Sentences with phrase «of galaxy merger»

NGC 6240 is an important object to investigate in order to understand the physical and evolutional relationship among the processes of galaxy merger, the action of a starburst, and the phenomenon of an active galactic nucleus.
«These new observations help us put the pieces together by showing the first steps of a galaxy merger in the early Universe.»
A successful detection would give astrophysicists a better understanding of the astrophysics at the hearts of galaxy mergers, Mingarelli says, and provide a new avenue to study fundamental physics not accessible by any other means.
The team discovered the galaxy's peculiar features while conducting a Hubble survey of distant galaxies unleashing powerful blasts of radiation in the throes of galaxy mergers.

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«The rate of these neutron star mergers in our galaxy is about one every 100,000 years.
The scientists will now combine the results of the Auriga Project work with data in surveys from observatories like the Gaia mission, to better understand how mergers and collisions shaped galaxies like our own.
Many other potential applications of this dataset are explored in the series of papers, and they include studying the role of faint galaxies during cosmic reionisation (starting just 380,000 years after the Big Bang), galaxy merger rates when the Universe was young, galactic winds, star formation as well as mapping the motions of stars in the early Universe.
The team think a merger of galaxies is driving star formation, «but we do not yet understand the physics», says Swinbank.
The detection of a supermassive black hole merger would offer new insights into how massive galaxies and black holes evolve, Mingarelli says.
One surprise from the results was which galaxies are most likely to offer the first glimpse of supermassive black hole merger.
Such mergers could give themselves away by their effect on the shapes of the black holes» parent galaxies, and in infrared and ultraviolet afterglows.
«Galaxy mergers are common, and we think there are many galaxies harboring binary supermassive black holes that we should be able to detect,» said Joseph Lazio, one of Taylor's co-authors, also based at JPL.
«Galaxies are shaped by collisions and mergers, as well as this sweeping of their gas from cosmic winds.
Because these events unfold on billion - year timescales, each pair of galaxies observed by Hubble provides just a snapshot at a particular stage of the collision and merger process.
Simulations of galaxy formation suggest that such bright galaxy mergers could form, but not in the numbers seen during that active epoch.
These superbright submillimeter galaxies, they decided, must also be the result of mergers.
Astronomers speculate that this merger may eventually form the core of an entire galaxy cluster.
Over billions of years, these mergers continued, eventually producing the large galaxies and clusters of galaxies we see in the Universe today.
The sharp - eyed Hubble is offering support for the fertile merger of spiral galaxies.
SPD.81 may be a rotating disk of stars seen edge on, the team suggests, or it could be the result of the merger of two smaller galaxies.
Lee thinks the galaxy probably formed not from the cataclysmic collapse of one big gas cloud but from the mergers of many smaller ones.
«These results are powerful evidence that a significant galaxy evolution has taken place throughout the universe's history, which dramatically reduced the number of galaxies through mergers between them — thus reducing their total number.
These results contribute new information to the studies of galaxy evolution and its relation to galaxy - galaxy mergers.
Stellar motions in the core of the giant galaxy do indeed suggest that it may have experienced a black hole merger in the not - too - distant past, says Gebhardt.
Today most galaxies show signs of past mergers and near - collisions.
At the same time, the gas in the galaxy disks loses its angular momentum via viscous process associated with gas mixture, and falls into the gravitational center of the merger.
Astronomers think that the galaxy merger process of NGC 6240 began about a billion years ago, so this work suggests that the later stages of the merger are what excited the gigantic starbursts and subsequent superwinds.
To identify the final shapes of galaxies after mergers observationally, the group studied the distribution of gas in 37 galaxies that are in their final stages of merging.
For decades scientists have believed that galaxy mergers usually result in the formation of elliptical galaxies.
Supermassive black holes like the one in galaxy M87 probably grow not only by feeding on infalling gas and stars but also by mergers of smaller black holes.
«A violent wind blown from the heart of a galaxy tells the tale of a merger
Those other processes include collisions of giant gas clouds within galaxies, internal instabilities, tidal interactions during flybys of smaller galaxies, and minor mergers that don't produce conspicuous distortions.
The thought was that when many galaxies are close together, a merger, two galaxies colliding and melding together, would create instabilities and cause gas to fall into the super massive black hole in one of the galaxies, creating a quasar.
The Hubble data indicate that they are «wobbling» around the centre of mass of each cluster long after the galaxy cluster has returned to a relaxed state following a merger.
«We've known for awhile that minor mergers can have visible effects on their host galaxies,» says David Law, an astrophysicist at the University of Toronto's Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, who did not contribute to the new study.
Comparing that galaxy's redshift with the distance of the merger as measured by the loudness of the gravitational waves could provide an independent estimate of the rate of cosmic expansion, possibly more accurate than current methods.
But new observations by Herschel, a far infrared space observatory operated by the European Space Agency, show that massive elliptical galaxies can form from the merger of two large galaxies.
The most plausible explanation for this propulsive energy is that the monster object was given a kick by gravitational waves unleashed by the merger of two hefty black holes at the center of the host galaxy.
Conroy suspects that violent conditions in the early universe — such as galaxy mergers — shocked and compressed gas and dust in particular areas, creating agglomerations of thousands of stars in particular areas.
Perhaps, after all, a relatively recent galactic merger is responsible for Andromeda's structure — and the structure of countless other galaxies — as well.
By comparing the models to recent observations of clusters in the Milky Way galaxy and beyond, the results show that Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory) could eventually see more than 100 binary black hole mergers per year.
If you wait long enough, the cluster mergers make the galaxies even more red and dead — they slip back into a coma and have little prospect of a second resurrection.»
The unprecedented deep image of the galaxy reveals evidence of a hidden minor merger billions of years ago.
The new work implies that the merger of galaxy clusters has a major impact on the formation of stars.
Dr. Masafumi Yagi, who leads the next phase of the project said, «We will discover more and more evidences of the satellite merger around Seyfert host galaxies.
Does the image appear to depict a merger of multiple galaxies?
It's a different story with dwarf galaxies: they often hang out at the fringes of larger galaxies, whose gravity strips them of their stars before a merger can take place.
Clusters grow through the accretion of gas from these large - scale filaments and through mergers with other clusters and groups of galaxies.
A new study has come to the startling conclusion that as many as half of all stars in the universe may be rogue, having been ejected from their birthplaces by galaxy collisions or mergers.
If galaxies that have never been through a merger, like NGC 4178 — detectable by their lack of stellar bulges — have their own central black holes, their properties could help tell the story.
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