Sentences with phrase «of giant viruses»

«I'm quite confident that the current record of the genome size of giant viruses will be broken,» he says.
A newfound pair of giant viruses have massive genomes and the most complete resources for building proteins ever seen in the viral world.
But after discovering a novel group of giant viruses with a more complete set of translation machinery genes than any other virus known to date, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), a DOE Office of Science User Facility, believe that this group (dubbed «Klosneuviruses») significantly increases our understanding of viral evolution.
The discovery in 2003 of giant viruses with hundreds or even thousands of genes shattered the existing definition of living organisms3.
The era of the giant virus began in 2003 with the discovery of the first Mimivirus (SN: 5/23/09, p. 9).
A group of giant viruses called Mimiviruses was first discovered in 2003, and a handful of such groups have been reported since.
Aside from increasing the known gene pool of giant viruses by nearly 2,500 additional gene families, comparing the genes to previously discovered giant viruses revealed that the Klosneuviruses are a subfamily of Mimiviruses.
Viruses are considered nonliving, but the genetic complexity of giant viruses has some scientists questioning that categorization.
«We are going to see the real Goliaths of the giant virus world.»
The unique ability among them to encode proteins involved in translation (typically DNA to RNA to protein) piqued researchers» interests as to the origin of giant viruses.
In a study led by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI), a DOE Office of Science user facility, a new group of giant viruses has been uncovered after sifting through complex genetic datasets.
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