Sentences with phrase «of galactorrhea»

Many of the causes of galactorrhea, like hormonal imbalances, tumors, or other medical conditions, are beyond our control.
The treatment of galactorrhea depends on the cause, so if you're producing a milky discharge from your breast, see your doctor.

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However there are a few drugs which are known for causing extra or spontaneous milk flow (known as galactorrhea) as a side effect of their intended medical use.
Elevated levels of prolactin are associated with galactorrhea, but it is also seen without high prolactin levels.
A woman with previous breast surgery can get mastitis (infection of the breast tissues), galactocele formation (a milk filled tumor in your breast) and even galactorrhea (lactation that occurs without the occurrence of pregnancy or childbirth).
Stopping antipsychotic medications, cutting back on marijuana, cocaine, and / or opiates, and limiting nipple stimulation are all ways to stop galactorrhea if these things are found to be the cause, according to Dr. Kevin Audlin of the Institute for Gynecologic Care at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.
This is called galactorrhea, and it can happen for a variety of reasons.
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