Sentences with phrase «of fair housing laws»

A federal court recently considered whether a lawsuit could be brought for violations of the fair housing laws when the allegations do not involve the sale or rental of property.
Over the past five years, as awareness of the fair housing law has increased, violations have dropped.
All property advertising, and promotion by real estate professionals must comply with the letter and spirit of fair housing laws and regulations.
Some housing violations take place because people are unaware of fair housing laws.
Be sure to remind your sellers of fair housing laws, and get them to agree in writing to comply with the fair housing obligation as part of the listing agreement.
Provides real estate licensees with a necessary understanding of fair housing law and primary ethical considerations.
Such a statement might be considered steering, a violation of fair housing laws.
One of the underlying goals of fair housing law has been ending segregated housing patterns in the United States, but census data show the law has fallen short.
Were it not for the protections of the fair housing law (that no one can be denied housing on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, familial status, or handicap), it's possible that my husband and I might not be living in the tree - shaded, tranquil community we love, in a house we've joyfully, carefully warmed into our home.
CINCINNATI — Brokers in this town are taking a bold step to ensure their companies don't run afoul of fair housing laws.
In response to this fact, USPAP includes provisions obligating appraisers to be aware of fair housing laws.
Violation of fair housing laws also demonstrates incompetence, according to Stuart.
Also the language of the Fair Housing law allows housing providers to exclude individuals convicted of «the manufacture or distribution» of controlled substances.
There are certain questions you can't answer because of fair housing laws, such as «What kind of people live in this neighborhood?»
Knowledge of fair housing laws is critical for REALTORS ®.
The Scion Group has completed an on - campus training session for the University of Iowa in the application of Fair Housing law to campus housing.
It is also be a violation of Fair Housing Law if you make special exceptions for someone.
The Association supports equal opportunity in housing and is dedicated to fulfilling the requirements of the fair housing laws.
For a comprehensive discussion of fair housing laws, read our Fair Housing Laws guide, but relevant points (to keep you safeguarded!)
You may be in violation of Fair Housing Laws for denying this applicant.
While the Civil Rights Division of the Arizona Attorney General's Office investigates and resolves housing discrimination complaints, ADOH takes an active role in the education and training of housing providers to ensure awareness of fair housing laws.
The goal of the Fair Housing laws is to create a housing market where the merits of the buyer / renter's financial position are used to make housing decisions instead of their personal background.
The tenant enlisted the help of a local AIDS clinic, which informed the landlord that it was in violation of fair housing laws that require reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities.
Craddock warned attendees that if their leasing policies disallow tenants who have committed a felony, it could have a disparate impact on a certain group of people — which is a violation of fair housing law.
If the broker complies with the owner's wishes, it's a violation of fair housing laws and a demonstration of incompetence.
It's not a violation of Fair Housing Law to deny someone because of a felony in their past.
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