Sentences with phrase «of good shows»

As it is said in one of the best shows on tv... I am looking for my lobster, my mate for my life!
Easily one of the best shows of the year for sports fans.
I mean, Lost was for me one of the best shows ever created.
Find a couple of good shows and use that time that you usually spend sitting in front of the TV and get moving!
Both are two of the best shows period to come out in the past year.
Sometimes it doesn't take an ocean to get in the way of a good show.
One of the best shows on television in every sense (acting, writing, cinematography, directing, etc.).
A perfect masterpiece and one of the best shows of the decade.
It was one of the best shows in the area and was always packed with people from all the surrounding towns.
While preparations are still in the early stages, it already promises to be one of our best shows yet, mixing well - known numbers with original choreography: with a contemporary piece on gender politics to old school tap, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Rio de Janeiro About Blog Nightlife Guide in Rio de Janeiro, Daily Listing of the Best Shows, Clubs and Bars.
There are a lot of good shows there that, with our support, are ready for the move uptown.
Luckily, we've put together a list of the best shows on Hulu currently.
Bailly has been exceptional for United so far this term, outshining his side's more expensive signings with a string of good showings, culminating in a masterclass on Monday night at Liverpool.
Arsenal will be playing in the Europa League this season and Wenger is hopeful of a better showing that what they have done over the last few years in Champions League.
So that is a really good set of results on top of a good showing in the local elections.»
Cinematically, this is one of the best shows airing at the moment.
They also chat about this year's SXSW, the prospect of new Matrix films, and the downsides of good shows on streaming platforms nobody is subscribing to (looking at you, CBS).
When Jim Carrey isn't painting political portraits, he's executive producing one of the best shows about stand - up comedy on TV.
Flynn Sr. is loud and in your face and though De Niro's performance here is one of his better showings from the last few years, the character is over the top and demands attention and yet, Dano's Flynn Jr. plays beautifully against it and when Dano does eventually break, the confrontation is particularly difficult to watch.
Is this one of the best shows Stephen Metcalf has ever watched?!
Perhaps that's partly why this franchise elicits a measured response from me; no new family film has any chance of besting the shows and episodes retained enough to adore years and decades later.
And he's the executive producer of the best show on CBS: «The Good Wife.»
We've got videos of the best the show had to offer and I emplore you to watch Activision's facial tech one, it's just stunning.
The Walking Dead for me is one of the best shows currently on television right now alongside Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones.
From explorations into the varied meanings of «Asia» to an uncomfortably personal solo show, highlights of the best shows across the city
Many good things came from that show and catalog: a small review in the Boston Globe, and a couple of good shows here in New York City — a terrific thematic summer show with a great group of artists at the Elizabeth Harris Gallery, followed by a solo at OK Harris, where I'd had a solo a dozen years earlier, along with another thematic show there.
And, I am overjoyed to say, it is one of the best shows MoMA has ever mounted too.
The United States section of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA - USA) has announced its annual list of Best Show awards.
All (gardening) gloves are off for the annual event as they compete for the title of Best Show Garden.
All I've got to say about The Walking Dead is that not only is it one of the best horror shows ever made, but it's one of the best shows ever made.
The Eurogamer Expo 2012 has been one of the best shows yet, both in terms of the organisation and games on offer.
Then there's a new venue called the Woodward, which brings in a lot of good shows.
Parenthood remains one of the best shows on TV nobody's watching.
Then 15 months ago, they morphed into electrified baseball, one of the best shows in town.
Or the fact that I've binge watched all of the best shows on Netflix?
Let them entertain you with some of the best shows in town.
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