Sentences with phrase «of free school meals»

The school hall is able to accommodate a recent introduction of free school meals for all Key Stage children.
Children in receipt of free school meals have their cards topped up by government, better off students have them paid into by parents, or a combination of both.
In just six months, we're about to take another huge step forward with the introduction of free school meals for all infants and putting cooking on the curriculum.
The government should launch a programme of after - school family literacy classes in primary schools with above - average proportions of free school meal pupils.
The study warned that using proportions of free school meal pupils had also become an unreliable way of assessing the fairness of admissions systems.
Today's announcement also saw an extension of free school meals to disadvantaged students in further education and sixth form colleges, rather than just school sixth forms.
The government said its provision of free school meals for infant pupils had helped boost their learning.
When combined with the other pupil characteristics, models with measures of free school meal eligibility worked best, in practical terms, for explaining variation in pupil achievement.
At present, when parents have the incentive of free school meals, there are already wide variations in the level of claiming eligibility.
Last year, take - up of free school meals fell to the lowest level on record.
Individual indicators, such as having been in receipt of free school meals, are the least commonly used, with participation in widening access programmes the most common.
One year on from the launch of free school meals for all infants in England, 95 % of parents of the children taking up the offer are recognising the benefits for their child.
The Deputy Prime Minister's office has now released details of the Free School Meals plan, to be confirmed in the Autumn Statement today.
The Deputy Prime Minister's office has now released details of the Free School Meals plan, to be confirmed in the Autumn Statement today.
The funding was originally intended as «additional support» for the financial demand of free school meals to all, however, many primaries are expected to suffer the loss of the financial aid.
And with the announcement of free school meals for reception children already announced, Clegg has a policy to match his promise.
The Department for Education commissioned RAND Europe and the University of Cambridge to measure the effectiveness of free school meals as a predictor of pupil achievement in England.
Not only would this House bill weaken school nutrition standards, subjecting them to more frequent and less scientific review, it would also allow the return of school junk food fundraisers, keep thousands of kids in high poverty areas from getting free meals without paperwork and stigma, and it proposes a three - state block grant pilot for school meals, a scheme which could potentially deprive poverty - stricken children in those states of free school meals altogether.
For instance, Nick Clegg has made a great deal of his proposal of free school meals, shouted his pro-European credentials and is now showing his vigorous support for a private member's bill that seeks to enshrine in law the United Nations overseas aid spending target.
The move was welcomed by John Dickie, head of the Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland and a leading member of the Free School Meals Campaign.
As a result of Nick Clegg's announcement today of free school meals for every child in infant schools in England, Wales is set to receive around # 30m under the Barnett Formula.
The start of the school year also brings the start of free school meals for all the 1.9 million children in infant classes (the first three years of school) in England, at a cost of # 1bn over two years; a policy Clegg announced a year ago at the Lib Dem party conference.
Memories of the milk Snatcher The controversy surrounding the suggested cutting of free school meals is reminiscent of Conservative party action in 1971.
The research compared the social make - up of schools with their local areas and identified schools with the greatest difference between rates of free school meal (FSM) pupils and in their surrounding neighbourhoods.
Estimating the Effects of Free School Meal Provisions on Child Health: Evidence from the Community Eligibility Provision in Georgia Schools
Calls for the council to write to Education Secretary Damian Hinds to encourage government to fund free menstrual products for all schoolgirls in receipt of free school meals across the country were also rejected.
To date, funding from the Department for Education (DfE) has been provided for the first two terms of the school year based on an estimate that 87 per cent of eligible pupils will take up the offer of free school meals.
Mr Watts said that the experience of free school meals in Islington suggested some schools would lose out because of this process.
This discrepancy will make comparisons of populations of free school meal pupils between local authorities «useless» until at least 2024, his charity has calculated.
Using an indicator for how many pupils in a school are in receipt of free school meals compared with the total amount eligible in a school's area, Hannay has broken down how «biased» schools are against the typical population and their intake.
The roll - out of free school meals under the new system of universal credit will take place in stages across the country between now and 2022, a DfE spokesperson confirmed.
«Half of all free school meal children are in just a quarter of our schools.
The investigation found the trust had failed to retain any form of free school meal eligibility evidence for a period of six years — breaching the Academies Financial Handbook.
Apart from depriving vulnerable children of a hot meal at lunchtime, the under - claiming of free school meals also deprives schools of additional funding under the pupil premium, which is issued based on the number of pupils who claim free meals.
However, the Trust said that some highly selective universities, particularly in urban areas, such as Kings College London (5.3 %) and the London School of Economics (4 %), had a higher proportion of free school meals students than some less selective institutions, for example Portsmouth (3 %), Lincoln (3 %) and Oxford Brookes (1.7 %) universities.
He even suggested that schools be denied an Ofsted «outstanding» rating unless they have a «measure in place for the number of SEN, the number of free school meals, the number of children they take into the school».
On top of those savings he has already announced, Mr Gove said he was scrapping the proposed extension of pilots of free school meals for primary schools, saving # 125m.
LITRG strongly welcomes announcement in the Autumn Statement about the extension of free school meals.
With the launch of free school meals for all infants last September, the issue of catering for much bigger numbers at lunchtime has become a priority for schools up and down the country.
But the BBC's analysis of admissions policies suggests the raw percentage of free school meals pupils in grammars does not capture where and how things are changing.
This staggering issue is further enhanced by the introduction of free school meals for infant students from September 2014.
They will enthusiastically compare the provision of free school meals for young children with Conservative demands for married couples» tax breaks.
Many smaller primary schools will suffer from the loss of the # 32.5 million they received collectively as «additional support» for the financial demand of free school meals to all.
Mr Clegg also called on free schools to admit at least the same proportion of free school meal pupils as the local average and open up facilities to the local community.
I am pleased too that there will be additional support for education, bolstered by the  # 918 Pupil Deprivation Grant payment to schools for every child in receipt of free school meals, championed by the Welsh Liberal Democrats and forming part of the budget deal between the Government and two of the opposition parties.
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