Sentences with phrase «of free enterprise»

Real estate professionals should remember the seminal rule of our free enterprise system that assumes that the provider of a product knows more about the product than the consumer.
And they do permit many of the efficiencies of free enterprise in large sectors of the economy and so tend to have a better standard of living than comparable countries which are full socialist.
This experience will enhance their understanding of free enterprise and increase their knowledge of how the local economy works.
This is, not surprisingly, what the entire world of free enterprise is like.
The beauty of free enterprise, capitalism, or whatever you want to call the backbone of the American economy is that anyone from anywhere can launch a business.
Did you take hold of the free enterprise seeking wealth and prosperity in the free marketplace?
How can confidence in the superiority of free enterprise be expressed by shutting off open debate?
Meanwhile, the record of free enterprise in improving the lives of the poor both here and abroad is spectacular.
Why ask the schools to promote faith and not ask the same of the truly distinctive expressions of free enterprise life, where persuasion has such potential?
Or why does religion and being in favor of free enterprise go hand in hand?
Thinking about it that way, what becomes of free enterprise?
Such is the dubious nature of free enterprise which more and more are less bound by national interests & only have a patriotic duty to their bottom line.
They are a public service agency devoted to the vitality of the free enterprise system and the concerns of the consuming public.
That being a highly autonomous marketplace of free enterprise, exchange, and innovation.
Today the focus is on the other benefit of free enterprise — profits.
This experience will enhance their understanding of free enterprise and increase their knowledge of how a local economy works.
Certain members of the Free Enterprise Group have also proposed new council tax bands on high - value properties.
If the story was spun so as to insert a wedge between two strong advocates of the free enterprise system — the issue that unites Liberty University and Trump — neither party took the bait.
Much of his technical expertise has been derived from collision and salvage cases but also from public inquiries into shipping casualties from the Penlee Lifeboat Inquiry in 1982, the square rigged sail training barque Marques to the Herald of Free Enterprise in 1987 and the Marchioness in 2001.
The spirit of free enterprise coupled with the tradition of piracy made Belize a natural smuggler» paradise.
Priti Patel MP, a Tory member of the Free Enterprise Group, said: «Excessive government spending is making Britain uncompetitive and acting as a barrier to the wealth creators and entrepreneurs who will create the growth and jobs Britain needs.»
The Blue Ribbon Awards recognize companies for their dedication to the principles of free enterprise, contributions to restoring jobs and supporting economic growth.
UPDATEx2: Liz Benjamin also reports on the behind - the - scenes moves against Basile, and says the name that has come up as a replacement is E. O'Brien Murray, a well - known strategist and the executive director of the Free Enterprise Fund.
Yet, risks can also present opportunities that will be lost if a risk is avoided, notes William Shenkir, William Stamps Farish Professor of Free Enterprise at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Educators have too long been shut out of this free enterprise sector, straight - jacketed by reams of regulation, and unrewarded (or even punished) for successful innovations.
Three come to mind at once: (1) the company's immediate self - interest, (2) the logic of free enterprise capitalism, and (3) the bias of technological reason towards efficiency.
«Center Staff and Advisors,» Center for the Defence of Free Enterprise.
When I went to school, «the economic phenomenon of the merger» that author P. Wesley Foster embraces was the very danger (not phenomenon) that defenders of free enterprise warned about.
It might, unless we convince regulators to apply capital and lending rules that honor the important roles of free enterprise and private property ownership.
One share, one vote is a «psychologically important part of the free enterprise system,» which helps to encourage market participation, Whitehead says.
Consider as a primer what freer trade accomplishes: In the post-war era, and especially with the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 — and with it the notion that governments could centrally direct an economy — a growing number of economies rejoined the normal human preference and practice of free enterprise.
That's because open trade and the growth of free enterprise around the world in general has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, and increased employment in North America specifically.
When the home of free enterprise turns away entrepreneurs, Chile welcomes them»
«There are people in senior roles in the two provincial parties who are not completely in tune with the views of the majority of free enterprise Albertans who want one party,» says Kenney, calling them «grasstop party activists.»
we need Alberta back as the beating heart of free enterprise and the conservative movement in Canada.»
Since then, the regime has subsisted — and even gained slightly, according to some estimates — with the help of Chinese subsidies and pockets of free enterprise.
A culture of free enterprise flourished in Geneva, in large part thanks to Calvin's benign attitude towards economics and finance.
The experience — the only extended period of time she spent in Washington — exposed her to anti-liberalism as a philosophical proposition and made her a lifelong exponent of free enterprise and the preservation of American liberty.
• The confusion of «success» with sheer wealth by individuals, businesses, and corporate boards, which empties economic life of its vocational nobility and inculcates a counter-ethic of beggar - thy - neighbor competition that's a grave danger to markets and a threat to the capacity of free enterprise to help people lift themselves from poverty.
Communism with its suppression of human freedom and ruthless violation of personal integrity can not bring justice, though it can challenge injustice and possibly ameliorate some forms of it.12 The answer, as far as we can see it, lies in a blend of free enterprise and state control in accordance with certain positive Christian principles.
The two are single payer (i.e. something like Canada or Europe) or some type of free enterprise system with no insurance except for catastrophic events of great cost.
That Adam Smith, considered to be the patron saint of the free enterprise system and the laws of the market should have forcefully asked for workers» education, and that too at the initiative of the government, may come as a surprise to many.
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