Sentences with phrase «of federal intrusion»

«For the federal government to require districts to open up their boundaries would be a level of federal intrusion into the affairs of states and local districts far beyond anything» in current law, Mr. Carey said.
Finally, it was a happy moment to see Bill Evers recall the insights of that famous 19th century French traveler Alexis de Tocqueville in warning of federal intrusion in educational affairs.
I've been told that the Common Core's problems were little more than a toxic mix of federal intrusion and resistance from right - wing kooks, and that the SEL community is working hard to resist both.
The expansion of federal intrusion on public education in recent years has impacted local policymaking in ways that impose unnecessary rules, conditions and restrictions, as well as significant costs, on local school governance.
Washington — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos delivered what's become her standard prescription for K - 12 education — school choice, state flexibility, and rollback of federal intrusion — to a roomful of state school board members gathered for a legislative conference here Monday.
During today's House and Senate floor action, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle reinforced the value of school boards across the country with a call to strengthen local governance, provide greater flexibility for innovation, and guard against inappropriate levels of federal intrusion.
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