Sentences with phrase «of gibbons from»

Their first appearance can be traced back with a high probability to the time of the splitting of the gibbons from the line of apes and humans.

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Videos of two captive white - handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) leaping from one branch of a jungle gym to another reveal that the apes break the record for work per mass performed in a single movement by any other species to date.
A peculiar Spanish fossil from 11.6 million years ago suggests that the ancestor of all apes might have been more like gibbons and less like great apes
An international team of more than 100 scientists, policy makers and community representatives, led by international conservation charity the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), today published a new report outlining the vital steps needed to save the Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) from extinction.
«The complete sequencing of the gibbon genome was pending until now,» says Christian Roos, a scientist from the Primate Genetics Laboratory at the DPZ.
This «chromosomal disorder» is a key feature of the gibbon genome and has probably occurred after their secession from the ancestral line of the apes and humans.
In their genome analysis, the researchers discovered that the genetic information of the gibbons differs in their entirety from that of humans and of apes.
Only a couple of decades later, the political situation in China changed, making it almost impossible for foreign researchers to visit the country, and preventing Chinese scientists from carrying out any research themselves on gibbons.
German scientists tended to the view that the skullcap was that of a giant ape such as a gibbon, while English scientists tended to view it as a human, coming from either a primitive or a pathological individual, but there were plenty of other opinions.
In a study published in the Journal of Anatomy in April, researchers led by Katharine Balolia, from the Australian National University, examined the sagittal crests — a bony arch at the top of the skull — of great apes and gibbons.
In an effort to differentiate Java Man from these later finds, Dubois emphasized the apelike characteristics of his fossil, giving rise to the common myth that he had decided Java Man was just a gibbon, and had abandoned his claim for its intermediate status.
«Macaques and gibbons are known to disappear completely from forests which have been converted to rubber, and our review shows that numbers of bird, bat and beetle species can decline by up to 75 percent.»
This morning I awoke to the sound of bearded pigs rustling in the undergrowth and gibbons singing from the treetops.
The Sabangau rainforest is home to the world's largest populations of orangutans and Southern Bornean gibbons, but places like this are increasingly under threat across southeast Asia from conversion to oil palm, a crop that's used to produce biofuels for foreign markets like Europe.
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