Sentences with phrase «of fresh faces»

Instead, there were lots of fresh faces in attendance.
With over 40,000 small businesses currently using their services, we are in need of fresh faced driven candidates to continue to grow the client base.
It's graduation season and a new batch of fresh faces will be entering the job market, so if you're looking for talent, now is a superb time to find it.
The cast is full of fresh faces, and even the goofy moments work because they all bring something unique to it.
It presented just enough classic characters while offering a number of fresh faces for the experience.
He will be 76 in 2020 and, depending on his health by then, could face calls to stand down in favour of a fresh face.
Picking up a new hobby or two will put you around a bunch of fresh faces and maybe help you discover a talent you didn't know you had.
Of course, the new additions are excellent as well, though the final number of fresh faces may disappoint some die - hard collectors.
The team has already made amazing progress under her leadership in less than a term and thanks to her we have a whole new set of fresh faces eager to play.
Several commentators said the Conservative party was anxious to revive its fortunes with the help of fresh faces and a more varied cast of ministers and aides.
We made one signing to cover a position in dire need of a fresh face, which made the start promising.
This is a scandalously large topic on the lack of fresh faces on both the board and the coaching staff, but recently players have come out and questioned the managers tactics like Koscielny did for the Chelsea game «I think we played some players in front of others and I think we should have played more as a team and there was space to do so».
In this season of fresh faces and new surroundings, Patti's business is thriving in a swanky new office in Marina Del Ray with an entirely different team of matchmakers.
These new photos really show the bright, bursting, flavour and deliciousness of these easy bars a lot better and I've been trying to slowly but surely go though my older posts to give them a little bit of a fresh face!
For James looks primed for another deep playoff run, jolted by a row of fresh faces who arrived with perfect timing.
Umunna's decision, Burnham says, highlights the need for Labour to have a more experienced leader, no matter the allure of a fresh face.
Haley, who is Indian - American, is just the sort of fresh face Republicans need to show that they are not simply a party of and for old white men.
«We have a lot of fresh faces ready to work with the administration in moving the City in the right direction toward a common goal,» Weaver said.
On one hand, the public might relish the idea of some fresh faces in office every dozen years or so.
There have been tons of swoon - worthy makeup trends in the fashion world this fall, and we're loving the combo of a fresh face and soft n» bold color highlights.
It's the perfect time to join the herd and create your own partner - catching profile, as you'll find plenty of fresh faces and hot prospects who are emboldened to try something new and daring.
Rude, lewd and occasionally in the nude, The Hangover brings a collection of fresh faces to the familiar raucous male - bonding comedy.
When NBC came to town in search of fresh faces for casting, he made it into the top 20 out of over 3,000 hopefuls.
JJ Abrams» soft reboot picks up decades after the Rebels victory over the Galactic Empire, switching out the main Skywalker cast for an ensemble of fresh faces to lead a new trilogy of flicks.
Sure, actors like Adam Baldwin (no relation) have been around for a long time (he was in Full Metal Jacket for crying out loud), but on the whole Serenity boasts a fantastic array of fresh faces.
Since Spooks stuck unswervingly to its grand tradition of bumping off leading characters — diehards will still be wiping away a tear at memories of Rupert Penry - Jones's Adam Carter, Richard Armitage's Lucas North and Nicola Walker's Ruth Evershed — Pearce finds himself surrounded by a bevy of fresh faces, though Tim McInnerny bounces back vigorously as sneery MI5 supremo Sir Oliver Mace.
Molly Ringwald Joins «Jem and the Holograms:» The large majority of the «Jem and the Holograms» cast consists of fresher faces, but now Jon M. Chu is throwing a Hollywood icon into the mix, Molly Ringwald.
The expansive storyline follows FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) as they attempt to uncover a massive conspiracy involving an impending alien invasion, with their efforts bringing them into contact with a selection of fresh faces (Martin Landau's Alvin Kurtzweil, Blythe Danner's Jana Cassidy) and series regulars (William B. Davis» Cigarette Smoking Man, Mitch Pileggi's Walter Skinner).
In Maeve Binchy's magical Quentins you will meet new friends and old: the twins from Scarlet Feather, the Signora from Evening Class, Ria from Tara Road, and a host of fresh faces.
We have lots of fresh faces joining us this week in the Cat Zone and our Studios.
The other half is a mix of fresh faces and fan favorites that we haven't seen in action since the Street Fighter Alpha series.
Set twenty - five years after the events of Mortal Kombat, a lot of fresh faces come forward to expand upon the series» lore.
Seeing titles we adore get showered with love by thousands of fresh faces is a tremendous step for both the gaming community and those individual devs.
Together, those two contingents of fresh faces account for more than a quarter of all the firm's partners.
Century - old names are great, but at the other end of the spectrum is Faraday Future, the kind of fresh faced company that the series needs with Tesla not in the mix.
When starting in Recruitment, many of us fresh faced juniors were so excited to be choosing our business suits, with an image in our minds of working in huge glass buildings (like New York even though you were based in a small town) and closing massive deals over the board table.
The Comedy Series category is a batch of fresh faces; three of the five are first season nominees.
But that is not where the money is because they have already bought the game (and a large portion already own the expansion pass) and «important» always lies where the new money is, and that is new customers who will need to spend money to pick up the game, the expansions, and also serve to keep the player base full of fresh faces to keep the existing customers that were willing to continue to play the game happy.
He is currently understood to be working out the reshuffle of his shadow Cabinet, in which older figures are expected to be jettisoned in favour of fresher faces.
Taken from Game Review: Shantae: Half - Genie Hero may not throw in a whole bunch of fresh faces / elements to get acquainted with.
With a number of sides struggling towards the bottom of the table and in desperate need of some fresh faces in January in order to ensure they make their way up the table and away from danger.
Best Drama had a lot of fresh faces this year, with Handmaid's Tale, Stranger Things, This Is Us and Westworld all making an appearance in their first season.
The Toon are in need of some fresh faces in their squad after a terrible second half of the campaign.
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