Sentences with phrase «of gifted children»

Parents of gifted children need opportunities to share parenting experiences with one another.
We understand the unique academic and emotional needs of gifted children.
It is sometimes easy to recognize the characteristics of a gifted child at a very young age.
The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know?
But more importantly, they have the knowledge that they have made a difference in the life of a gifted child.
Of course, parents rarely know that their infant is gifted since most of the traits of gifted children don't show up quite so early.
Dealing with the issues surrounding the education of our gifted children can be emotionally draining.
This is my story, but it is a story that could be told by parents of gifted children in many different school districts.
[It's not just the parents of gifted children who get this one thrown at them.
One of the most important things for parents to understand is that the evidence for early entry and other types of acceleration of gifted children is overwhelmingly positive.
I welcome discussion of the ideas presented within the definition, as I believe discussion can only help refine our understanding of gifted children.
Early identification of gifted children (ages 3 years through 8 years) permits early intervention, which is as important for gifted children as for any other children with special needs.
In the case of gifted children early entry is often the only option they have to an appropriate education.
• Provides resources, online and in - person, for families and teachers of gifted children to help them meet the needs of these exceptional children.
Looking for regular tidbits, current news stories and other links for parents and educators of gifted children?
The design, however, may fall apart at the higher scoring levels of gifted children.
Community groups, summer camps and at home enrichment can significantly improve the experiences of gifted children and keep them engaged in learning.
Unique patterns of development can be observed within a group of gifted children, and uneven development is frequently evident in the pattern of a single child.
Most people understand that parents of gifted children provide many enrichment opportunities.
The last thing most parents of gifted children think their kids will have problems with is homework.
Truth be told ~ in the last four years ~ I must have worked with over 100 parents of gifted children ~ and the majority are kind ~ supportive ~ and positive.
Bottom Line: Experienced educators in this field may find some interesting articles here, but much of the content is aimed at those who are new to the world of gifted children.
The biggest loss to the school is the loss of the bright and creative minds of the gifted children, and how that can enrich any classroom.
Depending on the kind of gifted child you have, this statement should be taken with the appropriate dose of salt.
Without a federal law to protect the legal rights of gifted children, the responsibility for such mandates rests with the states.
Schools and districts sometimes use these brief measures as the only evaluation, resulting in an incomplete assessment of the gifted children.
These descriptions of what might be typical of a gifted child are meant to help parents understand what advanced language ability looks like.
For example, we worry about the fate of gifted children.
You can be proud of your gifted child but also unsure of how best to nourish his or her potential.
As you get more comfortable with the general idea of nurturing the interests and abilities of your gifted child, you can begin to plan some activities.
Another challenge of gifted children is that their physical development may not be as advanced as their intellectual development, but is advancing as expected for their age.
Many parents of gifted children wonder if their local school will be able to provide an appropriate education for their children.
Parents of gifted children soon discover that most books on parenting don't seem to apply to their children.
Parents of gifted children seek alternatives to public schools for one main reason: they want to give their child the best education possible.
Special populations of gifted children, such as minorities or females, may also experience more social problems than peers.
State law usually defines the types of gifted children who must or may be served with state funds, and the educational provisions allowable.
In addition, it is often difficult for traditional schools to support the needs of gifted children due to budget constraints.
Their definition of a gifted child may not describe your child, or your child's educational needs may not fit in their school.
I am told so often that «we have a gifted program» as if that should meet the needs of all gifted children equally.
The gifted and talented field's young scholars are important to increase understanding and success of our gifted children.
I had another mother of a gifted child «identify» mine in the supermarket.
Today, many teachers and superintendents react very differently to the question of the presence of gifted children in their midst.
Such a very clear description of a gifted child's experience in the classroom.
As is so often the case in gifted education, we can express the reading characteristics of gifted children by using variations on the word more.
After a few more questions from parents and students of education, it was time for the afternoon session, a panel on the social emotional development of gifted children.
The more we all speak up, the more we further the conversation and hopefully improve the lives of our gifted children!

Phrases with «of gifted children»

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