Sentences with phrase «of flagellated»

Description: Examine features of flagellates including: morphology, cysts, epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology / pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, control and public health.

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Putting on one heck of a show, Warren channeled the betrayed public, flagellating Stumpf for the bank's misdeeds under his leadership.
It would appeal to that aspect of our culture that likes to see people flagellate themselves in public.
But the fact remains, and I hold myself fully responsible: Sunday at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts saw me almost running past various displays, silently offering what penance I could — apologizing to statues, begging forgiveness of Egyptian jewelry, and mentally flagellating myself before fresco paintings of the crucifixion.
The supposedly «anti-Western» curricula in higher education reflect the ambitions of our leadership class, not self - flagellating guilt.
After you're done self - flagellating, hoist a cold one and know that you (and Ken, and Shoup, and BiB and Hoghunter, and Caddie and all the rest of you guys) have an impressively devout fan club here.
I share this with you not as some self - flagellating confession, but because in spite of all my shame and regret, I still had to wake up today and face my family.
This is a lot of crap and political theatre, just like the depressing spectacle of the hordes of special interests descending on the Capitol like locusts this time every year to bleat and whine and self - flagellate to keep their oxen from getting gored or their golden geese and sacred cows from being butchered by budget cuts, to thoroughly mix metaphors.
In a follow - up to a 2014 report that presented a way to use the flagellated bacteria Serratia marcescens and an electric field to make a microrobot mobile, MinJun Kim, PhD, a professor in the College of Engineering and director of Drexel's Biological Actuation, Sensing & Transport (BAST) Lab, is now offering a method for making them agile.
These new discoveries, which the scientists believe hold true for other organisms with flagellated sperm, including humans, may lead, among other things, toward an understanding of why only a quarter of IVF pregnancies carry to term.
Cyst, trophozoite («amoeba»), and flagellate forms of the protist Naegleria fowleri.
Lone Survivor is far superior to the bullying, bombastic movies about the US military that are all too common right now but the self - flagellating, morbidly starry eyed aspects of the film eventually win out and devalue its many moments of honest storytelling.
Hot on their trail is a self - flagellating monk (Paul Bettany) and a French detective (Jean Reno) with church connections of his own.
He is no great lover, as he portrayed in a series of hit silents with Vilma Banky, but a nervous, guilt - ridden, self - flagellating one.
Even his legacy - flagellating passion project, The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle, deserves some slack given the age of De Niro's kids when he made it.
Most of the humor comes through the exploitation of various stereotypes, including the young Asian lad (Raphael) who is so abused both verbally and physically by his «Tiger Mom» that he practically self - flagellates whenever he thinks he does something wrong (he rips out his eyebrow hair to punish himself.
One feels for her character, Nancy, immediately at the opening of Man Up when she opts for pay - per - view movies and hotel room service instead of dressing up and flagellating herself with the drunken social chaos ensuing at the wedding party downstairs.
Its best moment is a snippet of a self - flagellating Amy Adams recording her Polly Purebred dialogue, if for no other reason than that Adams is a megawatt beacon in this pitch - black void.
It's astonishing to hear Deakins self - flagellate over shots in this movie, and to learn that the production exposed less than 250,000 feet of film in this era of Knocked Up exposing over a million.
Prolonging the agony, Greenwood says to Spooner, «Prejudice doesn't show much reason,» while Spooner himself, in countless moments of bedazzled remonstration, flagellates himself with variations on «That's why I was chosen!
Since playing Silas, the self - flagellating albino monk of The Da Vinci Code, religiously skeptical cinema has come to be for him what leaning poster poses are for Matthew McConaughey.
-- as the self - flagellating albino monk, but it is Ian McKellan that grabs our attention in a superb performance that goes above and beyond the call of duty.
I can appreciate that and still, I had plenty of hope for Epic Movie based on the fact that all of the targets are things that I've actually seen (well, with the exception of The Da Vinci Code, whose self - flagellating albino monk Silas features throughout).
O'Brien worked in mainstream schools for five years before moving into special education — and with the self - flagellating humility of a convert, in his book describes himself as having been «blissfully unaware and completely uninterested» in the sector before what appears to have been his Damascene awakening.
I ended up getting none of those, which was a lesson to me about moving from the true path I'm still flagellating myself over.
If the feces are dry or have been room temperature for a while, the flagellated protozoa may encyst, making them much more difficult to identify and often requiring the techniques of a specialized lab.
It is a flagellated protozoan, a single - celled organism that is able to propel itself by the use of whip - like appendages called flagella.
Screening involves testing a fresh stool sample for visual confirmation of the motile flagellates under the microscope.
During the 1950s and 1960s, as Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism purged representation from the canvas, Buffet's continued repertoire of expressionist clowns, bullfighters, cityscapes and flagellated Christs were left open to accusations of quaintness, even kitsch.
Another canvas inspired by Renaissance paintings of self - flagellating saints was made by striking canvas with paint - soaked whips, then cutting it into pieces and sewing it back together in a quilt pattern.
In 1975, however, she upped the ante with her notorious performance Lips of Thomas, where she lay atop blocks of ice, cutting and flagellating herself, pushing her body to its physical limits and gesturing toward the abuse that female bodies have been subject to throughout history.
In cold periods the Finns are noted for their habit of sitting in roasting hot saunas until near death by heat exhaustion then rolling about in the snow until cool and flagellating themselves with twigs.
Can we at least recognize this fact, instead of self - flagellating whenever we find ourselves falling short of some impossible ideal?
But that doesn't answer the main point; whether the world's ruling clique is at the behest of a self - created, self - perpetuating, self - flagellating monster, and what might be the consequences for individuals and, indeed, society in general, of such a pernicious obsession.
(As if to self - flagellate for such mistakes, Amazon doesn't really even have a way of rectifying these mistakes, and if you manage to get out without paying for something, the company officially doesn't care.
I startled some other band parents by telling them how glad I was that the SWE weren't in the «Percy Grainger» section of the competition — each section is named after a famous composer — because whenever I think of Percy Grainger I see a naked Richard Roxborough flagellating himself.
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