Sentences with phrase «of giggles during»

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What happened during that hour was the natural culmination of my coming to faith: I had been cracked open to the divine, I read books that I would have laughed at before the cracking, and the stars lined up and there was God, and then I knew, and then I said it out loud to a third party, and then I giggled.
January 17: Giggle along during this performance of A Plate of Cookies, a farce about two friends, the cookies they baked, and their tea time party (Boston)
During one of these «breastfeeding» sessions, two girls in the second row giggled together.
From eliciting a giggle during baby's first game of peekaboo to cracking jokes with a teenager while hanging out at the mall, Playful Parenting is a complete guide to using play to raise confident children.
During the embarrassing moment Councilman Ritchie Torres, 29, who represents the 15th District and is the youngest member of the council and is also the deputy Majority Leader and Councilwoman Vanessa Gibson, 39, who represents the 16th District and is the chair of the Council's Public Safety Committee, were captured giggling in the first pew at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel's Church as Gibson looked at her cellphone — as the Ambassador to Ghana sat less than five - feet away.
Geez, tell us how you really feel.And how are people finding the world of online dating?Despite the wealth of horror stories that may be fun to giggle over during a happy hour, a full 80 percent of Americans say that online dating is a good way to meet people.And yet, 45 percent of the people polled still saw online dating as «dangerous» compared to other ways of meeting people.
In one of the most memorable moments, she giggles as she knocks a decorative fruit tray off a table during sex.
It's especially successful during a party when Anna arrives as Vronsky leaves, and the chatty women giggle in a cluster that gives them the appearance of a single unit as opposed to individuals.
Baseline levels of dopamine are lowest during adolescence, but its ecstasy - triggering release in response to «sex, drugs, and rock and roll» and novelty, giggling, texting, chocolate cake, rugby, and risk, is higher than at any other stage of human development.
I listened to the word dozens of times during a single broadcast, sometimes succumbing to giggles.
During the ABC's little wind industry love - in, having called wind farm neighbours «dick brains», that fabricate their complaints, Annabel — giggles on cue — and proudly tells us that: «I'm going to buy a property next to a wind farm, just to express the sincerity of my resolve».
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