Sentences with phrase «of forecasters»

Despite the «flawless victory prediction» for the cryptocurrency, there have been a number of forecasters who believe that the Bitcoin Party has ended, or probably will not be excited this year.
For example, 80 percent of forecasters say the Supreme Court will rule that mandatory fees for non-union government employees is unconstitutional in Janus v. American Federal of State, County, and Municipal Employees.
However, very few of these forecasters provide forecasts beyond two years.
Furthermore, few of these forecasters provide medium - term forecasts, thereby questioning the credibility of the five - year forecast.
In 1996, the International Institute of Forecasters named him as one of its first six «honorary fellows» for distinguished contributions to forecasting.
Had the 2015 general election been run under a more proportional system, we would almost certainly have got the hung parliament that most of the forecasters had assured us we were destined for.
One group of forecasters did better, though, not because of how smart or how well resourced they were, but because of how they thought.
Until the beginning of 2017, the UK economy fared better than all but the most optimistic of forecasters imagined in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit referendum, confounding predictions of an immediate recession, and virtually ignoring any uncertainty over the future.
Syria has long featured at or near the top of various lists of «black swans,» the kind of unpredictable event that could derail the world economy leaving the vast majority of forecasters as puzzled as the European explorers who first sighted black swans in Australia in 1697.
But the extremer losses of the forecasters tended to exceed the losses registered by the least successful of our 24 records of purely chance operations.»
In that regard, Poloz has called for caution on behalf of forecasters and investors who may be overzealous to capitalize on this new performance.
«The lightning jump is getting in front of forecasters now so we can get feedback, and fit the lightning jump concept into their forecasting methods,» said Chris Schultz, an atmospheric science graduate student at UAH and an intern at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.
Heading into the start of this year, plenty of forecasters posited that if emerging markets equities were to rally or even just turn in steady performances, the leadership would come from Emerging Asia, including the Philippines.
And a number of forecasters predict home - price increases around 10 % or so nationally over the next three years, with some metropolitan statistical areas, such as Midland, Texas, and Bismarck, N.D., likely riding the energy - exploration boom to better than 20 % jumps in residential - real - estate prices.
«There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don't know, and those who don't know they don't know.»
«We have two classes of forecasters: Those who don't know — and those who don't know they don't know.»
Releasing a blockbuster title like The Legend of Zelda on the next platform thus makes absolute sense for its success of the forecaster 20 million copies in the first year, especially if the NX is far superior in - terms of hardware and features to the Wii U.
2 p.m. ET Monday, December 6, 2005: In an amazing defiance of forecasters» predictions, Epslilon remained a hurricane today, «barely holding on to hurricane strength,» reported the National Hurricane Center.
If mortgage rates reach 6 % next year, near the upper end of forecasters» expectations, the share of income needed to cover monthly housing costs on the median U.S. home will be 20.5 %, nearly the historic norm of 21 %.
By presenting CoinDash to the thousands of forecasters of WINGS, all considered to be crypto early adopters, we certainly expect massive contributors number joining into our ICO campaign.
... Economists aren't always right, but on this at least they agree: A new Wall Street Journal survey of forecasters found 44 believe the housing market has reached its bottom; only three don't.
He was also a founder of the International Institute of Forecasters and served as its president from 1982 - 83 and again from 1986 - 88.
Indeed, a number of forecasters are now predicting that the expansion, which began in 2009 and has remained subpar ever since, might prove to be far more durable than the typical five - to - six - year growth cycle, in part because of the absence of the traditional boom, then bust pattern.
Why are some of these forecasters believed while others are ignored?
Some of the forecasters say that investors can anticipate increases of 5 % to 15 % in South Florida for the next three to five years.
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