Sentences with phrase «of generations of»

Think of the hundreds of generations of shamans, bards and storytellers keeping safe the lore of the tribe by memorizing it to particular rhythms and melodies, down to relatively recent times: the Iliad was sung for centuries before the Greeks had a written alphabet.
That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation — the FDIC — an institution that has successfully secured the deposits of generations of Americans.
At least, that's how it is now after a couple of generations of sprawl and the resultant abandonment of cities where dense, efficient living is possible.
In the book David and I argue that the supposed negative relationship between income inequality and democratization was seductive to many scholars, since it confirmed the folk wisdom of generations of scholars on the left and right.
And, it's been used to effectively punk hundreds of generations of parents since then.
It's one of the all time favorites of generations of parents and babies.
But these are surface symptoms of the real problem: The historical trauma of generations of oppression of native parenting, including breastfeeding.
Nuk is well respected for the quality and dependability of their products and that has earned them the trust of generations of new mothers.
We are very proud of Wenonah and equally of the generations of campers that have grown through our unique programs.
It's not easy, because it goes against a tidal wave of generations of cultural beliefs and myths.
They are epigenetic: the result of generations of toxins, and the effect of these toxins on our genetics.
«So to be able to set up the next couple of generations of your family for a nice life, it's very fortunate and very privileged that we're able to do that.»
«Those stories have filled the imaginations of generations of Venetians with the experiences of festive holiday seasons coupled with the long - treasured spirit of giving and sharing.
Over that timeframe, it has sustained thousands of generations of people, cumulatively numbering in the tens or even hundreds of millions.
The secret is primarily the (lengthy) process, and where time is money; longevity of the manufacture and consistency of red pepper production with allowances for crop failures [25] has placed the McIlhenny Company in a unique position of total saturation of wholesale distribution and the inestimable goodwill of generations of repetitive sales of a timeless classic.
In spite of all colonial vicissitudes the formal definition of the work of the ministry remained as stated in the Virginia laws of 1619: «duely [to] read divine service, and exercise their ministerial function according to the Ecclesiastical laws and orders of the Churche of Englande... «42 Thus the goal and the determination of the generations of dedicated ministers who served the English Church throughout this period might be expressed in the words of that early governor of Virginia, Sir Thomas Dale.
Naturally several of the philosophers who took part in spreading this doctrine of the preponderance of the generations of mankind over the individual now turn away in disgust when their doctrine has sunk so low that the mob is God.
The loyalties of generations of church - going Americans were called into question as the civil rights movement became an anti-war movement and then a war on poverty.
We'll have a couple of generations of debates such as this and as time passes, that philosophy will eventually die out.
Genesis 5:1 says, «This is the book of the generations of Adam.»
The last couple of generations of Catholic writers have been far more inclined to whisper.
Moreover, far from suffering from poverty born of generations of discrimination, by many measures gays and lesbians are statistical winners in America.
It takes an equally long time before, through the cooperation of generations of members, a ritual has evolved that both creates and directs the actions and interactions of a group.
«The Lord be with you... lift up your heart» echoing the prayers and songs of generations of faith.
God's calling is to Abraham and Sarah, to David and to Solomon, and to the multitude of generations of the Hebrew people.
Their intent is that there will be an ongoing confession of generations of believers, an ongoing proclamation of the good news.
Not the familiar questions of generations of theological classrooms, but concrete questions posed by the lives we know, and honed into graphic forms by the best of our novelists, film - makers, and social commentators.
They may be either spontaneously formulated, or acknowledged as tradition (successions of waves of conversions and of generations of followers).
If 900,000 Muslims» acts are enough to term all Muslims around the world as terrorists and not as the ideology of a certain extremist group, then we Muslims can safely say that with a 100 times greater extremism on display by some Christians scores of generations of Christians before and after us should be termed terrorists.
We have been evoloving both physically and socially for hundreds of thousands of years, adapting to our environment and passing on learned information from one generation to the next for us to build upon pulling ourselves out of the muck through thousands of generations of hard working humans to get to where we are today.
Genesis 5:1 - 3 says this: «This is the book of the generations of Adam.
9 These are the records of the generations of Noah.
The interpretation does describe the situation of the later church, and indeed of all generations of church history; but it describes also the situation that confronted Jesus himself.
A novel of generations of conversos» Jews who converted to Christianity» during the years leading up to the Spanish Inquisition.
However that may be, the sustained labours of generations of early biblical scholars gradually established certain broad controlling principles of interpretation; and these ultimately crystallized into a general schema, by which the study of the Bible was henceforth to be directed.
We're joining together with the voices of generations of believers in this practice of singing to God.»
The energy of generations of family members may have gone into making the business a success.
Since 1920, the Snap - on brand has earned the respect and trust of generations of professionals.
I think we're on the cusp of a generation of government, political and social leadership that come from the «outside» as barriers of entry to these fields are lowered and we see more competitive elections, which will hopefully be more content - driven.
To this, Blair replied that the change was partly generational — her predecessors were «of a generation of girls who didn't get educated.»
As people sobered up, Komisar became the conscience of a generation of start - ups that he encouraged to build businesses with a significant purpose beyond just making money.
Under Mattrick's leadership, Microsoft's most recent gaming platform, the Xbox 360, became the top seller of its generation of consoles, which includes the Sony PlayStation 3.
News of her firing comes on the same day that Zimbabwe's 93 year - old Robert Mugabe, the last of the generation of African leaders to take over from colonial rule, has had his hold on power broken by army units loyal to his former bodyguard Emmerson Mnangagwa.
FORTUNE — The launch of the a generation of Kindles — in particular the $ 299 Kindle Fire HD — has sparked a reexamination of the difference between Amazon (AMZN) and Apple (AAPL).
And yet I'm hopeful precisely because of this generation of kids.
Arminio Fraga, who worked under Lemann in the 1980s, later served as central bank chief, and now runs one of the country's largest asset - management firms, is one of a generation of Brazilian entrepreneurs who look up to Lemann.
When you invest your money with them, you can be assured of the generation of higher returns in binary options trading.
So far this week we've covered two of the three main trends that will drive China's consumer economy through 2020: the ongoing expansion of China's affluent class and the coming of age of a generation of free - spending youth.
«Many Millennials began their adult lives in the midst of the worst economic downturn in generations, and our survey reveals just how deeply and broadly the Great Recession has marked the financial lives of this generation of Americans, said FINRA Foundation President Gerri Walsh.
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