Sentences with phrase «of fideism»

There is no reason, in principle, that science and religion need to be odds, but the worst of the AGWers do not simply adopt AGW as a religion, but as the crudest form of fideism.
The reduction of the traditional concept of human nature was at the heart of the nominalist rationalism which characterised the Enlightenment, with roots at least as far back as the Reformation's exaltation of the individual and of fideism.
If only I could shake my nagging worry about a kind of fideism latent within it.
To believe that whether or not scholars are Christian is irrelevant to the excellence of their scholarship is to reject a rich philosophical and theological tradition and to adopt a form of the fideism for which many Catholics justly criticize many Protestants.
Her teaching is too often held captive by the cultural mandate to be «welcoming» (an attribute equally descriptive of hell), entertaining (an anti-intellectualism defining the «primacy of fun» in parish life), private (that enduring heresy of fideism), and profitable (a materialistic vision that defines and restrains the parish mission).
However, from my perspective, it is not his pacifism that makes Hauerwas vulnerable to charges of fideism and sectarianism.
Perhaps now that the role of fideism is in view, I can profitably return to the question of the essential meaning of the term «neo-Darwinism.»
Atheists and theists alike share this expectation, with atheists eager to show that their moral knowledge and action are uncompromised by disbelief in God's existence, and theists eager to establish the rational credentials of their moral convictions and protect themselves against charges of fideism.
Truth frees charity from the constraints of an emotionalism that deprives it of relational and social content, and of a fideism that deprives it of human and universal breathing - space....

Not exact matches

If nothing else, excessive anxiety over the Scylla and Charybdis of «rationalism» and «fideism» seems like such a tarnished relic of the seventeenth century (or thereabouts).
Well, whether I was right or not, among the responses I provoked none surprised me more than the accusation of «fideism
More often than not the philosopher is maligned as the progenitor of European irrationalism and fideism (la Isaiah Berlin).
The new environmentalism was peopled by many of the same activists who had been instrumental in the anti-America's - war - in - Vietnam movement, and, in subsequent decades, the new environmentalism has displayed characteristics similar to the fundamentalism or fideism of those who cling to the wreckage of the conventional narrative of America - in - Vietnam.
Their critique of reason opens the door also to forms of irrationalism and fideism that the deconstructive post-modernists do not, in fact, want.
Students of religion will recognize the dodge — it used to be called fideism, and atheists gleefully ridiculed it; and the expedient suspension of rational argument; and the double standard.
It seems that for McGrath the only thing that saves Christianity from fideism is the richness of vision which theism offers.
Hence the emphasis on praxis and commitment, on a concerned theology, need in no way imply a lack of scholarly rigor or a retreat to fideism.
By and large the analytic philosophers who have led the resurgence of interest in the philosophy of religion have shown little interest in either fideism or the often - skeptical themes of Continental philosophy (they have shown somewhat more interest in process theology).
«Kurzweil's commitment to a meta - historical fideism,» Diamond rightly concludes, «is antipodal to the perspective [of] most Hebrew literature in the twentieth century.»
Does not his entire enterprise threaten to veer toward fideism since it lacks the support of a meaning that could announce its other origin by confronting me?
One of the more exciting «happenings» of our time is the convergence of science and religion and the ending of the dogmatic absolutism that turned science into scientism and faith into fideism.
(It is worth noting, in passing, that most schemes of modern evangelisation and catechesis — and even theology courses — offer no preambula fidei at all, and thus in factamount to fideism.
It is akin to Barthian fideism in as much as such revelation leaves shrouded in mystery the resolution of apparent fundamental paradox within the immanent dynamic of human knowing andloving.
What is more, the New Synthesis supports orthodox Catholicism in a manner that avoids the dangers of fundamentalism and fideism, real dangers for so much neo-orthodoxy.
The sheer affirmation of one or another faith by those unwilling to submit their assertions to testing in a more neutral court is dismissed as fideism.
The main entry in our Cutting Edge column shows how this relationship, contrary to the apparent monism not to say fideism of Professor Ayala the 2010Templeton Prize winner, is related to a proper understanding of the relationship between science and the spiritual.
Consequently his epistemology avoids the pitfalls of nineteenth century Traditionalism which, carried to its logical conclusion, by undermining the possibility of any rational discourse about reality - and God as its ultimate cause - leads either to radical scepticism or fideism.
While the pope labels the paradigm technocratic, the criticism is not of technology per se, but of an uncritical techno - fideism — a «blind confidence in technical solutions» — and of the market logic that harnesses it with a single - minded focus on profit, without thinking about the actual goals of human activity.
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