Sentences with phrase «of glass breaking»

The piece reveals Richards» background as a percussionist, as it segues with fine judgment of pace and impact through its spine - tingling sequence: from the relentless chant of a football crowd to the sound of breathing; the hypnotic verbal instruction «gentle»; the smash of glass breaking; children's playground chatter.
Mine is that of the sound of glass breaking.
Likewise it captures the sensory overload where everything could be a threat, from the glare of a camera to the sound of glass breaking.
I think I would be so afraid of the glass breaking while I was trying to make this, I'd have to get help with that part I pinned this on my Valentine board.
Everyone is always afraid of glass breaking, but I have never had a glass bottle actually break.
I wanted to use a plastic since I would be mailing a few of these and afraid of glass breaking.
In Mr Abdulkahar's memory, he was woken to the sound of glass breaking and assumed the house was being robbed.
The recall is the result of a glass breaking during the tea filling process.
Amidst our scurrying, in the moment of glass breaking, babies crying, bacon burning, children whining, siblings squabbling, and a tired Mama about ready to burst... the words of that man sounded in my head - «everything's all right» and «they just need you to love them.»
The speed and sequence of cars streaming onto a five - lane highway generates a music box composition (Caja de música, 2003); the cracked pattern of glass broken upon a map structures an interactive tour of incidental urban highlights (Buenos Aires Tour, 2003).

Not exact matches

If sunroofs are «just breaking [on their own],» Corsi says, «it's likely to be a manufacturing flaw,» noting «the larger the piece of glass, the smaller the margin of error.»
Breaking down the costs of the HomePod, TechInsight reveals that most of the internal components add up to about $ 58 (# 41), while the lighting parts that allow the top glass to display a glowing Siri display come at about $ 60 (# 42).
I want to have plenty of runway so that I can build the business model and the product the way that it needs to be built and not be forced into a situation where we have to break the glass of the nearest business model just to survive.
«If we were at the thickness that was introduced with the first smartphone, your phone wouldn't break in a normal drop event,» said John Bayne, vice president and general manager of Gorilla Glass at Corning, the 167 - year - old glass maker whose Gorilla 5 offering runs about 0.4 mm to 1.3 mm tGlass at Corning, the 167 - year - old glass maker whose Gorilla 5 offering runs about 0.4 mm to 1.3 mm tglass maker whose Gorilla 5 offering runs about 0.4 mm to 1.3 mm thick.
, but we chose not to include this set in our guide because of too many buyer complaints of glass shards breaking off the container.
The Wirecutter recommends a similar GlassLock set, but we chose not to include this set in our guide because of too many buyer complaints of glass shards breaking off the container.
He's said he'd take on Wall Street by breaking up the big banks and reinstating the Glass - Steagall Act, the Depression - era law that separated the speculative activities of banks from their consumer depository functions.
«They punch themselves into the market, break glass, upset people and then figure out how to bring everybody together in a more friendly way,» as Thilo Koslowski, vice president and automotive practice leader of research firm Gartner, put it to the Los Angeles Times last year.
As a rule, the software masks identifying information, Polak says: «Only when something is deemed to be a threat do you get approval from the chief privacy officer or part of the legal team to be able to break the glass» — decrypting more granular personal data — «and see who the individual is,» he adds.
This large, thick, giant water glass ends up breaking and becoming a part of my anatomy.
Steiner rattled off ideas like national legislation requiring a certain amount of recycled content to be used in packaging of new products, or removing glass from the recycling stream because it often breaks during collection and mucks up the rest of the load.
At the breaking up of this pacific and free assembly, some withdraw to the synagogue, and others to take a glass.
The company says some bottles have a flaw that may cause a small piece of glass to break off and possibly fall into the beer.
The first six shipments of custom - cut glass that CEO Ahmed Mady mailed from his Columbus Ohio - based Fab Glass and Mirror were broken by the time they reached custoglass that CEO Ahmed Mady mailed from his Columbus Ohio - based Fab Glass and Mirror were broken by the time they reached custoGlass and Mirror were broken by the time they reached customers.
This week, President Obama travels to Wall Street, where he'll demand — in light of the Street's continuing antics since the bailout, as well as its role in watering down the Volcker rule — that the Glass - Steagall Act be resurrected and big banks be broken up.
The government is a glass house which eventually will break apart when the weight of worthless digital or otherwise monetarily denominated wealth collapses.
After few acclaimed projects, such as a Driverless Car, Project Loon (a network of balloons intended for beaming internet waves to far - reaching areas), Google Glass and Smart Lenses that can monitor glucose levels in the wearer's body, the company is betting upon another path - breaking project again.
It is too long to quote in full here, but one has only to think of a few of the powerful and particular images that situate the joy of the «swinger of birches» within the real and fallen world: the ice like broken glass, the trees bent by weather, the face that «burns and tickles with the cobwebs / Broken across it,» and the eye watering «From a twig's having lashed across it open.&broken glass, the trees bent by weather, the face that «burns and tickles with the cobwebs / Broken across it,» and the eye watering «From a twig's having lashed across it open.&Broken across it,» and the eye watering «From a twig's having lashed across it open.»
I have seen a man eat a basin full of broken glasses and still live.
Blessed are us who thirst with those who are parched for a glass of clean water and who hunger with those who crave crumbs from our brushed off tables, for our God is Emmanuel, God with us, and withness breaks brokenness, and being with the broken in the world begins to breaks the brokenness of the world.
The small balls of lead, bits of glass, and stone produce large, deep bruises which are broken open by subsequent blows.
And yet... «As emergency workers - including personnel from the Red Cross and civil defense corps - responded to the explosion, «angry Christian youth started beating our staff and as a result broke the side glass of our ambulance that was on the scene to provide service,» he said.»
They hold glasses of juice and playground balls, as if on a quick break from recess.
The men had disappeared and left behind broken glass, a home in disarray, and a shattered sense of security.
As I stood there, weeping, I had a startling moment of clarity, almost like a voice broke through to me: «You've been seeing through a glass darkly.»
It looks like a dirty piece of broken glass.
Teabaggers will gladly crawl a mile over broken glass just to sniff the tire tracks of the truck that took Sarah Palin's dirty underwear to the laundry.
Trump beat out the short list of nominees made up of Hillary Clinton, who almost broke one of the highest glass ceilings; «The Hackers,» a general term for hackers everywhere who hacked into things for good; Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's president who staved off a coup; Beyonce, who Beyonce'd again; and the Crispr Pioneers, who are working on technology to alter and find DNA across species.
If they could only have cast their minds further back, perhaps they might have recalled a lost paradise: green and yellow meadows stirred by tender winds, umbrageous forests and emerald groves, glass - blue mountain peaks melting into azure skies, glittering bays whose diamond waters break in jade and turquoise surges on sands like powdered alabaster — where the rain falls gently, and is transformed by the setting sun into shimmering curtains of gold — where, beyond verdant valleys and limestone caves, lies a palace filled with every delight the senses can endure, enclosing garden courtyards where crystal fountains splash in porphyry basins, intoxicating perfumes hang upon the breezes, undying flowers of every hue shine out amid the greenery's blue shadows...
And long after midnight, when what was left of the sun's looking glass showed its face, it hid its broken reflection in the clouds, the low long banks of fog, a scrap of used paper, old parchment, ashamed to be seen.
When Kamper stomped on a glass, which marks the end of a Jewish wedding ceremony, Brooks knew she was in some way breaking her parents» hearts.
As a clear strong shaft of light is broken and diffused in passing through a dark glass, so the new Christ - life, itself so clear and strong, must yet shine through «the old Adam.»
Why, as the white radiance comes through the dome, with all sorts of staining and distortion imprinted on it by the glass, or as the air now comes through my glottis determined and limited in its force and quality of its vibrations by the peculiarities of those vocal chords which form its gate of egress and shape it into my personal voice, even so the genuine matter of reality, the life of souls as it is in its fullness, will break through our several brains into this world in all sorts of restricted forms, and with all the imperfections and queernesses that characterize our finite individualities here below.
Nazi propagandists, struck by a perverse poetry, gave to this night the name by which it has endured in memory: Kristallnacht, the night of broken glass.
A: They all crawl a mile over broken glass to sniff the tire tracks of the truck that took Sarah Palin's underwear to the laundry.
Serve these with a glass of wine or break out the fancy plates.
The reason you wouldn't want to place them directly into the freezer is so that the glass has a chance to slowly cool and then thaw back down — drastic changes of temperature for glass could result the glass to break.
Glass takes 1 million years to break down in a landfill and only 20 % of our paper, plastic and glass materials come from recycled materGlass takes 1 million years to break down in a landfill and only 20 % of our paper, plastic and glass materials come from recycled materglass materials come from recycled materials.
Going Paleo and taking a break from grains, dairy, and soy might be the stepping stone you need to find out if eating more animal proteins and less processed foods (and the occasional glass of wine; oops we said it) is what your body needs.
It is a welcomed break for my digestion and it tastes like a tall glass of pumpkin pie.
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