Sentences with phrase «of free promotion»

When it was free I emailed my list and asked them for reviews; and then there were four days of free promotion.
No doubt some people are also now taking advantage of free promotions, and will cancel their subscriptions as soon as the free trial period ends.
One thing I haven't yet noticed is an increase in sales on my other novels as a result of the free promotion.
We've all seen the diminishing effect of free promotions... this was expected, however, my last free stint for both of my books have brought sales to a near grinding halt.
But if you're hoping to gain a large number of new readers, I really would suggest staying away from this kind of free promotion.
I've been through the ups and downs of free promotions.
Enter the date and notice the number of free promotion dates used at the bottom.
Many authors don't understand the value of free promotions and just see them as losing sales.
From time to time your book may be made available through other sales channels as part of a free promotion.
The hope of the free promotion is that some customers will actually read the e-book, like it, and help spread the word.
The same can be said of free promotions and piracy.
To have that removed from our arsenal of free promotion tools is like shooting us in the leg and then telling us to run a marathon.
It's about knowing how to take advantage of free promotions and bonuses to obtain as many points as possible for as little as possible.
One of the results of a free promotion is that many readers who don't normally purchase books in your novel's genre will download them because they're free.
So within as little as two days, the immediate follow - on effect of the free promotion was already over.
It's called their internal algorithm and, not that dissimilar from ranking on Google, once Amazon's algorithm kicks in, you could see a boatload of free promotion come your way from Amazon.
It enjoys three minutes of free promotion each morning in the middle of the UK's most popular current affairs programme.
Ironically, most of his takeaways are things that weren't unknown to anyone paying attention a year ago, including the value of an email list; the importance of an author's platform; the increasingly out - of - whack signal: noise ratio in the market; print as premium product; the power of free promotions combined with targeted marketing; and, perhaps the most obvious, ebooks have a long way to go before they replace print.
During the 5 - day period of the free promotion, I had over 78,000 page reads, earning me approximately $ 325 of income!
That means that the giddy crack high of a free promotion followed by sales of hundreds of books per day, as a result of the algorithms seeing your thousands of free downloads and putting you on lists like Movers and Shakers, or Most Popular (as opposed to Best Selling), is over.
«With KDP Select, you can use their offered 5 days of free promotion if you like.
Lesson learned: lower your expectations of these free promotions in terms of them converting to sales, maybe see them more as lead - generation and push the email signup at the end harder.
If book bloggers are the new gatekeepers to «book publishing success,» do you wonder how you can tap into that source of free promotions?
You only get a limited number of days of free promotion during and for a minimum of three - month exclusivity with Amazon
It's about making good use of free promotions and bonuses to gain as many points as possible while spending (relatively) very little.
These free weekends at Chemistry always means it will be extra busy at the dating site since more singles will be visiting to take advantage of the free promotion.
I'm in the second day of my free promotion for my ebook Sportsman's Bet and I did pretty much everything you mentioned, plus I contacted several author friends of mine to ask for their help in promoting it.
On the first day of your free promotion, get up very early (like 3 A.M.) and add your book to the Amazon Kindle Forum thread for free books.
On the 2nd day of my free promotion, I publicly thanked everyone who downloaded the book and left a review on Facebook:
There are also promotional options every 90 days including five days of free promotion, which can be good for getting reviews and Kindle Countdown Deals, time - bound promotional discounting for your book.
This PDF shares the process I take for each of my free promotions.
Since the first day of the free promotion, until now (18 days later), I've had 67 new reviews on Amazon.
Then use the five days of free promotion, along with your social media, to get as many eyeballs on your work as possible.
After 3 1/2 days of the free promotion, we switched to paid.
On April 4, the day of the FREE promotion, over 250 people downloaded it from the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Do some of the free promotions that they allow, and you will see your audience grow.
On Day 1 of my free promotion, I pushed the marketing heavily through my various social media channels, forums and related network.
In the past, this method used to be a surefire way to get major sales when your book came of its free promotion.
While I'm not a fan (as I expected) of free promotions, discount promotions can produce results.
We now have overwhelming demand for our book promotions, and not enough time to fulfill all of the free promotion requests we get each day.
Multiple authors have reported that their giveaways have resulted in few, if any, reviews, and also that it was difficult to ascribe many (and sometimes any) downstream sales as a result of their free promotions.
Owners of Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Moon, Pokémon Ultra Sun, and Pokémon Ultra Moon for the 3DS family of systems will be able take advantage of the free promotions.
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