Sentences with phrase «of food odors»

In the presence of food odors and nutrients that metabolize to species - specific pheromones that control the physiology of reproduction, ecological adaptation is what's expected to occur.
Spray to add a little fresh air to your kitchen, a soy - based candle to tackle the toughest of food odors and a Fresh Pod because trash cans could use a little Fresh Wave love too.

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However, unwanted or unpleasant odors can deter from that experience and lead to a false and negative impression of a dining establishment or food market.
Regarding the theory that spices mask the odor of spoiled food, they noted that it «ignores the health dangers of ingesting spoiled food
Many gases can also lead to odors and deterioration of food.
The low protein and fat / lipid content of potato starch has a positive influence on taste, odor and color making it a flexible ingredient in many food products, providing good organoleptic properties.
WACKER offers also molecular encapsulation solutions for odor - or taste - masking, to stabilize food ingredients and to increase the bioavailability of functional ingredients.
It extends shelf life without effecting the color, odor or flavor of the food to which it's added.
Its aluminium layer is used in most of SIG's carton packs to protect the food from light, oxygen and external odors.
In Forme of Cury, hot spices were considered to be, according to culinary historian L. Patrick Coyle, an «essential luxury» because of the medieval belief in their digestive qualities and their ability to mask the tastes and odors of food spoilage.
As you introduce solid foods and cereals in the diet of a baby you will notice the dramatic change in frequency, consistency, odor and color of bowel movements.
I am still deeply submerged into writing my thesis on «Food Preferences in Teenagers: The Role of Taste, Odor and Emotion.»
Refrigeration keeps bacterial growth from occurring, but the milk tends to absorb odors or flavors of other foods stored inside the cooling appliances.
It's also made of completely safe, non-toxic, odor - free, food grade plastic and is 100 % environmentally friendly.
Remember, the color, consistency and odor of your breastmilk may vary depending upon your diet, or exposure to other foods in your refrigerator or freezer.
With most high chairs, there are cracks, crevices and valleys that can collect liquids and food, making them a den of odors and bacteria.
Once she started solids and her diaper output changed with the addition of new foods, we quickly learned that our diaper pail hardly controlled odors.
Keep is Sealed: If the storage container isn't sealed tightly it can cause odors from other foods to seep in, interfering with the freshness of the milk.
Some moms barely notice a difference in body odor, but unfortunately for some moms, they are dealing with a little more than just B.O. Reducing body hair, wearing natural clothing, and adjusting the foods in mom's diet may help lessen the strength of the body odor.
You can find a lot of different textures, colors, and odors in a baby's poopy diaper based on what he's eating (breast milk, formula, or solid foods).
The right balance of fiber from dried beet pulp and prebiotic FOS help decrease stool odor — a great feature in a dog food!
Because phages are naturally found on fruits and vegetables and do not affect the odor, taste, safety or appearance of foods, scientists are investigating whether these «bacteria - eaters» could have an expanded role in promoting food safety.
Neuroscientists can test odor - sensing neurons» responses to chemical «smells» by exposing them to scent molecules in liquid gradients, which overlap like the blurry rainbow of food coloring shown here.
They deprived the flies of food for one night, and exposed the hungry insects to two different odors the next day.
Nieh found that the Trigona bees can use the odor markings of the Melipona to find their food source and take it over.
The researchers, led by Sara Jaeger, Jeremy McRae, and Richard Newcomb of Plant and Food Research in New Zealand, found that for four of the ten odors tested, there was indeed a genetic association, suggesting that differences in the genetic make - up determine whether a person can or can not smell these compounds.
How do moths and other insects find their way to food sources in the presence of other odors?
The odors activated reward - related areas of the brain, the same regions that trigger a pleasurable rush of dopamine when we get our hands on a desirable bit of food.
Vinegar flies (Drosophila melanogaster) are able to locate a food source by smelling the odor of overripe fruit.
In addition to changes in consumption, the area of the brain responsible for certain metabolic processes, the hypothalamus, also responded more to food odors, compared to non-food odors, after alcohol infusion vs. saline.
Having observed this behavior and shown that odors make larvae overcome their natural tendency to moderate the risk associated with searching for food, we want to understand the brain areas involved in this process of balancing cost and benefit.
Only if it can trace even tiny amounts of odor molecules is it is able to find food sources, communicate with conspecifics, or avoid enemies.
The rats were exposed to a series of many odors and then taught to associate «new» odors — ones to which they had not been previously exposed — with food.
Remarkably, the team finds that the degree to which these neurons respond when the fly is presented different food odors — apple, mango, banana — predicts «incredibly well how much the flies will «like» a given odor,» says the lead author of the research paper, Jennifer Beshel, Ph.D., a postdoctoral investigator in the laboratory of CSHL Professor Yi Zhong, Ph.D..
New research by neuroscientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), published in The Journal of Neuroscience, reveals a set of cells in the fruit fly brain that respond specifically to food odors.
When Beshel and Zhong examined the response of neurons expressing a peptide called dNPF to a range of odors, they saw that they only responded to food odors.
But only around 230 of these determine the odor of the food we eat.
«By mapping the odorous substances of the 230 currently known key odors, scientists can test which receptor combinations are «reserved» for food odors,» explains Hofmann.
And, importantly, when we presented them with seawater scented with odors of plastic debris, the schools responded in nearly the same way, clumping together and moving erratically as they would if they were searching for food.
I would have erred had I not cited other works by Vosshall and Keller in the concluding sentence of my 2012 review: «Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors.»
Now that Mainland et al have published «The missense of smell: functional variability in the human odorant receptor repertoire» and Foote et al have published «Tracking niche variation over millennial timescales in sympatric killer whale lineages,» the similarities at the top of the aquatic and terrestrial food chains attest to the power of conserved molecular mechanisms to link cause and effect across all species via olfaction and odor receptors, which is what I detailed in the review I submitted last week.
To create different identities of outcomes, the scientists used odors corresponding to sweet and savory foods.
«Hungry flies learn that in the morning the odor of banana promises food and that in the afternoon the odor of apple promises food,» Heisenberg said.
You need a functioning sense of smell to properly taste flavor, but when you're on an airplane, the dry cabin air inhibits our odor receptors causing food to taste a bit blander than what we're used to.
The food should be varied in terms of taste, odor, hardness and temperature.
One of the ways to reduce body odor is by eliminating the bacteria from the body, which can be done by taking a lot of food that contains natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
Does it take on any odor / flavors of previous food cooked on it?
An unpleasant odor arises, water too quickly fills the sink basin, the toilet doesn't flush, particles such as food, hair and bacteria become stagnant in the drain, and eventually the source of the problem is unclogged and water and other substances it carries flow freely through the pipes again.
Nausea, extreme food aversion, very specific food cravings, and total sensitivity to odors of all kinds.
Tongue scraping helps prevent diseases of the oral cavity, improves our ability to taste, gets rids of old food debris, and prevents bad odor in the mouth.
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