Sentences with phrase «of getting distracted»

Being able to pay more attention to social interactions, instead of getting distracted by for example ruminative thoughts or sounds in the surroundings, could help children to be more able to attend to others.
Instead of getting distracted with a flashy ICO, the MakerDAO team focused on building their project and the result is one of the first dapps that is robust and ready to scale.
For example, opt - in landing pages may not be suitable candidates for social share buttons (because you want visitors to respond to the CTA on that page, instead of getting distracted by social sharing.)
Now that my partner and I have other ventures, it's also important to us that we spend enough time on the law firm instead of getting distracted by side projects.
I argued a few weeks back that green lifestyle choices will never save us, and that there is a danger of getting distracted by I - am - greener - than - you - are pissing contests when our real challenge is creating lasting, significant change on a systemic level.
More side quests are set along the critical path, increasing the likelihood of getting distracted from the story - though it's hard to refuse either way when you're greeted by someone needing urgent help.
Would be better if he focused 100 % on the RSD instead of getting distracted by his political aspirations.
But we'd be smart to keep our eye on the real goal — improvements for all groups of kids — instead of getting distracted by the gap.
These will help online learners to focus on the important eLearning content instead of getting distracted.
Instead of getting distracted by your favorite device, use it as a tool to get motivated and stay focused.
Instead of getting distracted by and following the fads, we can look to our ancestors and human history for one clear directive: that we should eat less processed food and more whole food.
How often have we heard, focus on your own thing instead of getting distracted by the competition?
Today, most of us get distracted time to time by using Facebook, Twitter, or checking our mobile phones all the time.

Not exact matches

I have also found that tools from Google offer extensions called StayFocusd and Bock Site that can block chosen Chrome websites for specific periods of time, so you don't get distracted.
«And you wonder where he gets all of the time and energy and discipline to do it because human nature says that after you've been good at something for a very long time, you typically either get distracted or your intensity or focus wanes.
Furthermore, it is important that we not get too distracted by the stimulus debate and work together to promote an agenda for long - term economic growth for the country, which should include reform of a tax system that has grown out of control, finalizing trade agreements, kickstart a lagging regulatory harmonization agenda and ensuring young Canadians have the skills to compete in a global market place.
With all of the electronic devices at your disposal and being plugged into social media, you are bound to get distracted.
Window seats offer a nice, distracting view of the earth passing below, but the con is you can't get up and move around without jiggling your way past a couple of (possibly sleeping) fellow passengers.
Unfortunately, when you send everyone to a home page packed with multiple messages and calls to action, and navigation that distracts from the purpose of your promotion, it's difficult to get your visitors to do exactly what you want them to do (not to mention nearly impossible for you to effectively track ROAI, or return on advertising investment).
Plus, the domino effect of an employee getting distracted and affecting their co-workers could lead to more issues and reduced productivity.
If you're fuzzy about your ultimate goal, or don't keep it top of mind, then you can easily get distracted by what's shiny, easy, or attractive.
The trouble is that many of these companies got distracted, you know, starting up a company, so the data and analytics projects were back - burnered, and then allowed to go cold.
... You know, he's a leveraged buyout guy, so he had a lot of debt, and he wasn't able to continue to invest in the team the way he had been, and I think he got distracted.
The study, which wasn't named in Hollauf's column, found that subjects spent an average of only 31 seconds on their schoolwork before getting distracted by another task.
According to Sam Waltz, founder and president of Sam Waltz & Associates Business and Communications Counsel of Wilmington, Delaware, most audiences are way too sophisticated to get distracted by flashy drawings that designers tend to hold in front of executives as being what branding is all about.
«Many people are probably not even mindful of how many interruptions they get or how many things distract them as they work on finances.»
(Later, I tried out an online practice tool that Camp is making available to clients: I took the role of a computer programmer strategizing to get a raise, picking from multiple choices the best way to phrase, frame, and time my interactions with a distracted boss.
Don't get distracted by vanity metrics, and other hollow impressions that often fill marketers with a perceived sense of satisfaction.
«I'll be working to protect my new colleagues at the DNC from the attackers who would prefer to keep us distracted from our mission of getting Democrats across the nation elected.
You can not allow yourself to get distracted with the opinions of others, as great creativity is rarely inspired by the masses.
At the end of your day, review what worked, where you had the most focus and where you got distracted.
Another 4 %, or about 14,000 tweets, suggested a pedestrian was dangerously distracted while playing the game (Though the researchers» example of this, «almost got hit by a car playing Pokémon GO,» is a bit ambiguous.)
«While it's easy to get distracted by the daily drama of his campaign, let's not forget that Trump has adopted the same extreme policies embraced and advanced by the most fringe in his party.
If we get distracted — if we pay lip service to gender equality but fail to apply the true accelerators of progress in our own organizations — then we may not achieve the results we want.
Funding your living expenses in retirement should be your most important goal right now, but a lot of people get distracted by college bills — and the feeling that you're doing well, so you don't have to save so much toward retirement.
By internally, I mean, for example, that people can get distracted by someone taking a lot of time off.
Although the leaders of both countries are all too ready to pontificate upon the perils of carbon taxes, investors shouldn't find themselves getting distracted by any stump speeches.
In fact, if you're sending advertising traffic to your main website, the likelihood of that traffic getting distracted and leaving, without taking action, is incredibly high.
Peoples» attention has been distracted into speculation about of how they might get rich in a parallel universe that might exist in theory — if one accepts the narrow - minded assumptions that are being taught — but whose most important real - world consequence is to impose a debt spiral on America and other nations.
It's easy to get distracted by the plethora of trading strategies recommended online, where each new strategy you read about appear to promise more than the...
On the bankers whose reckless loans got the world into its mess, he suggested they were too distracted by «opera or the ski slopes of Davos.»
That means the progressive denizens of This Town can't get distracted by the shiny object that is our ideological champion (who, it should be mentioned, hasn't visited Iowa once this campaign cycle, has repeatedly stated she will not run for President in 2016, and signed a letter encouraging Clinton to run) primarying the presumptive nominee.
With email now tied to smartphones, it's easy to get distracted dozens of times each day due to an incoming message.
The company observed that once behind the wheel of the self - driving Lexus SUVs, the drivers got quickly distracted and stopped paying attention to the car going about on its way.
As always, the key to consistent, long - term trading profitability is simply to plan your trades and trade your plan, without getting distracted by the financial «gurus» and talking heads of mass media (turning off the TV helps in this regard).
This is why, as a professional investor who is charged with looking after my shareholders» and clients» wealth and savings, I find it distressing when corporate boards and managements get distracted from their role of maximizing shareholder value.
But it's so easy for us to get distracted thinking that getting people out of hell is the main thing in Christianity.
When people experience hardships they easily fall back on belief in the supernatural to get them out of it «Please God» «Dear God» «Oh God, I know you won't let me be tested beyond what I can bear» which distracts them from the hardship.
Absolutely, without some form of real debate I usually get distracted making jokes at other peoples expense...
The GOP wants us to get so distracted by a bunch of made - up «social issues» that we forget that it was GWB and his GOP cronies who destroyed the economy in the first place.
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