Sentences with phrase «of gifted writers»

Cicero — Much of what we know of ancient Rome is based upon the works left behind by the extraordinary number of gifted writers and orators the city produced.
To answer this demand, we make sure there is always a sufficient number of gifted writers with expertise in the variety of disciplines online.
Use the live chat feature to communicate with our team of gifted writers and select the one who may help writing a thesis statement.
Teachers of gifted writers may encourage the development of advanced writing skills through writing competitions, production in public venues, or staging of a student's original writing through drama, poetry readings, mentorships with local writers or other writing experts, or in - class response groups comprised of classmates with similar advanced writing abilities.
A work about conflict, it is itself conflicted, torn between the confidence of a gifted filmmaker and the insecurity of a gifted writer, between forcing what comes easily and making too much of what doesn't.

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Laurie Garrett, one of the globe's most gifted writers on global public health issues, has a timely and scary essay on about the nasty norovirus plaguing athletes in the Olympic village — a bug one expert calls the «perfect human pathogen.»
His first book, The End of Economic Man (1939) prompted Winston Churchill to call Drucker «one of those writers to whom almost anything can be forgiven because he not only has a mind of his own, but has the gift of starting other minds along a stimulating line of thought.»
He is a formidable reporter and a gifted writer, and this examination of America's «bubble economy» offers substance among the cuss words, outlandish metaphors, and occasional conspiracy theories.
He hasn't quite made it yet, but he has carved out a place for himself as a senior editor who is also a gifted writer, the author of some of the most memorable pieces we've published over the years.
Most patristic and medieval writers preferred to talk about miracles and miracle workers rather than charismatic gifts for a number of reasons such as the dominant gift list being Isaiah 11, not 1 Corinthians 12 and Jerome's translating charismata as «graces» (gratiae).
• Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, Memories of the Future: The most mercurially gifted of the «Odessa School» writers, Krzhizhanovsky is at last emerging from the shadows to which Soviet censorship condemned him for decades, and these seven stories are among the most attractive specimens of his bizarre, whimsical, frightening, kindly, and endlessly fertile imagination.
At times the churches explicitly joined Jarvis in her resistance; one writer in the Christian Advocate worried that Mother's Day was becoming but «a tool of commercial interests,» that the «spiritual values» of this festival of the Christian home were being obscured in an onslaught of «expensive gifts» and «falsely sentimental advertising.»
But these writers have not given equal weight to the reality of «gift
Jack Deere is a teacher, writer, and lecturer who speaks on friendship with God and on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Ruth was kind enough to send me the originals — one of the sweetest, most humbling gifts I've received as a writer, and which, in the spirit of eucharisteo, I received with thanksgiving.
He's the dean of a well - established divinity school, a Baptist theologian and an earnest Christian, a gifted writer and a theologically articulate lecturer, a champion of orthodoxy, «distinguishing heresy from truth,» and one who has rightly discerned, as Neuhaus puts it, the «pattern of Christian truth, a pattern derived from the apostolic witness and maintained across time as the depositum fidei.»
Whenever we come upon these matters in secular writers, let that admirable light of truth shining in them teach us that the mind of man, though fallen and perverted from its wholeness, is nevertheless clothed and ornamented with God's excellent gifts.18
On top of that, Rachel is such a gifted writer... you'll be warmed by her good sense, good humor, and keen eye for beauty and insight on every page.»
Even Louisa May Alcott — unquestionably a writer of substantial gifts — included puzzling things in her books.
These writers have given us a gift — often deeply personal — of their own journey and the wisdom they have learned along the way.
Individual writers will, of course, always be able to dream up deplorable but charismatic rogues with enormous appetites, like George MacDonald Frasier's Flashman or Roald Dahl's Uncle Oswald; more - ambitious artists may produce the occasional jubilant amoralist with a gift for momentarily transforming the bleak absurdity of existence into a rude carnival, like Alvaro Mutis» Maqroll the Gaviero.
In addition to being a gifted writer and thinker he was responsible for rebuilding the abbey of Buckfast in Devon, England, of which he was for many years abbot.
New Testament writers thought little, I suppose, about the «theology of money» at this rarefied theoretical level, but the New Testament does offer an illuminating perspective on the use and social effect of money, especially gifts of money.
About 850 B.C. some writer in the Southern Kingdom with a marvelous storytelling gift either wrote out for the first time, or compiled with such changes as his own personality prompted, a series of stories relating the early history of his people.
As always, exegetes obsessed by Jewish custom or eschatological expectation or charismatic gifts or psychological states may miss the highly political significance of what the Gospel writer is recording.
This is where Newman and his family are such a gift to a writer like Short, for as a group they were a portrait in miniature of the great challenges and changes of the Victorian era.
It is undeniable that Dostoevsky was a great writer, and he certainly was remarkably gifted in his ability to transmit his understanding of Christianity.
But whereas Coover believes that we can enjoy the opportunities of our dynamic present if we but realize the ultimate «vanity» of all of life, the writer of Ecclesiastes finds the human being able to be at peace only with the realization that life is a gift given by God.
Which is true of the great majority of us, whether we're writers as gifted as Laurel Snyder or not.
So here's my counter-thesis: The loss of a Catholic presence in mainstream literary culture is not because we are suffering from a dearth of gifted Catholic writers but because ideological blinders have prevented religious and secular people alike from perceiving and engaging the work that is out there.
Father Edward Oakes, S.J., distinguished theologian, gifted writer and teacher, generous ecumenist, and our friend, has died, of pancreatic cancer, at 8:00 this morning.
Once again, a New Testament writer speaks of celibacy in terms of a gift for those called to it, not a mandate.
Thomas inherited gifts of insight that frequently outran even his considerable talents as a writer.
For example, when people open up their homes to me, I try to give back a gift — as a writer, I'm often given freebies and I pass on books, tickets to an event, a bottle of wine that I know the hosts will like.
The biblical writers knew, as we may know, that it is the gift of God and that we can be safe in the Father's hands regardless of its precise nature.
What do the following authors all have in common — Jean Paul Sartre, Voltaire, Denis Diderot, Victor Hugo, Jean - Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, René Descartes, Francis Bacon, John Milton, John Locke, and Blaise Pascal: (a) They are among the most gifted writers the World has known; (b) They concentrated on opposing dogma and opening the human mind and spirit to the wonders of free thought and intellectual freedom; (c) They were intimidated by the Catholic Church and put on the Church's list of prohibited authors; or (d) All of the above.
It let us discover new universes, * languages * and different angles of Heidi Swanson beside the active and gifted food writer and recipe developer one.
thank you for the many gifts you have given us over the years, and for the gift of this book... as a writer, i know how hard this has to have been... thank you for sharing with us!
«Her understanding of nutrition is rivaled by her sense of balance and flavor, a rare gift among todays» cookbook writers
We are in December and out of the league title, already... And some fans find it normal because we are still on course for top four... I did not know that MEDIOCRITY was a quality, but again, a famous writer said that «stupidity is also a gift of God»...
Lauren is a gifted and lyrical writer whose coming - of - age tale has the reader firmly under its spell by the end of the first paragraph.
- Rachel Resnick, author of Love Junkie «Lauren is a gifted and lyrical writer whose coming - of - age tale has the reader firmly under its spell by the end of the first paragraph.
She is a true writer with the gift of summing a million beautiful thoughts into one powerful sentence.
A gifted writer, Lander set out to produce a seemingly neutral and magnanimous history of CRISPR that even an examiner at the U.S. Patent and Trade Office could understand.
Physicist and philosopher Étienne Klein, a gifted popularizer of science, stands accused of appropriating passages from other scientists, philosophers, and famous writers.
«With this new book, Brian Switek reaffirms his status as one of our premier gifted young science writers.
Charu is a teacher, counselor and writer, who is passionate about sharing the gift of yoga and inspiring people to lead more authentic, happier and fulfilled lives.
is a writer, entrepreneur and fitness professional with a Master's degree in Exercise Science, eight years fitness management experience and a desire to share the gift of health with others.
Los Angeles, CA About Blog Our fascinating Christmas Gifts blog is full of inspiring Christmas news, helpful holiday tips and Christmas gift ideas for everyone on your list!Our writers have researched far and wide to bring you unique gift ideas for your holiday gift giving.
Professionally, I'm consultant also a contractor who works with the laws of love / truth, teacher, astrologer, writer, i also wanna - be author who loves helping people unravel the misconceptions of their souls; discovering how they have organized parts of their lives around false beliefs that betray the best of who they are and the gifts they have come to give.
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