Sentences with phrase «of global warning»

It's long been claimed that they will eventually disappear as the sea level rises because of global warning, but when that might happen has been unclear.
While in 2006 a sizeable majority of 62 percent expressed a fear of global warning, that number has now become a minority of just 39 percent.
This would be consistent with the concept of energy - efficient to suppress the effects of global warning.
Mayor Bloomberg has not only exaggerated both the threat and the science finality of global warning, he has also trivialized it by taking safe and easy steps to reduce it.
The Bonn meeting will open days after a comprehensive review by 13 US federal agencies said evidence of global warning was stronger than ever and that more than 90 % of it had been caused by humans.
I had a glimpse of how climate change can be addressed at the community level and thought countless more projects and events like the VVC Solar Plant were needed across the country and around the globe to create awareness and mitigate the impact of global warning.
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