Sentences with phrase «of finding shelter»

When victims of domestic violence seek to escape their abusive homes they're not only faced with the challenge of finding shelter for themselves and their children, but also for their pets.
When survivors of domestic violence escape their abusive homes they're not only faced with the challenge of finding shelter for themselves and their children, but also for their pets.

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That is, until one of them googled «safety nuclear bomb how shelter» from the beach — and found a Business Insider article titled «If a nuclear bomb goes off, this is the most important thing you can do to survive.»
He seems compelled to add that his children are as obsessed with the iconic bricks as he is — but increasingly, successful entrepreneurs needn't find shelter in the «it's because of my kids» rationale for building with LEGO bricks.
Startups are finding innovative ways to bring food, shelter, and transportation to victims of the hurricanes, wildfires, and tornados that ravaged parts of the U.S. last year, as well as improve safety for those caught in other types of disasters and emergency situations.
John's most successful «Shark Tank» investment has been in Bombas socks, a New York - based company founded in 2013 that donates one pair of socks for every pair purchased to one of 1,100 homeless shelters across all 50 US states.
The good news is that most spiders prefer to live outside, but as we all know, you'll likely come across one or two who have found their way into your house in search of food or shelter.
A survey by Statistics Canada in 2009 found that the average household spends 64.4 % of its income on personal taxes, food, shelter and transportation combined — the so - called necessities.
But a vacancy fee would be a concrete step towards decommodifying housing, by making it clear that the right of people to find affordable shelter is more important than the right of investors to make money by speculating on residential real estate.
The report found that shelter costs rose by close to six per cent this year to $ 76 a month because of soaring rents in Vancouver and «modest» increases in utilities and telephone expenses.
Located on the rooftop of one of the Gangdong District Office buildings, the feral cat shelter is currently home to 15 stray cats that were found on the street and adopted by -LSB-...]
Precious metals provide an alternative way for investors to diversify their holdings and to find shelter from the volatility of traditional equities.
Many investors, sensing additional risk in stocks, have been able to find shelter in municipal bonds, which in the past have provided a certain level of stability in times of turmoil.
They battle injuries, the elements — oh, and a pack of gray wolves stalking them as they try to keep warm and find shelter.
Halfway through the book Harris» perspective changes from describing her sheltered and skewed childhood to recounting her coming of age: At college (the conservative Hillsdale), she finds her own identity, steeps herself in the humanities, embraces biblical egalitarianism, and develops an interest in journalism, which leads her to New York City to begin her career as a writer for a Christian magazine.
I have read all of 1 Corinthians 3 and do stand yet upon that which I understand to be thruthful which are,,,, One,,, We labour «together» with God and quite possibly as an equal participant,,,, Two,,, We are God's «husbandry» which daringly seems to go beyond genetical unterstandings,,,,, Three,,,, Our bodies are literally God's buildings and God and His Brethrens do find shelters and living conditions inside of our body - like buildings of God's delightedness!
Though the mustard seed is small, it grows into a big bush and the birds of the air find shelter in it.
When they got there after four or five days» travelling, the town was so crowded that they could not find room at the inn, so they made do with the shelter of a cave, which was used as a stable for the animals.
After a cold night it goes about its grim business of collecting the newspaper - covered remains of those who were too drunk or too unlucky to find shelter.
While we bemoaned the fall of our inflated financial institutions, our neighbors were struggling to find shelter for the night.
Modern persons will never find rest for their restless hearts without Christ, for modern culture is nothing but the wasteland from which the gods have departed, and so this restlessness has become its own deity; and, deprived of the shelter of the sacred and the consoling myths of sacrifice, the modern person must wander or drift, vainly attempting one or another accommodation with death, never escaping anxiety or ennui, and driven as a result to a ceaseless labor of distraction, or acquisition, or willful idiocy.
On the federal level, while the wages of ordinary workers find no shelter from the Internal Revenue Service, exemptions and special preferences for landowners whittle down their taxes or turn real estate losses into profits.
The frequent mentions of the «desert place» that the characters find themselves in allow the audience members to envision a different type of solitary existence, one of wide - open spaces instead of claustrophobic shelter.
Some of the kids say their parents think they will find a friend to stay with or maybe a homeless shelter, but that frequently doesn't happen.
After all, under the capacious canopy of the papal office, so many disparate things find common shelter.
We are the ones who need to find shelter against evil in the House of God...
It found that 27 percent of the women were ordered into the facilities by an array of state employees: judges, probation officers, school truancy officials, social workers, doctors at psychiatric hospitals, or officials at state - funded shelters for unwed mothers and their babies.
Similar insights are beginning to surface in the conservative groups that took shelter in the Princeton theology during the founding of ETS and NAE.
Researchers at Baylor University have released the findings of a new study that looked at the number of «emergency shelter beds» for the homeless across 11 major U.S. cities, and...
Friends of religion, in contrast, find support for their views in Berger's criticisms of the limitations of everyday reality, in his argument for the role of overarching canopies of meaning, and in his openness to the possibility of «signals of transcendence» that break through the sheltering humdrum of everyday life.
In Kierkegaard's earlier works are found the germ of some of Buber's most important early and later ideas: the direct relation between the individual and God in which the individual addresses God as «Thou,» the insecure and exposed state of every individual as an individual, the concept of the «knight of faith» who can not take shelter in the universal but must constantly risk all in the concrete uniqueness of each new situation, the necessity of becoming a true person before going out to relation, and the importance of realizing one's belief in one's life.
At the time of the Arab invasion of Persia in AD 636, many refugees including the Persian Shah, found shelter in China.
Some of them, it is true, are limited to sheltered workshops, but it has been found that many can be trained to do routine tasks in industry and do them well.
Men go to God when he is sore bested, Find him poor and scorned, Without shelter or bread, Whelmed under weight of the wicked, the weak, the dead; Christians stand by God in his hour of grieving.25
In June 1974, a Ms. magazine article described the founding of a battered women's shelter near London.
He finds St. Peter outside an enormous warehouse sheltering the only secrets in heaven — contained within row after row of «white boxes tied in red ribbons.»
Most of the Vedic religious aspiration moves at the level of the satisfaction of physical needs — long life, food, shelter, protection, large families — but in these hymns one finds a consciousness of sin and guilt and the need for forgiveness, as well also as guidance and direction in living.
Here she finds shelter in the hermitage of Valmiki, an ascetic.
He immediately gave me a letter of instruction he had written, so that I would have the authority to turn to monasteries — many of which may not have opened their gates, had I not such a letter in my possession — so as to find shelter for the numerous suffering persons.»
Yet while more than 70,000 Christians who fled the advance of Isis have found temporary shelter, of some sort, in the capital of the Kurdish region Erbil, the future of the Church in Iraq remains in the balance.
It founded institutions of rescue and rest, the slum brigade and slum settlement homes, nursery schools, orphanages, shelters, and war - relief work.
Further, it is important that things be done «decently and in order,» that one gets involved in programs of social welfare: finding food for the poor, finding shelter for the homeless, addressing unmet needs of children and senior citizens, and that one seeks to promote responsible social action in the affairs of state and nation.
I just heard they found a water stain that looks like Jayzus on the wall of a homeless shelter in Podunk, Iowa!
No wonder Gabe Lyons and David Kinnaman found that younger generations see American Christians as «sheltered» and out of out touch in their 2007 study UnChristian.
But instead of spending this extra $ 100 on myself and family, I could also find a thousand ways to spend it to benefit some person, family, or group that has a desperate need for food, clothes, shelter, or medical care.
At the same time the biggest beneficiaries of globalization find shelter in such aggressive ideologies as Hindu nationalism.
I think she would not object then to the cross... she does not even realize that obviously the man on the cross has been very good to her and her family if she has so much time on her hands to spend on this cause instead of sacrificing every minute trying to find a way to bring food and shelter to her family.
The birds, burning in the schorching clare, find shelter beneath the leaves, within the shade, but, still, their lovely songs begin to fade, and only the chirps of crickets fill the air.
When the Roman Catholics were driven out of Maryland by the Protestants, the priests and some of the laity fled to Pennsylvania, where they found shelter.
You just have to find a somewhat sheltered spot, like against the house or fence in the sunny part of the yard.
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