Sentences with phrase «of government corruption»

And that same poll found that the issue of government corruption is not that big a deal to likely voters.
Even the radical critics of government corruption turned «royal».
The report takes many factors into account, including income, lack of government corruption, and life expectancy, which the Nordic countries all get high marks for.
The papers detailed a number of scandals, ultimately shining a light on decades of government corruption.
Eight - year term limits for statewide elected leaders and legislators and a three - month legislative session would discourage the insider politics that has caused a «staggering» level of government corruption in Albany, he said.
Working in sculpture, photography, film, installation, design, music, and architecture, Ai engages political and cultural criticism to investigate instances of government corruption and cover - ups, confronting China's stance on democracy and human rights.
Rivera Herrera's almost 20 year - long campaign is a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of government corruption, and efforts to discredit his work.
Their first task will be to compile a preliminary report about the state of government corruption by Dec. 1.
The whistleblowing has revealed a pattern of government corruption, a Tammany Hall on steriods about to blow.
His top assistant and chief of the government corruption bureau, prosecutor Christopher McPartland, often listened in live to the intercepted phone conversations.
Yet in an end of the year cabinet meeting where the governor and his aides listed the highlights of 2013, the Moreland Commission and the entire subject of government corruption received just a one sentence mention.
Since being appointed Manhattan US attorney by President Obama in 2009, Bharara has won a string of government corruption convictions, most notably against former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and ex-Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos.
The announcement took place on a small stage that had been erected in City Hall Park in Downtown Manhattan, directly behind the old Tweed Courthouse, which now houses the city's Department of Education but remains, in the public imagination anyway, a monument to that enduring icon of government corruption, Boss Tweed, who embezzled a fortune from the city under the cover of the building's construction.
@Anixx An example of a whistleblower would be a government employee bringing forth evidence of government corruption.
«Our investigation uncovered a culture of government corruption that we allege benefited those in power, their friends and families at the expense of Oyster Bay taxpayers,» Singas said.
After weeks of protest, caused in part by perceptions of government corruption, Mubarak resigned in February 2011, replaced by an interim military government.
Revelations of government corruption hardly raise eyebrows in China these days.
Tellingly, Zvyagintsev last took on the topic of government corruption with his Cannes hit «Leviathan,» here's it's the delusions brought on by materialism that are on his mind.
If you're still in the mood for some Kevin Spacey, revisit Recount, where he's on the do - gooder side of government corruption.
Just as Demme used a courtroom genre as a Trojan Horse to educate mainstream America about AIDS and homosexuality, Dallas Buyers Club uses an AIDS drama to tell a story of government corruption and a broken medical system — of one man versus The Man — that plays to 2013 sensibilities.
In his ink and watercolor paintings, Yun - Fei Ji explores and critiques China's history, its contemporary society, and the ramifications of its government corruption.
From Chicago, the home of government corruption we get this new fail.
What's really the unnecessary toll on Costa Rica's reputation here, the very curiously timed and executed arrest of Paul Watson or the continued illegal shark fin trade (which only exists because of government corruption at some level) that Watson and Sea Shepherd put themselves in harms way to prevent?
I developed an index of Bitcoin regulation in 62 countries and correlated it with a well - known index of government corruption in the same countries during 2016.
Fellow Democrats don't know what Cuomo was thinking when he launched his sharpest barb yet at NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio — over the issue of government corruption.
Governor Cuomo issued a statement calling Mr. Espada «the prime example of government corruption
Let's see if we get this straight: Ricardo Morales was fired as deputy commissioner of citywide administrative services for blowing the whistle on two instances of government corruption.
Today, Hernandez is on the forefront of a heated battle to hold the ban in the face of government corruption and industry pressure.
Fellow Democrats don't know what Gov. Andrew Cuomo was thinking when he launched his sharpest barb yet at Mayor Bill de Blasio — over the issue of government corruption.
And that same poll found that the issue of government corruption is not that big a deal to likely voters, just 1 % listed corruption as a chief concern for them in the upcoming elections.
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