Sentences with phrase «of fear of strangers»

My kids are now 7, 9, 11, and 12, and they range much further and freer than they did five years ago, but still I'm more careful than my parents — not because of fear of strangers, but because of the number and speed of cars.

Not exact matches

«Being stared at by a stranger who appears large or ominous can be seen as a threat and elicit a fear response... However, the gaze of a potential sexual partner causes arousal that can be interpreted positively — as a sexual invitation.»
For users that don't want to risk leaving a trail for fear of creating an online legacy, or allowing strangers into their personal information, anonymous social networks are the ultimate social media solution.
Despite a long line - up of popular shows like Narcos and Stranger Things, Netflix the company has been under some pressure — and so has its share price — primarily because of fears about what the future might hold.
The answer would seem to be that anti-Jewish prejudice is the classic example of that dislike and fear of strangers which the Greeks knew as xenophobia and which appears as a familiar phenomenon among primitive peoples and peoples reverting to primitivism.
Some feared they were being watched; a car break - in, a strange woman found lurking in a backyard late at night and even a snake spotted on the grounds of the DNC all fed an undercurrent of fear.
Random Items: The «Republic of Fear» Is Dead Gross inflation Strange Bedfellows: Louis Navellier & Eliot Spitzer Slower Earnings Growth: Fact vs. Fear I link, therefore I am Chairman Greenspan Before the World Affairs Council, 12/11/03
As logical as it seems to stay away from teachings that cause such debilitating fear (so much so that the thirteen - year - old me created escape plans for the inevitable AntiChrist Army that would march down our street to shoot me after the rest of my family had successfully been raptured), it would be even less logical to believe that God would create a group of strange people created to be forever distanced from Jesus because we can't know Him in the right way.
Of course his fear is unrecognized by him, and the result has led to a strange obsession.
It all started by going to speak a complete stranger about my fears where I learned about tools to help stop the onset of a panic attack.
When it is in reflective consciousness, then the products of the unconscious appear as strange and alien powers to be feared and obeyed or examined and analyzed.
This strange freedom that comes to those who, in the face of death, say «Here I stand» is the freedom to live free from fear.
Highlights for me included Chapter 2 («Turtles All the Way Down»), in which Jason manages to use a strange blend of Stephen Hawking and Dr. Suess to engage readers in a really helpful dissection of presuppositional apologetics, Chapter 4 («The Weight of Absence»), which beautifully illustrates the fear and emptiness that comes from not feeling God's presence as often or as keenly as other people seem to, and Chapter 5 («Reverse Bricklaying»), which describes Jason's struggles with prayer and the comfort he finds in traditional liturgy.
Enemyism is the habit of viewing the Other as a stranger to be feared, projecting one's own negative traits onto the Other as destructive.
But, I suspect, we also have ever from our youngest days a proclivity to fear that which is perceived as strange, including persons of differing colors, features and cultures.
Awed and unnerved by Kateri's firmness, the warrior suddenly dropped his weapon: «Admiration, then a strange fear, overmastered the young brave... he could not have been more astonished at what he beheld if a spirit had appeared before him and ordered him out of the lodge.
The concensus of these pastors was that it is odd that we don't shake in our boots at the very suggestion that God knows every sin we commit; downright strange that we don't fear his knowledge of our thoughts.
«Instead of cowering in fear over the imagined threat of an Islamic immigration invasion, the church can play the critical role in loving Muslim immigrants and helping them integrate into a very strange culture,» suggested evangelical writer Alan Noble.
However, in the modern world we find the strange phenomenon of the Christian who is liberated from the fear of damnation, a Christian who apparently is incapable of experiencing terror.
When the author recalls the long gallery of persons whom, in the course of this inquiry, he has come to know with the impetuous but temporary intimacy of the stranger — sharecroppers and plantation owners, workers and employers, merchants and bankers, intellectuals, preachers, organization leaders, political bosses, gangsters, black and white, men and women, young and old, Southerners and Northerners — the general observation retained is the following: Behind all outward dissimilarities, behind their contradictory valuations, rationalizations, vested interests, group allegiances and animosities, behind fears and defense constructions, behind the role they play in life and the mask they wear, people are all much alike on a fundamental level And they are all good people.
«The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.»
Religion and State are separated, unlike some strange places which we actually fear and hate (Iran comes to mind)... I, for one, believe that this should teach us to keep religion OUT of the social debate.
Disturbances among the people at the time of a religious festival, when the city is crowded with strangers, have always been feared at Jerusalem.
We know well the term xenophobia («fear of strangers»).
I am struck with the observation that perhaps the reason Mark ended his Gospel on this strange note of fear was «to emphasize human inadequacy, lack of understanding, and weakness in the presence of supreme divine action and its meaning.»
There was no fear of melting ice cream or ugly brown or strange flavours.
Strange, but it turns out fear of failure tastes pretty good.
Never to fear though, happygutters (well, that sounds kind of strange: S), saag has just become vegan with tofu and olive oil instead of ghee.
I hear you about wanting to eat like a normal person and struggling with all sorts of seemingly strange fears.
A fear of strangers and a suspicion of the unknown is a basic or «caveman» instinct and part of a strategy for survival in an age when mammoths were served up for breakfast.
I have been thinking of writing a post about the way that fear and anxiety can spiral out of control in strange ways in kids, but I'm struggling with how to tell it without revealing too much too.
We seem so afraid on our kids» behalf — of strangers, of missed opportunities, of failing to keep up with the Joneses — and our fears impel us to always be there, present, hovering, poised to prevent, protect, intervene, advocate, and defend.
At the same time, I am quite aware that the fear of something bad happening is a reality for women (although for the most part women are more likely to victimized by individuals they know than by a stranger).
At around nine to twelve months, fear of strangers and fear of separation from a caregiver can peak crying again.
Whether it's a fear of the dark, strangers, flying, or anything else, the first thing to do is to understand exactly what it is your child is afraid of.
If your child has a fear of strangers, or a fear of being alone at preschool or meeting new friends, a comfort object can be a big confidence booster to a toddler.
Sure, I'd be concerned too if my baby was breastfed by a total stranger, but I don't think it deserves this level of fear.
This forceful let down is making me not want to go out for fear of covering some poor stranger in breastmilk but I know too well that staying in all day with 2 children is a recipe for someone ending up in tears, most likely me.
Fears of stranger danger and lack of good pedestrian paths also make parents afraid of letting their children walk to school, to the store, or to the playground.
He might not have been in control of much, but he had me there to cultivate a bond that would ease any fear he may or may not have been feeling as I took him places and as he met complete and total strangers.
Couple this with some kids» dislike of strangers and an ability to remember past experiences (like the pain of a vaccination), and you often get a big fear of the doctor.
I fear creepy strangers trying to lure my kids into their cars with stories of lost puppies.
This might be the fear of strangers, or even loved ones if they don't see them all the time, loud sounds even if they are familiar, and with all the motor development a fear of falling is normal.
Your baby is beginning to understand that his inner circle of family and caregivers is special to him and may react with fear or concern when introduced to someone new — the beginning of stranger anxiety.
Infant separation anxiety behaviors are crying when a parent is out of sight, clinginess, strong preference to only one parent, walking at night crying for parent, and fear of strangers.
If your child is facing a hospital stay, you want to do all you can to make the hospital less strange and frightening.Fear of the unknown can be worse than fear of the known, so letting your child know what to expect will go a long way toward lowering fear and stress.
However, some parents might think tofu isn't for their babies because of its strange sponge - like texture and their fear of their child having an allergic reaction to soy, but it's actually really recommended to try because of its richness in proteins and iron!
I want her to try everything, embrace the world, have a healthy fear of strangers, yet be sociable and be able to enjoy different people.
Symptoms of both disorders often include avoiding social situations, expecting humiliation, experiencing high distress in social situations, and a fear of speaking to strangers and being judged.
Third, children on the spectrum struggle with change or strange situations, so the potty may be a source of fear or stress.
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