supply could get bad enough that it actually would threaten the state of civilization globally; that it just could cause widespread chaos, cause a large number of failed states and trigger [an] enormous number of problems down the line.
In many ways, the most basic indicator of our plight is the number of failing states.
As the number of hungry people has risen, so too has the number of failing states.
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