Sentences with phrase «of government agents»

The film provides a perfect balance of humor and action while contrasting alien fantasy with the everyday realities of government agents and law enforcement officers.
Along with giving us a peek into the private life of a government agent, the film also features a torture scene that easily could have been ripped from the series.
The latter principle recognizes the necessity of government agents being able to ensure compliance with regulations; this means permitting inspections of persons and places participating or involved in a regulated industry.
There is no evidence to date of government agents misusing the forfeiture process to steal Bitcoin, and former prosecutors, including Histed, stress that corruption is the exception, not the rule.
Many note the ways in which «cult experts» and «religious deprogrammers» reinforced what appears to have been the desire of government agents to force a violent confrontation.
But it's Jeffrey Dean Morgan, in fine fettle, who does as much structural damage as the monsters do, chewing the scenery as a swaggering cowboy of a government agent, replete with pearl - handled pistol on his hip.
With the help of her neighbor Giles (Richard Jenkins), work partner Zelda (Octavia Spencer) and Soviet mole Hoffstetler (Michael Stuhlbarg), Elisa plots the manimal's escape from the unforgiving control of government agent Strickland (Michael Shannon).
As if aware that all that stuff about Bolivian peasants pining for water might be connected, and queasily, to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (a daring cargo - jet escape is similarly cribbed from that film), Quantum of Solace does its level best to strip entire set - pieces from the Bourne series (a knife fight, the close - quarters disarming of government agents, the roof - top flight), forgetting in the process to port over the coherence of Doug Liman or Paul Greengrass choreography.
Although South Africa is praised to have progressive Constitution as well as refugee regime, the political attitude of the government agents does not allow the implementation of refugee regime.
Hunted: Skip forward a number of years and help Jodie escape the clutches of government agents as the mysterious entity unleashes its truly astonishing powers.
Set in the not too distant future, Vanquish is an explosive shooter that places you in the role of a government agent, Sam, tasked with recapturing a space station that's been taken over by Russian forces.
Playing as a group of government agents dedicated to solving the worlds problems through inspirational songs isnt something you do in a typical rhythm game — but Elite Beat Agents isn't exactly typical.
In the event of a major catastrophe, a sleeper cell of government agents dubbed The Division await the call to activate and head into ground zero.
Government domestic surveillance programs, including the NSA's secret data mining — along with the agency's collection of phone and email metadata — may not be earning accolades from Miss Manners, but it's no longer news: what you do on your phone, laptop or favorite websites may attract the attention of government agents on a mission to track and eliminate security threats.
If you have a possible claim involving the acts of a government agent and are curious about the strength of the claim or the impact of various immunity doctrines, feel free to contact us for a free case consultation.
Wounded survivors are so - called «crisis actors» in the hire of government agents.
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