Sentences with phrase «of glucose transporters»

Since this study was conducted, it appears the reasons for the improvements in glucose tolerance were due to the increased expression of glucose transporter type 4.
They found similar changes in gene expression in the same genes with increased activity of glucose transporters in both the stem cells and the fat cells, Sen noted.
Wray guessed that these mutations changed the total number of glucose transporters built in the human brain.
[x] However, this study also found increased glucose uptake and activity of glucose transporters (GLUTs, they're a pretty big deal) via gene expression.
They found that certain types of glucose transporters (GLUT and SGLT) as well as their regulatory proteins were present in a higher number in type 2 diabetic rats.
Intriguingly, the Duke team discovered that the mutations didn't alter the shape of the glucose transporters.
Green fluorescent dyes in this microscopic view mark the presence of the glucose transporter, GLUT1, on the surface of lymphoblastoid cells which go on to form the lymphomas caused by Epstein - Barr virus.
Protection from disease was conferred by enforced beta cell - specific GnT - 4a protein glycosylation and involved the maintenance of glucose transporter expression and the preservation of glucose transport.
Among other things, cortisol inhibits the uptake of amino acids into the muscle cells, and also inhibits insulin from shuttling glucose into cells by decreasing the translocation of glucose transporters to the cell surface.
Contrary to popular belief supported by the leading physiology and biochemistry textbooks, there is sufficient population of glucose transporters in all cell membranes at all times to ensure enough glucose uptake to satisfy the cell's respiration, even in the absence of insulin [21].
In addition to its antioxidant properties, LA increases glucose uptake through recruitment of the glucose transporter - 4 to plasma membranes, a mechanism that is shared with insulin - stimulated glucose uptake.
In addition, leucine has been shown to modulate insulin / phosphoinositide 3 - kinase signaling in animal models (10), and cysteine has been shown to increase glucose uptake and concentrations of glucose transporter 3 and glucose transporter 4 in vitro; in rat models, dietary cysteine has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and glucose intolerance (11, 12).
The researchers showed that a two - day treatment regimen with partial or selective PPAR - γ agonists (Telmisartan and Rosiglitazone — both FDA - approved drugs) ameliorated the pathological outcomes of infection in mice by inducing expression of glucose transporters.
The research, originally done with just glucose, suggested that consuming more than 60 grams of glucose per hour offered no extra benefits because the body has a limited number of glucose transporters and can carry only 60 grams out of the intestines into the blood and to the muscles.
«We found that expression of glucose transporters is completely shut down by bacteria, leaving insufficient fuel for the immune cells to fight off the infection,» said the study's first author, Subramanian Krishnan, PhD, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at CHLA.
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