Sentences with phrase «of fiscal stimulus»

When rates go up, it is a form of fiscal stimulus.
We think the short - term impact of fiscal stimulus (tax cuts and deficit spending) will be positive.
When the recession hit, healthy doses of fiscal stimulus supported economic growth.
«I think both candidates will be caught up in this trend of fiscal stimulus and supporting fiscal stimulus,» he said.
If there was a consensus in favour of fiscal stimulus we wouldn't face the current weakness in demand.
It appears that consumers have saved a larger - than - expected proportion of the proceeds of the fiscal stimulus.
Meanwhile, federal tax rebates and repeated tax cuts generated oceans of fiscal stimulus.
Another list, this time of fiscal stimuli across the world.
Doing so, the supporters of fiscal stimulus argue, would also ease the pressure on central banks to keep interest rates at emergency levels.
The money will come from a 2008 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Lead Hazard Control grant recently re-funded as part of the Fiscal Stimulus Bill.
ING - Diba economist Carsten Brzeski noted wryly that the only thing that could bring it about sooner is the kind of fiscal stimulus in places like Italy and Greece that Berlin has been fighting against tooth - and - nail.
«There is real fear here that, given the amount of fiscal stimulus that's been put in place, which the U.S. economy is already doing very well, there could be overheating risk,» Sim Moh Siong, currency strategist at Bank of Singapore, told CNBC on Monday.
Against the dry tinder of firming prices, we now have a potential match: a rare combination of fiscal stimulus and tax cuts.
The uncertainty we face in 2017 is therefore twofold: What kind of fiscal stimulus will we see, and when will we see it?
SARA EISEN: What do you think, Stan, about the idea of fiscal stimulus in the ninth year of an expansion?
And cheaper gas at the pumps, courtesy of lower oil prices, will come as a form of fiscal stimulus for consumers in both the U.S. and Canada, leaving more money in their pockets to spend on other things.
But should investors continue to recalibrate the likelihood of fiscal stimulus, one of the main drivers of markets since November is likely to ebb.
Although the Harper Government provided a detailed analysis of what the impact of the fiscal stimulus measures on economic growth and job creation, the Minister of Finance has yet to provide any details of what impact the restraint measures might have on economic growth and job creation.
«A lot of that has to do with an upward outlook on the European economy and also the dollar weakness,» which is due to subdued expectations of fiscal stimulus and tax reform.
The New Economics Forum thinktank suggests that, contrary to Gordon Brown's pledge to spend ten per cent of the fiscal stimulus on «environmentally important technologies», just 0.6 per cent is being spent on greening the economy.
They contend that the withdrawal of fiscal stimulus as well as competitive dynamics will sooner or later cause profit margins to revert to the mean, unmasking substantial equity overvaluation.
Rudd plans third stimulus Treasury is preparing the ground for a massive new burst of fiscal stimulus in next month's budget, declaring that the measures to date have averted a plunge in consumer spending.
He sees upside risk to S&P's forecast of 2.8 percent real growth in the economy this year — in large part because of the fiscal stimulus of the recent budget ($ 300 billion in increased government spending over two years) and of the tax cuts that take effect this year.
There are also growing doubts on the size and scope of fiscal stimulus the Trump administration may inject into the U.S. economy with campaign promises on tax reform, financial regulation rollbacks and infrastructure spending either still on the drawing board or facing hurdles in Congress.
If you put a lot of fiscal stimulus — particularly big personal income - tax cuts — if you put that on an economy that's already at full employment, that's like putting a well - done steak on broil.»
«Neither March retail sales or CPI suggest US consumption is responding quickly to tax cuts while the Fed concentrates on the potential risks of fiscal stimulus.
The «Joe Six - Pack» world sees President Trump's proposed policies of fiscal stimulus, infrastructure spending, deregulation and protectionist measures along with a Fed rate hike cycle.
Mr Darling said he was introducing a green stimulus, ensuring part of the fiscal stimulus supports low - carbon growth and jobs by accelerating # 535 million of capital spending on energy efficiency, rail transport and adaptive measures.
There has to be a further demand impulse — be it a decline in household saving rates, a rise in business investment relative to profits, a further expansion of fiscal stimulus or an improvement in the net trade balance via an increase in exports relative to imports.
Yes, yes, I know lots of new debt is going to be coming to market courtesy of that fiscal stimulus — it's a $ 1 trillion tax cut to be funded via borrowing.
KEY TAKEAWAY: China's economy has exploded thanks to trillions of debt and other means of fiscal stimulus.
The brighter conditions in the labour market have supported consumer spending as the effects of the fiscal stimulus earlier in 2004 have waned.
Domestically, infrastructure and construction spending — part of a fiscal stimulus plan and the buildout for the 2020 Olympics — have also added to growth.
The Bank of Canada held off on a further rate cut this week, opting instead to wait and see the size and structure of fiscal stimulus in the upcoming federal budget.
«With President Trump expected to embark on a programme of fiscal stimulus, reduced regulation and infrastructure investment, there is potential for stronger growth in 2017.»
Economist Sherry Cooper of Dominion Lending Centres is among those who are calling for a new round of fiscal stimulus.
It would only be distributionally fair as part of a broader package with more progressive elements (such a great deal for the Daily Mail reading classes might even buy political cover for other pro-poor elements of fiscal stimulus).
«Automatic stabilisers» — the fall in revenue and rise in obligatory spending after the double - dip into recession — ensured an extension of the fiscal stimulus, with the deficit only halved and not eliminated in the coalition's five - year term.
Inflation expectations have been on the rise since before the U.S. election, but markets are now more convinced of higher inflation to come due to President - elect Trump's talk of fiscal stimulus and tax cuts.
The immediate positive response from corporate America has been impressive as the transmission mechanism of fiscal stimulus has been expressed with intentions to increase wages and bonuses, repatriate billions of dollar of foreign - domiciled capital, boost investment (capital expenditure and research and development), and bolster shareholder outlays.
Of course, this is preceded & accompanied by an equally unprecedented (in absolute & real terms) central bank experiment in monetary stimulus (with oodles of fiscal stimulus thrown in, for good measure)-- the Fed alone has conjured up almost 4 trillion dollars out of thin air.
We don't see Canadian rates across the curve coming under as much pressure as in the U.S., where inflation risks are higher because of the procyclical boost of the fiscal stimulus.
A massive dose of fiscal stimulus measures, including both deficit - financed tax cuts and federal government spending increases, has just begun to hit the economy.»
And cheaper gas at the pumps, courtesy of lower oil prices, will come as a form of fiscal stimulus for consumers in both the U.S. and Canada, leaving more money in their pockets to spend on other things.
have raised concerns that there could be a risk of over-heating with the amount of fiscal stimulus that is coming up.
But for now, the economy continues to exceed expectations, suggesting the combination of fiscal stimulus and ultra-low interest rates finally jolted Canada's economy out of a multi-year malaise.
Aerospace and defense led markets sharply higher following Trump's election and the idea of fiscal stimulus — lower taxes, higher defense spending - it ostensibly promised.
But should investors continue to recalibrate the likelihood of fiscal stimulus, one of the main drivers of markets since November is likely to ebb.
U.S. - led economic reflation, Federal Reserve rate increases and expectations of fiscal stimulus are likely to widen the gap between U.S. and overseas interest rates.
However, Evans of HSBC believes the impact of fiscal stimulus will be limited.
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