Sentences with phrase «of foggy thinking»

Low DHEA can be a marker of aging and a cause of foggy thinking and low energy.

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They may say that modern (or postmodern) thought has «moved beyond» what Aquinas, for instance, had to say about the interaction of nature and history, but in fact they typically have not the foggiest notion of what Aquinas said, or even whether he said anything at all on the subject.
One is reminded of Pat Robertson's recent comment in interviewing the author of a book denouncing the State Department: «If I could just get a nuclear device inside Foggy Bottom, I think that would be the answer.»
I think our discussion has shown that the distinction between the two concepts can be a bit foggy sometimes and perhaps depends a lot on one's own definition / understanding of each.
My head is achy, my thoughts are foggy and I feel drained of energy.
I think Violet is cutting molars so Jon and I are a bit foggy and sleep deprived, but otherwise, we enjoyed a lovely visit from family, piles of yummy seafood, some very successful recipe experimentation (more on that forthcoming!)
Your sleep - deprived, foggy brain may focus so intently on sleep that you can't think beyond the next few hours of rest.
A few signs of candida include: frequent colds and flu, acne, dandruff, yeast infections, foggy thinking, fatigue, IBS, food sensitivities, bloating, and gas.
When I meet a patient who presents with complaints of irritability, anxiety, foggy thinking, fatigue, and insomnia, I visualize something that looks like a concert of rising and falling graph lines, and I plot her day - to - day symptoms on this image.
If you are male, over the age of 35 and are experiencing foggy thinking, minor memory loss, difficulty concentrating, or associated irritability, the relationship between testosterone and memory loss may be the culprit.
«I thought everyone felt tired, foggy, kind of unmotivated, not depressed but not happy — just unexcited about everything.
This excess circulating estrogen causes a whole host of symptoms, including, you guessed it: mood swings, bloating, sluggish metabolism, tender breasts, fatigue, foggy thinking, PMS, and many more less - than - desirable issues.»
There is little argument that as men age their testosterone levels gradually drop, and that men with the lowest testosterone levels tend to suffer from more depression, foggy thinking, low libido, erectile dysfunction, low muscle mass, and an increased risk of heart disease.
My head was foggy from a bad nights» sleep, my body felt like lead and I couldn't bear the thought of facing the world, let alone running.
There are a number of ways inadequate circulation can inhibit brain function and cause foggy thinking.
If you're experiencing hot flashes and / or night sweats, foggy thinking, low libido, depression, fatigue, and / or weight gain in the hips or waist, your hormones might be out of whack.
Then you get trapped in a cycle of eating really often so you don't suffer anxiety, shakes, headaches, foggy thinking, and panic attacks.
Results show a marked improvement in the reduction of headaches, foggy thinking, clumsiness, depression, irritability, bloating, and breast tenderness.
Funny, I had suffered from this type of foggy - thinking syndrome for a couple years.
True it's fast and easy, and they'll LOVE it, but the Simple Carbs, the Gluten, the Chemicals, and the total LACK of any nutrients, will set your kids up for a life of poor health, weight issues, foggy thinking, fatigue, and learning problems.
But for many men and women of a certain age, a lack of hormone balance results in weight gain, lack of stamina, foggy thinking and other uncomfortable symptoms that are definitely not requirements of growing older.
Common symptoms of estrogen deficiency include night sweats & hot flashes, insomnia, depression, rapid aging, foggy thinking, and reduced libido.
I've been kicking myself for my lack of energy, foggy thinking, lack of focus and anxiety.
If you're a woman between the ages of thirty and fifty, you know a woman, maybe yourself, who has fibroids, tender or lumpy breasts, endometriosis, PMS, difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term, sudden weight gain, fatigue, irritability and depression, foggy thinking, memory loss, migraine headaches, very heavy or light periods, bleeding in - between periods, or cold hands and feet.
Mood swings, chronic fatigue, foggy thinking, depression, leg cramps, migraine headaches, heavy painful periods, anemia, endometriosis, shooting back and extremity pain, water retention and bloating, sleep dysfunction, anxiety attacks, thinning hair, allergies, chronic sinus infections, fever blisters, acne, dry skin, infertility, hypoglycemic symptoms and fibroids are only a few of the many symptoms that dominated my life for almost two years.
Men - Take the Hormone Balance Test Men have hormone imbalances that can cause fatigue, weight gain, foggy thinking, irritability, prostate problems and loss of sex drive.
Instead, it causes fatigue, foggy thinking, forgetfulness, lack of motivation, and depression.
The tulips may be blooming and you've started pricing summer sandals, but if you're suffering from weight gain, foggy thinking, and a lack of motivation, you're likely experiencing an imbalance of kapha dosha, one of three energetic qualities in Ayurvedic science.
For women approaching menopause, hormone imbalances can cause hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, estrogen dominance, weight gain, foggy thinking, moodiness, lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, hair loss, night sweats, osteoporosis and more.
Lotte and I cycled to the place where we shot the first ever outfit photos for Thoughts in Style and we chose the perfect day to take photos there because the leaves started falling and it was also kind of foggy.
My brain feels a little foggy and exhausted right now, so I'm sharing a few random things I've been currently loving since forming full thoughts is a bit of a struggle right now!
Sidenote: When I was editing these pictures all I could think of is the Michael Buble song «A foggy day in London Town.»
It made my thinking foggy, so I hope I can be forgiven over the course of this week if I at some point mix up the titles of Logan, Lucky, Logan Lucky, Wonder, Wonder Wheel, Wonder Woman, or Wonderstruck, all of which came out in this unlucky, Alice - in - Wonderland year.
And I apologize in advance for typos, poor writing or incoherent thought... I'm at the end of a 3 day water fast so I'm a bit foggy.
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