Sentences with phrase «of faith and morals»

The present pope's great labor of teaching surely shows the way in matters of faith and morals.
Our investment strategy is disciplined with foundation of faith and morals.
The heart principle of the Reformation is the denial of Magisterium in the Church, the power to define doctrine of faith and morals with infallibility in the name of Christ.
These theories witness to the power of the human intellect, but few would claim that they bear on questions of faith and morals
When a bishop acts in persona Christi, fulfilling his duty to teach on matters of faith and morals by identifying propositions to which he calls upon the faithful to assent, he presumably means to state truths that belong to one and the same body of truths: primarily, those entrusted by Jesus to his Church and, secondarily, those necessary to preserve the primary truths as inviolable and / or to expound them with fidelity.
Former Thatcher adviser Christopher Monckton's retort is typical: «It is not the business of the Pope to stray from the field of faith and morals and wander in to the playground that is science»
The Pope must speak the Truth in all matters of Faith and Morals whether people like the Truth or not.
«Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will — his personal responsibility in the realm of faith and morals
Sister Florence's ecclesiology does not end there: She weaves confused ideas of private conscience and the conscience of the Church with the roles of laity, religious, and clerics to almost suggest that the truth of faith and morals is reached as a result of consensus, not because the truth is the truth:
According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they [the laity] possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.
We are not meant to find «reunion all round» by denying, forgetting, pretending, minimizing and clouding the content of faith and morals by ambiguous formulas which can mean all things differently to all men.
The last time it was an adequate frame through which to focus definitions of faith and morals, was the First Vatican Council of 1870.
But his words were bound to be misunderstood in Rome, as well as distorting his teaching in a way that for generations has allowed Catholics anxious to challenge the magisterium on some point of faith and morals to claim that they have Newman on their side.
While recognizing the difficulty of according an appropriate place for the exercise of this authority in actual church polity, Groupe des Dombes asks in «One Teacher» that «all churches agree to share in the debate regarding problems of faith and morals which are raised in a new way, acting together to take decisions in common whenever possible, and accepting the gospel principle of mutual correction.»
Organs of Presbyterian polity would then work in concert, over time, to engage the whole people of God in substantive matters of faith and morals before the church.
I firmly embrace and retain each and every thing which has been proposed by the church regarding the teaching of faith and morals, whether defined by solemn judgment or asserted and declared by the ordinary magisterium, especially those things which concern the mystery of the holy church of Christ and its sacraments and the sacrifice of the Mass and the primacy of the Roman pontiff.
Yet, as Lumen Gentium reminds us, «this infallibility with which the Divine Redeemer willed His Church to be endowed in defining doctrine of faith and morals, extends as far as the deposit of Revelation extends» and no farther.
Further, the foundational role that physics plays for metaphysics is, in the final analysis, what allows theologians coherently to defend questions of faith and morals.
«The main reason, Your Holiness, of why we are here today, is it is not the business of the church to stray from the field of faith and morals and wander into the playground that is science... it is not the business of the church to pronounce on science.
It means that when he speaks on matters of faith and morals in his office as teacher of the universal Church, whether speaking «ex cathedra» or in the ordinary exercise of his office, he is guaranteed to speak free from error by a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
In matters of faith and morals, the Church has the responsibility of teaching and of bringing the light of the Gospel message to the circumstances of our day.
«In matters of faith and morals, the Church has the responsibility of»... getting the heck out of the way!
Underlying this erroneous tendency, as Faith has pointed out many times over the last forty years, is the implicit or explicit denial of the transcendence of God, the Divinity of Christ, the historical objectivity of revelation and the authority of the Church in matters of faith and morals, and also the denial of the spiritual soul as a principle of existence that is distinct from yet integrates the material within the unity of our human nature.
Thus Vatican II stated: «In matters of faith and morals, the bishops speak in the name of Christ and the faithful are to accept their teaching and adhere to it with a religious assent of soul.»
This only refers to doctrine of faith and morals and can never contract Scripture or Tradition (capital T meaning Tradition specifically related to the Church).
Where the Council was not teaching on matters of faith and morals, such as where it was describing contemporary conditions or offering recommendations for renewal, its statements are to be received with respect and gratitude but are not necessarily flawless in either their factual accuracy or their prudential judgment.
The Second Vatican Council, in insisting in the document on Ecumenism that there can be no change or concession within the Church Catholic in matters of doctrine of faith and morals, has equivalently informed us in the name of the Holy Spirit, that it is the will of God to give to His Church and to His people who «seek Him with a sincere heart» just such new knowledge, new vision, and new unity.
As far as matters of faith and morals are concerned, both booklets are aimed primarily at nudging vaguely practising parents in an orthodox direction.
If a man's conscience, after due inquiry under the influence of grace, tells him the Catholic Church is what it claims to be he is not abandoning the use of his conscience when he subjects it to the direction of the magisterium (papal or collegial) in matters of faith and moral.
The final heresy then becomes the refusal to submit to the official voice of the church in matters of faith and morals.
As to us human beings, though we will go on making scientific and technological progress by leaps and bounds, we are not going to become any wiser in matters of faith and morals.
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