Sentences with phrase «of first time mothers»

Compare that to 1990, when the average age of a first time mother was 25, and it's clear that the age when parenting begins is climbing up.
This can be especially true of first time mothers whose bodies have not endured child birth before.
The average age of first time mothers has risen to new highs, according to new federal data.
Over 35 % of first time mothers in Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH), University College Hospital Galway and Waterford Regional Hospital had an instrumental delivery with forceps or vaccum.
• In the UK, partners of first time mothers were slightly more likely to have taken paternity leave and to have taken longer leave, irrespective of social class (Redshaw & Henderson, 2013).
I learned from two separate unrelated sources of the tragic death of a first time mother who died within hours of delivering a stillborn baby.
In labour and childbirth, 70 % of first time mothers choose epidural analgesia in Irish hospitals.
In order to capture change in relationship satisfaction of first time mothers we computed difference scores of relationship satisfaction from Time 1 and Time 2.
Because insufficient breastmilk is common (up to 15 % of first time mothers in the days immediately after birth) and severe dehydration, jaundice, failure to thrive and death are the inevitable results of pressuring women to exclusively breastfeed regardless of whether the baby is getting enough.
Access to more reliable birth control, along with conscious choices of when to start a family have helped to raise the age of first time mothers.
Research by Helene Johns in Australia found that nearly 50 % of the first time mothers in her test group already owned a pump at the time of the birth.
It is hardly surprising then that up to 15 % of first time mothers will be unable to produce enough breastmilk to fully nourish an infant especially in the first few days after birth.
Paradigm shifting research done within the past decade has shown that insufficient breastmilk is common (up to 15 % of first time mothers), formula supplementation makes successful breastfeeding more likely, pacifiers prevent SIDS and extended skin to skin contact lead to babies falling from their mothers» hospital beds or suffocating while in them.
Taken together they show that insufficient breastmilk is common (up to 15 % of first time mothers), formula supplementation makes successful breastfeeding more likely, pacifiers prevent SIDS and extended skin to skin contact lead to babies falling from their mothers» hospital beds or suffocating while in them.
And by the way - for all of you first time mothers - don't believe any of this crap.
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